usinfo | 2014-07-03 15:33

It can be good idea to talk about what pre-nuptial parties may be given for the couple and how they feel about these. As with most things, it is usually much easier to discuss personal matters alone first and well before they actually occur. No matter how long a couple has been dating or living together, they may as well start practicing the increased level of compromise and communication that will become more important than ever after the couple have become legally married.

In the past, at least according to legend, marriage was easily summed up. Women sought a husband for security, commitment and children. Men, on the other hand, were, or acted, less enthusiastic about marriage because it meant a loss of freedom. To this day, many women have bridal showerswhere they receive gifts, plan, and fantasize about their new life. Men, on the other hand, often have drunken stag parties designed to help ease the transition to married to life and to talk about all that the groom will be sacrificing when he becomes a married man. In case the husband-to-be needs visual assistance in understanding the true nature of his sacrifice, his "brothers" will often host the party in a strip club or hire their own exotic dancer.

In contemporary times, some women also have drunken parties with male exotic dancers. Some couples decide not to celebrate in this way and choose their own kind celebration. As with everything, the wife and husband-to-be should always do what feels right to them. It is, after all, their wedding, their marriage & their lives.

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