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时间:2014-01-08 15:07 来源:美国资讯网
    1885年出生的亚瑟·安达信(Arthur Andersen)在23岁的时候,成为美国伊利诺斯州最年轻的注册会计师(CPA),当时在整个美国也才仅有2200名注册会计师。在亚瑟·安达信27岁的时候,芝加哥北部久富盛名的西北大学(Northwestern University)向亚瑟发出了邀请,条件是做该学校会计学系的主管。仅仅一年后,亚瑟就成为第一个介入公众经济学领域的学者,当然亚瑟仍然留在西北大学任教,并且一教就是十年。
    1913年任西北大学教授的亚瑟·安达信和普华会计师行(Price Waterhouse)的克拉伦斯·德莱尼(Clarence Delaney)在芝加哥创立了安达信公司(原名Andersen Delaney & Co.)。当时正值第一次世界大战期间,会计师很少具有大学文凭,他们大多从学徒开始做起,在堆积如山的账册中苦熬多年才能出头。会计师的工作也仅限于核对公司的资产负债表和收益表。
    早在1914年,一家芝加哥铁路公司要求安达信认可其一笔有争议的交易,以达到降低费用、提高收益的目的。当时,安达信尚不满周岁,且正值28岁的亚瑟 ·安德森缺少现金支付工资。但他却坚决地回绝了该公司的要求,并正告:即使倾芝加哥全城之财富,也难以诱我让步。其结果不难设想,安达信立刻失去了一个审计客户。然而,数月后该铁路公司就陷入了破产。亚瑟为安达信赢得了作为一个会计师应有的声望。
    1918年,德莱尼退出,公司改名为Arthur Andersen & Co.并迅速在美国扩张,其中包括1921年开始在哥伦比亚特区开展业务。当时,安达信便提出了一个全新的业务概念——管理信息咨询,但这并不是其后来的咨询业务内容。在以后的20年中,安达信用一种“一家公司”的理念把所有办公室联系在一起。这家公司为其员工和合伙人开设了有创新意识的培训课程并树立了从业标准。
    1947年安达信去世,由于对安达信家族的所有权有争议,公司几乎破产。好在后来安达信的学生伦纳德·斯帕切克(Leonard Spacek)继承了他的衣钵,继续将公司团结在一起,建成一家主要业务为审计和咨询的公司。
    在斯帕切克掌管公司期间,安达信继续保持了其保护公众利益的姿态,发扬光大了亚瑟·安达信开创的“诚信高于利润”的传统。它曾指责拜斯海姆钢铁公司将其 1964年利润虚增60%.它还批评SEC对公司假账监管不力。坚持使用严格的会计标准,甚至牺牲本公司和其它公司的利润也在所不惜。这些业绩的直接结果是使安达信公司成为了世界上最大、最受尊敬的专业性服务机构之一。在斯帕切克离去后的很长时间里,安达信仍十分注重公众利益。
    1952年,安达信的会计师们首次帮助GE(通用电气公司)安装了一套电子系统,标志着安达信咨询业务的开始。安达信公司在1954年开始在美国成立安达信咨询(Arthur Anderson Consulting),正式进入咨询领域。安达信的咨询业务增长非常快,同时由于受到外界对于该公司,同时为企业提供会计财务审计和咨询服务而可能丧失公允性的怀疑,安达信咨询一直试图脱离安达信公司。80年代中期,会计业的竞争使审计收入呈下降趋势,事务所开始将注意力转向管理咨询。
    1989年,公司最终分拆为主营会计业务的安达信公司(Arthur Andersen)和主营IT咨询业的安达信咨询公司(Andersen Consulting)。从此咨询和审计业务分离,双方各自经营,业务范围彼此分立、相互补充。到了90年代,审计同管理咨询之间的收入差距日益明显。安达信咨询(Andersen Consulting)是从Arthur Andersen分离出来的,但收入增长远远超过Arthur Andersen.90年代后期,Andersen Consulting每年要向Arthur Andersen支付2亿美元的利润,这使安达信咨询的合伙人深感不快。同时,利润又驱使Arthur Andersen建立起自己的管理咨询部门。这不仅违反了双方的分工默契,而且形成了一定的竞争。有趣的是,安达信(Arthur Andersen)最终抵制不住咨询需求迅速增长的诱惑,开始鼓励自己的咨询部门承接业务。
    到1997 年,安达信咨询(Andersen Consulting)已经成为世界上最大的咨询公司,而安达信(Arthur Andersen)的企业咨询业务也已经跻身全球第十四名。Andersen Consulting向设在巴黎的国际商会提出了离异的要求。当安达信咨询决定最终脱离安达信时,后者认为根据协议,前者必须支付100亿美元的违约金及继续使用Andersen这一名称的费用,而安达信咨询指责安达信私自发展咨询业务,实际上已违反1989年协议在先。争端持续了两年半,2000年8月,国际商会的仲裁实现了Andersen Consulting的愿望,但以此为代价的是必须放弃“Andersen Consulting”的名称,另起炉灶。
    从1997年到2000年,漫长的诉讼使安达信公司业务损失惨重,在“五大”中只能敬陪末座。虽然安达信最终得以保留“安达信咨询”的商标所有权,原安达信咨询公司被迫更名为Accenture(埃森哲或安盛)。但是 “分家”之后,安达信只获得了10亿美元的赔偿,与它提出的150亿美元巨额赔偿要求相去甚远。
