Trying to decide whether to attend a community college or a university right out of high school is a question worthy of pondering. I’ve attended both (university, then CC, then university) and each has its pros and cons.

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by 刘貂儿 | 2013-07-18

Students in the liberal arts generally major in a particular discipline while receiving exposure to a wide range of academic subjects, including sciences as well as the traditional humanities subjects taught as liberal arts.

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by Shi | 2014-01-03

A promising company offers you an employment contract. If the numbers are right, shouldn’t you just skim the legalese, sign and celebrate?

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by Roberta Chinsky Matu | 2014-01-02

By Roberta Chinsky Matuson After landing a coveted internship, you may be expecting exciting projects that lie ahead.

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by Xuan | 2014-01-02

By Charles Purdy, Monster Senior Editor According to the US Department of Labor, the average employed adult spends 7.5 hours a day on the job. Over time, that adds up to a significant chunk of your life, so (as many people know from experience) an unhapp

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by Shi | 2013-12-26

Most people stop their job search between now and the new year. They're swamped with holiday hoohah and figure most employers are focusing more on Ho Ho Ho than Hire Hire Hire.

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