Fingers and toes become wrinkled after being in water for long periods, and now new research explains why. The transformed skin improves our grip on wet objects.Aside from answering why we get the wrinklies after bathing, swimming and hand-washing dishes,

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by 逸文 | 2013-07-17

Thirty years ago most psychologists, philosophers and psychiatrists thought that babies and young children were irrational, egocentric and amoral. They believed children were locked in the concrete here and now—unable to understand cause and effect, imagi

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by Jane | 2013-10-08

A Texas vet claims DNA work suggests Bigfoot is a human relative that arose 15,000 years ago.

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by Jane | 2013-10-08

A study finds that the gene AVPR1A and its allele RS3 can influence maternal behavior.

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by Jane | 2013-10-08

Every parent knows that babies usa different cries to communicate different things. But now researchers say that babies’ cries actually mimic the native language of their parents, a cue that they pick up while still in the womb.

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by Jane | 2013-10-08

Do new recordings from Oregon's Blue Mountains offer good evidence of the mysterious bipedal creature known as Bigfoot? That's what some are claiming after hearing a recording of strange roars and shrieks given to The Oregonian newspaper.

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