    Andersen Consulting独立后,Arthur Andersen的收入压力陡增,从而进一步刺激了其对咨询业务的欲望。总是Arthur Andersen做出让步,而决策又常常来自于最高管理层。媒体指出:丰厚的咨询收入使审计师丧失了挑战管理当局的勇气。
    但是,从1993年起Arthur Andersen却因卷入多起会计丑闻而接二连三地受到SEC的调查。几次比较重要的有:
    3.垃圾处理公司破产案,垃圾处理公司(WASTE MANAGEMENT INC.)是美国著名的垃圾处理和回收公司,1971年上市,安达信一直对这家公司进行审计。1997年Arthur Andersen的审计客户垃圾处理公司宣布对其1988至 1997年的财务报告进行调整,调整金额创下了美国历史最高记录。美国证券交易委员会向法院提供的起诉称,安达信在1992年至1996年期间“明知故犯”和“不顾后果”地为美国废物管理公司提供虚假、具有误导性的审计报告,把该公司的收入虚报了14.3亿美元。这种做法显然给投资者以错误的财务报告。 2001年6月,华盛顿联邦法庭以“欺骗及伪造账目”罪判处安达信罚款700万美元。垃圾处理公司于2002年1月宣告破产,安达信以2.2亿美元了结因垃圾处理公司的帐目问题而引起的集团诉讼。
    2001年10月安然财务丑闻爆发,美国证监会(SEC)宣布对安然进行调查。可就在同时,安达信的休斯敦事务所从10月23日开始的两个星期中销毁了数千页安然公司的文件。而公司在10月17日就已得知美国证券交易委员会在对安然公司的财务状况进行调查,直到11月8日收到证券交易委员会的传票后才停止销毁文件。2001年12月安然宣布破产。2002年1月安达信承认销毁文件,Arthur Andersen芝加哥总部提出:这是休斯敦事务所所为。2002年初Arthur Andersen将负责安然审计的资深合伙人大卫·邓肯除名。而大卫·邓肯则申辨:这是总部的授意。在初步调查的基础上,司法部于3月14日对Arthur Andersen提起刑事诉讼,罪名是妨碍司法公正,理由是该公司在安然丑闻事发后毁掉了相关文件和电脑记录,从而开创了美国历史上第一起大型会计行受到刑事调查的案例。
    注册在瑞士的Andersen World Wide是安达信全球范围内所有业务的“母”公司。行政总部设在芝加哥的安达信美国成员所通过一系列复杂的法律协议安排,和世界各地的安达信成员所建立了复杂的“合伙”关系。通过这种精密安排,和世界各地的成员所共享资源、分配利润、承担风险。安达信美国所的赔偿责任主要落在美国所和美国合伙人的身上,其他地区的业务虽有波及,但相比之下损失应该非常小。
    为逃避株连,安达信的海外公司纷纷自寻出路,脱离安达信的全球网络,2002年3月 21日安达信(香港)和安达信(中国)宣布加盟普华永道,安达信被拆掉第一块砖。紧接着俄罗斯安达信宣布并入安永;新西兰安达信也宣布并入安永;加拿大安达信宣布与普华永道进行合并谈判;西班牙安达信也宣布脱离全球体系。安达信(新加坡)、安达信(菲律宾)、安达信(台湾)的业务并入安永;安达信(日本)和安达信(泰国)等并入毕马威。这种状况可谓:从大树底下好乘凉变成树倒猴狲散;或者从同一战壕的盟友变成墙倒众人推。只可惜百年老店毁于一旦。
    2002年6月15日,安达信被法院认定犯有阻碍政府调查安然破产案的罪行。安达信在陪审团作出决定后宣布,从2002年8月31日起停止从事上市公司的审计业务,此后,2000多家上市公司客户陆续离开安达信,安达信在全球的分支机构相继被撤销和收购。而2001年财政年度的它的全球营业额为93.4 亿美元,代理着美国2300家上市公司的审计业务,占美国上市公司总数的17%;在全球84个国家设有390个分公司,拥有4700名合伙人、2000个合作伙伴,专业人员达8.5万人。
    2002年8月31日,安达信环球(Andersen World wide)集团的美国分部——安达信会计师事务所(Arthur Andersen LLP)宣布,从即日起放弃在美国的全部审计业务,正式退出其从事了89年的审计行业。
Arthur Andersen LLP, based in Chicago, was once one of the "Big Five" accounting firms among PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst & Young and KPMG, providing auditing, tax, and consulting services to large corporations. In 2002, the firm voluntarily surrendered its licenses to practice as Certified Public Accountants in the United States after being found guilty of criminal charges relating to the firm's handling of the auditing of