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Duke University杜克大学
时间:2015-10-15 15:49 来源:Admin5


    杜克大学(Duke University)成立于1838年,是一所著名的私立综合研究型大学。杜克大学在美国社会和高等教育系统中具有极其重要的地位,有着世界性的影响力,而且还是美国南方最好的大学。2012年被《华尔街日报》列为全美第6名,被《美国新闻与世界报道》列为全美第10,世界第14。杜克大学图书馆藏书量列全美大学第3,仅次于哈佛和耶鲁。不同于其它顶尖的学术大学,杜克大学的体育,尤其是篮球十分有名并且是美国最佳的篮球名校。其男篮主教练老K教练因在NCAA出色的战绩,也同时被聘为美国男篮主教练。
  杜克大学(Duke University) 创建于1838年,是一所私立的研究型大学。杜克大学前身为三一学院(Trinity College),在1924年为纪念北卡州的烟草大亨James B. Duke和他得父亲


          Washington Duke对学校的无私捐助而改名为今天的杜克大学。截止2010年,杜克大学基金会共有58亿美元的私募基金,包括杜克家族在1924的给学校4000万美元的捐助。杜克大学占地8,610英亩(约合34.8平方公里)是美国校园面积最大的私立学校,位于美国东南部的北卡罗莱纳州的达勒姆市(Durham,NC),与教堂山(Chapel Hill)及北卡州首府罗利(Raleigh),共同构成人文与地理上著名的"北卡三角区",是美国第三大生物医学科技及相关产业的集中地。不过杜克的知名度已经远远走出北卡,作为世界顶级的研究型大学而为世人熟知。杜克的本科排名名列前茅,且商学院、神学院、工程学院、环境学院、法学院、医学院、护理学院和公共政策学院等都是各自领域内的佼佼者。 




  杜克大学同时一所国际性的大学。本部有超过两千名留学生,教授二十五门外语,从巴西音乐到非洲舞蹈,艺术课程也是包罗万象,学校里有为基督教徒、犹太 教徒、穆斯林、印度教徒和其它宗教信徒所提供的各种宗教活动。将近一半的杜克本科生走出我们的校园,留学海外。与此同时,杜克与来自新加坡、中国、印度、 俄罗斯、英国、迪拜、坦桑尼亚等国家的三百多所国际院校建有合作关系。
  杜克大学的特别之处不仅在于对学术优异的追求,更包含体育和其它相关领域。杜克大学认为“杜克经历”远远不止于课堂授课。假使你成为杜克的一员,杜克会邀请你把脸涂成蓝色,为杜克的杜克男篮队(外号Blue Devil)加油助威,或者尝试其他一些你从未经历过的活动。当你完成学业,杜克的众多职业发展项目可以帮你找到理想的工作,或者进一步深造。离校后,学生可以通过四十多个国际校友会与其他杜克毕业生社交联络。
  2010年1月22日,杜克大学在中国江苏省昆山市开工建设杜克昆山大学,并将于2013正式授课。这是继英国诺丁汉大学宁波分校,纽约大学上海分校,西交利物浦大学 ,UIC之后,世界顶尖大学在中国创办的具有法人资格和独立校区的综合性大学。



  杜克大学的前身是布朗学院的一个分校,由教士Brantley York所领导的循道宗信徒和贵格会信徒所管理。 
  1851年,学校改名为师范学院(Normal College)。
  1859年,因受到卫理公会教堂的捐助而改名为三一学院(Trinity College),当时学校的校训是“知识和宗教"。1878年,玛丽,皮尔斯,特里萨吉尔成为学校第一批被授予学位的女性。1881年宋嘉澍(英文名Charlie),也就是中国近代历史上宋氏家族的创始人,成为学校的第一个国际学生。


