The 1882 Exclusion Act prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the country and becoming citizens. It also ushered in the most violent decade in Chinese-American history, with assault, arson and murder becoming ever-present dangers for a people marginali

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by 燕婷 | 2013-08-15

The flow of immigration (encouraged by the Burlingame Treaty of 1868) was stopped by the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. This act outlawed all Chinese immigration to the United States and denied citizenship to those already settled in the country. Renewed

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by 燕婷 | 2013-07-18

On permanent display in the CHSA Wells Fargo Learning Center is an historic mural by James Leong (1929-2011), “One Hundred Years’ History of the Chinese in America.” James Leong was born in San Francisco Chinatown. His work as reporter and ad salesman for

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by 燕婷 | 2013-07-18

OF course there was a large Chinese population in Virginia--it is the case with every town and city on the Pacific coast. They are a harmless race when white men either let them alone or treat them no worse than dogs; in fact they are almost entirely harm

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by 燕婷 | 2013-07-18

Sir: -- In the absence of any consular representative, we, the undersigned, in the name and in behalf of the Chinese people now in America, would most respectfully present for your consideration the following statements regarding the subject of Chinese im

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by 燕婷 | 2013-07-18

JOHN CHINAMAN is too important an institution in California to be dismissed with a mere passing notice. There is no question connected with the development and present condition of the State to which the writer gave more patient and unprejudiced attention

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