Enron, an energy corporation based in Texas, which had filed for bankruptcy in 2001 and later failed. The other national accounting and consulting firms bought most of the practices of Arthur Andersen. The verdict was subsequently overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States. However, the damage to its reputation has prevented it from returning as a viable business, though it still nominally exists.
One of the few revenue-generating assets that the Andersen firm still has is Q Center, a conference and training facility outside of Chicago.[1]
The former consultancy and outsourcing arm of the firm, now known as Accenture, which had separated from the accountancy side in 1987 and renamed themselves after splitting from Andersen Worldwide in 2000, continues to operate and has become one of the largest multinational corporations in the world.
Born 30 May 1885 in Plano, Illinois and orphaned at the age of 16, Andersen began working as a mailboy by day and attended school at night, eventually being hired as the assistant to the controller of Allis-Chalmers in Chicago. In 1908, at age 23, he became the youngest CPA in Illinois.
The firm of Arthur Andersen was founded in 1913 by Arthur Andersen and Clarence DeLany as Andersen, DeLany & Co.[2] The firm changed its name to Arthur Andersen & Co. in 1918. Arthur Andersen's first client was the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company of Milwaukee. In 1915, due to his many contacts there, the Milwaukee office was opened as the firm's second office. In 1917, after attending courses at night while working full time, he graduated from the Kellogg School at Northwestern University with a bachelor's degree in business.
Andersen had an unwavering faith in education as the basis upon which the new profession of accounting should be developed. He created the profession's first centralized training program and believed in training during normal working hours. He was generous in his commitment to aiding educational, civic and charitable organizations. In 1927, he was elected to the Board of Trustees of Northwestern University and served as its president from 1930 to 1932. He was also chairman of the board of certified public accountant examiners of Illinois.
