Marketing Your Profile to Colleges
USINFO | 2013-09-23 13:35

Remember the television commercial with tennis star, Andre Agassi, where he says confidently,"Image is everything."? In the world of college admissions, there obviously has to be substance behind your application. But it doesn't hurt to work on your image a bit.
That's where your student profile comes in. What is a student profile? Well, there is no such thing as a "student profile form." You have to create an image of yourself through a number of means. The end result is that the admissions staff at the colleges where you are applying will get an overall picture of you from smaller pieces. It's the mosaic principle.
One of the pieces is your application information. Don't just quickly dash off information without first checking to see how it can help your cause. Give it some thought. Sometimes an application will ask for seemingly minor information such as, "Write a brief description of how you spent your time last summer." This is really a mini-essay. For this one, don't tell them how bored you were or how late you slept in. Tell them about your summer job and how you pursued your photography hobby. Show them that you are a vital and energetic person. Get the idea?
Another piece comes from your essay (personal statement), if one is required. This is your big chance to shine. Don't be mundane or cute. Imagine how many essays these folks have to read. Make yours stand out. Whatever your choices are for an essay topic, avoid the typical topics-- sports, pets, vacations, and so forth. Dig deep down and come up with a significant statement that applies to you in a special way. These people want to know what goes on inside Finally, don't overlook your recommendations. When you ask a teacher or your counselor to write a recommendation for you, ask them if they might be able to include some personal anecdotes about your personal characteristics. This would include anything about your character or individual traits that would enhance the aspects you put forth in your application and essay.
If you do these things, readers of your application will be able to derive a deeper and more personal picture of who you are. You'll stand out from the pile of other applicants and, assuming your academic credentials are acceptable, give you an edge in the admissions process.
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