More and more couples are turning to fertility doctors to help them conceive. It's nothing to be ashamed of, but it does open up a whole new world of medical fraud. Most doctors in these field are reputable and trustworthy, of course, but one who abused t

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by 计阳 | 2013-12-04

Awake surgery led to suicide in April last year, the West Virginia Sherman - Size Mo's family said, because of the lack of anesthesia during surgery, Size Mo could feel every action of the doctor's scalpel biting terrible, they believe, The thing that led

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-15

A recent series of scandals at medicalschools and funeral homes has revealedthat people handling dead bodies areremoving organs and tissues withoutthe knowledge or consent of familymembers.

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-15

It was reported last month that federal health officials fined the American Red Cross nearly $9.6 million for blood management practices described as “sloppy and unsafe.”

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-15

In a ‘landmark’ legal case, the pharmaceutical giant firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) pled guilty this week to engaging in fraudulent, criminal behavior which included covering up adverse drug side-effects, promoting ineffective therapies and hiding unfavorable

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-15

Over the past 12 years, anesthesiologist Scott Reuben revolutionized the way physicians provide pain relief to patients undergoing orthopedic surgery for everything from torn ligaments to worn-out hips. Now, the profession is in shambles after an investig

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