How to File for Food Stamps and Welfare in Washington State
USINFO | 2013-07-30 11:36

With the rising costs of living, it is becoming harder and harder for some families to make ends meet. This applies not only to those who are unemployed, but also for those with a low or limited income. Washington State has both food stamp and welfare programs in place for people who need help. The food stamp program, called Basic Food, is designed to help families find food that is affordable and nutritious. The welfare program is named WorkFirst.

Determine whether you are eligible based on income. You do not have to take assets into account when determining this. Your income simply must be, at most, twice the Federal Poverty Guidelines before taxes.
Apply for Basic Food at the state's website, at a Community Service office or through the mail. The application will ask you about your income and the number of people living in your household. You can ask for an application by calling 1-877-501-2233.
Attend an interview with a Basic Food representative. This interview can take place anytime that's convenient for you. You can go to your local Community Services office or participate in the interview over the phone.
Supply proof of income (to verify income amounts) and expenses (rent, child care, etc.), as well as personal identification and your Social Security number.
Ascertain whether you are eligible for WorkFirst by filling out the "Do I Qualify?" questionnaire on the State Department of Social and Health Services website.
Apply for WorkFirst online or at a local Community Service location.
Participate in an interview either in person or over the phone.
Supply required documents. Usually these documents will include Social Security number, household expenses and relevant work history.


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