It's worked for films, political candidates and disaster relief, so why not real estate? Crowdfunding, the act of soliciting funds from the public, most recently via the Internet, is already a powerful tool, but, until today, was difficult to do in real e

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by Yang | 2013-12-04

How many times have you wished you could have invested in some of today's biggest stocks back when they were available for pennies on the dollar?The majority of Americans today find it almost impossible to invest in stock in their favorite companies becau

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by Yang | 2013-11-14

Home prices are upand there aren't enough homes on the market to meet buyer demand. It sounds like perfect conditions for the seller who wants to go it alone, saving the hefty real estate agent's commission.

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by Yang | 2013-11-14

It's worked for films, political candidates and disaster relief, so why not real estate? Crowdfunding, the act of soliciting funds from the public, most recently via the Internet, is already a powerful tool, but, until today, was difficult to do in real e

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by Yang | 2013-11-13

The U.S. State Department estimates that there are 1,036,300 American citizens living in Mexico, including those visiting for 6 months on a tourist visa.

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by Yang | 1970-01-01

You can't afford Manhattan. Probably you can't afford Brooklyn, either. But listen up: wherever there is a big city everybody dreams of living in, there is an alternative that gives a savvy renter all the plusses of the city at maybe half the cost.

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