Andersen, who headed the firm until his death in 1947, was a zealous supporter of high standards in the accounting industry. A stickler for honesty, he argued that accountants' responsibility was to investors, not their clients' management. During the early years, it is reputed that Andersen was approached by an executive from a local rail utility to sign off on accounts containing flawed accounting, or else face the loss of a major client. Andersen refused in no uncertain terms, replying that there was "not enough money in the city of Chicago" to make him do it. Leonard Spacek, who succeeded Andersen at the founder's death, continued this emphasis on honesty. For many years, Andersen's motto was "Think straight, talk straight."
Arthur Andersen audited major corporations in the US in the early 1960s, such as Louis Lesser Enterprises, Inc..
Arthur Andersen also led the way in a number of areas of accounting standards. Being among the first to identify a possible sub-prime bust, Arthur Andersen dissociated itself from a number of clients in the 1970s. Later, with the emergence of stock options as a form of compensation, Arthur Andersen was the first of the major accountancy firms to propose to the FASB that stock options should be included on expense reports, thus impacting on net profit just as cash compensation would.
By the 1980s, standards throughout the industry fell as accountancy firms struggled to balance their commitment to audit independence against the desire to grow their burgeoning consultancy practices. Having established a reputation for IT consultancy in the 1980s, Arthur Andersen was no exception. The firm rapidly expanded its consultancy practice to the point where the bulk of its revenues were derived from such engagements, while audit partners were continually encouraged to seek out opportunities for consulting fees from existing audit clients. By the late-1990s, Arthur Andersen had succeeded in tripling the per-share revenues of its partners.
Predictably, Arthur Andersen struggled to balance the need to maintain its faithfulness to accounting standards with its clients' desire to maximize profits, particularly in the era of quarterly earnings reports. Arthur Andersen has been alleged to have been involved in the fraudulent accounting and auditing of Sunbeam Products, Waste Management, Inc, Asia Pulp & Paper, and the Baptist Foundation of Arizona, WorldCom, as well as the infamous Enron case, among others.
Two of the last three Comptrollers General of the US General Accounting Office (now the Government Accountability Office) were top executives of Arthur Andersen.[3]
Andersen Consulting and Accenture
The consulting wing of the firm became increasingly important during the 1970s and 1980s, growing at a much faster rate than the more established accounting, auditing, and tax practice. This disproportionate growth, and the consulting division partners' belief that they were not garnering their fair share of firm profits, created increasing friction between the two divisions.
In 1989, Arthur Andersen and Andersen Consulting became separate units of Andersen Worldwide Société Coopérative. Arthur Andersen increased its use of accounting services as a springboard to sign up clients for Andersen Consulting's more lucrative business.
The two businesses spent most of the 1990s in a bitter dispute. Andersen Consulting saw a huge surge in profits during the decade. However, the consultants continued to resent transfer payments they were required to make to Arthur Andersen. In August 2000, at the conclusion of International Chamber of Commerce arbitration of the dispute, the arbitrators granted Andersen Consulting its independence from Arthur Andersen, but awarded the US$1.2 billion in past payments (held in escrow pending the ruling) to Arthur Andersen, and declared that Andersen Consulting could no longer use the Andersen name. As a result Andersen Consulting changed its name to Accenture on New Year's Day 2001 and Arthur Andersen meanwhile now having the right to the Andersen Consulting name rebranded itself as "Andersen".
Perhaps most telling about who won the decision was that four hours after the arbitrator made his ruling, Arthur Andersen CEO Jim Wadia suddenly resigned. Industry analysts and business school professors alike viewed the event as a complete victory for Andersen Consulting.[4] Jim Wadia would provide insight on his resignation years later at a Harvard Business school case activity about the split. It turned out that the Arthur Andersen board passed a resolution saying he had to resign if he didn't get at least an incremental US$4 billion (either through negotiation or via the arbitrator decision) for the consulting practice to split off, hence his quick resignation once the decision was announced.[citation needed]
Accounts vary on why the split occurred — executives on both sides of the split cite greed and arrogance on the part of the other side, and executives on the Andersen Consulting side maintained breach of contract when Arthur Andersen created a second consulting group, AABC (Arthur Andersen Business Consulting) which began to compete directly with Andersen Consulting in the marketplace. Many of the AABC firms were bought out by other consulting companies in 2002, most notably, Deloitte (especially in Europe), Hitachi Consulting, PwC Consulting, which was later acquired by IBM, and KPMG Consulting, which later changed its name to BearingPoint.
Enron scandal
The Powers Committee (appointed by Enron's board to look into the firm's accounting in October 2001) came to the following assessment: "The evidence available to us suggests that Andersen did not fulfill its professional responsibilities in connection with its audits of Enron’s financial statements, or its obligation to bring to the attention of Enron’s Board (or the Audit and Compliance Committee) concerns about Enron’s internal contracts over the related-party transactions".[5]
On June 15, 2002, Andersen was convicted of obstruction of justice for shredding documents related to its audit of Enron, resulting in the Enron scandal. Nancy Temple (Andersen Legal Dept.) and David Duncan (Lead Partner for the Enron account) were cited as the responsible managers in this scandal as they had given the order to shred relevant documents. Since the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not allow convicted felons to audit public companies, the firm agreed to surrender its CPA licenses and its right to practice before the SEC on August 31, 2002 - effectively putting the firm out of business. It had already started winding down its American operations after the indictment, and many of its accountants joined other firms. The firm sold most of its American operations to KPMG, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young and Grant Thornton LLP. The damage to Andersen's reputation also destroyed the viability of the firm's international practices. Most of them were taken over by the local firms of the other major international accounting firms.
The Andersen indictment also put a spotlight on its faulty audits of other companies, most notably Waste Management, Sunbeam, the Baptist Foundation of Arizona and WorldCom. The subsequent bankruptcy of WorldCom, which quickly surpassed Enron as the then biggest bankruptcy in history (the record is now held by Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual) led to a domino effect of accounting and like corporate scandals that continue to tarnish American business practices.
On May 31, 2005, in the case Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States, the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously reversed Andersen's conviction due to what it saw as serious flaws in the jury instructions.[6] In the court's view, the instructions were far too vague to allow a jury to find obstruction of justice had really occurred. The court found that the instructions were worded in such a way that Andersen could have been convicted without any proof that the firm knew it had broken the law or that there had been a link to any official proceeding that prohibited the destruction of documents. The opinion, written by Chief Justice William Rehnquist, was also highly skeptical of the government's concept of "corrupt persuasion"—persuading someone to engage in an act with an improper purpose even without knowing an act is unlawful.
Since the ruling vacated Andersen's felony conviction, it theoretically left Andersen free to resume operations. However, the damage to the Andersen name was so severe that it has not returned as a viable business even on a limited scale. There are over 100 civil suits pending against the firm related to its audits of Enron and other companies. In addition, its reputation was so badly tarnished that no company wanted Andersen's name on an audit. Even before voluntarily surrendering its right to practice before the SEC, it had many of its state licenses revoked. A new verb, "Enron-ed" was coined by John M. Cunningham, the former Arthur Andersen Director in the Seattle Office, to describe the demise of Arthur Andersen.
From a high of 28,000 employees in the US and 85,000 worldwide, the firm is now down to around 200, based primarily in Chicago. Most of their attention is on handling the lawsuits and presiding over the orderly dissolution of the company.
As of 2011, Arthur Andersen LLP has not been formally dissolved nor has it declared bankruptcy. Ownership of the partnership has been ceded to four limited liability corporations named Omega Management I through IV. As of 2011, Arthur Andersen LLP still operates the Q Center conference center in St. Charles, nowadays mostly used for Accenture trainings.
( 编辑:Lingli)
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