  1892年,三一学院因受到慈善家朱利安•卡尔(Julian Carr)和烟草大亨华盛顿•杜克(Washington Duke)先生的捐助,从三一镇(Trinity Town)迁至达勒姆(Durham)的新校区。其中朱利安•卡尔主要捐赠了地皮,即杜克大学的原址,也就是现在被熟知的东校区。华盛顿•杜克先生于1892年捐赠了$85,000的现金,主要负责对新校址建筑施工的援助,并在此之后,分别于1896年,1899年,和1900年各追加了$100,000的现金捐赠,用于学校的学术研究。
  1924年,华盛顿•杜克的儿子詹姆斯•杜克(James B. Duke)捐赠了一笔高达4千万美元(相当于2011年的6亿2千万美元)的捐款成立杜克基金(The Duke Endowment),用以赞助他的家乡达勒姆市周围多所高等教育机构与医院的营运。当时也列在受馈名单的三一学院董事长威廉•普莱斯登•富(William Preston Few)坚持学校应该改名为杜克大学以感谢杜克家族的善心,在詹姆斯•杜克的同意之下,学校改名为今日现名以纪念杜克的父亲与他的家人。学校于1925年至1927年期间重修了东校区,并在1930年开始修建哥特式建筑风格的西校区。其中最著名的建筑是耗资二百三十万美元杜克大教堂(Duke Chapel),从1930年开建至1935年建成。教堂是由朱利安•阿倍勒,美国最早的著名非裔建筑师设计,可以容纳约1600人。教堂高210英尺,为达勒姆市的最高建筑物之一。
  1942年,杜克大学承办了唯一一次在洛杉矶市之外的NCAA玫瑰碗总决赛(美国大学橄榄球思大碗之首)。学校还在二次大战中承办了为美国海军训练人才的V-12 Navy College Training Program项目。

  现任校长理查德•H•布劳德海德(Richard H. Brodhead)在谈及杜克大学和中国的关系时表示:
  “杜克大学像所有美国优秀大学一样,都需要在全世界吸引最优秀的人才,包括吸引教师、教授,以及最优秀的学生,毫无疑问我们吸引的人才当中不管是学生和老师很大一部分将来自于中国。” “体育队的成功给我们带来一种优秀的形象,代表一种卓越的形象。任何卓越都是一种形象,这种卓越的形象带给我们最高层次的优秀的感觉,让我们知道人们都应该向这种最高层次的优秀去努力,首先是这样一种概念性的东西。” “没有学生仅仅因为篮球而来到我们杜克大学读书,当我们一切都很优秀的时候有这么一个篮球队也没有什么坏处啊。” “同样在中国也发现我们杜克法学院、商学院、医学院和中国很多的相关机构都有合作,我这次来就是想了解合作的细节,并且我作为校长鼓励他们取得更好的成果。”
  2010年1月22日,杜克大学在中国江苏省昆山市开工新建了杜克昆山大学,这是继英国诺丁汉大学宁波校区、(苏州)西交利物浦大学、 上海纽约大学之后,更为领先的世界顶尖大学在中国境内创办的具有法人资格和独立校区的综合性大学。杜克大学新校区占地1.5W平方公里,将融合中西方文化元素,做到既雄伟又雅致,并打破院系独立模式,适应多学科开放交融的教学要求。新校区还设有研发中心、实验室及孵化空间等。
  杜克体育异常出色,是美国私立名校的代表。美国体育频道ESPN评出美国十大篮球名校,杜克力压北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(简称“北卡”)、堪萨斯大学,以绝对优势排名第一,当之无愧的篮球第一名校。杜克的学生体育好是出了名的,被认为 “杜克有全世界最好的篮球队”。作为全美最著不同于世界上很多顶尖的学术名校,杜克大学的体育异常出色,是美国私立大校的代表。杜克大学简称蓝魔(Blue Devils),直属NCAA第一等级(Division I)的ACC赛区(Atlantic Coast Conference),同赛区的学校有波士顿学院,弗吉尼亚大学,马里兰大学,乔治亚理工,弗罗里达州立,克莱门森大学,迈阿密大学,弗吉尼亚理工,维克森林大学,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,和北卡罗来纳州立大学。在2013年雪城大学和匹兹堡大学也将加入ACC赛区。
  杜克有着十分深厚的篮球文化,美国体育频道ESPN 2011评出美国十大篮球名校,杜克力压北卡教堂山大学、堪萨斯大学,以绝对优势排名第一,是NCAA当之无愧的篮球第一名校。杜克有全世界最好的篮球队,杜克于1991年,1992年,2001年,和2010年,四次获得NCAA男子篮球的冠军。”老K“教练(Michae.l Krzyzewski,也是目前美国国家篮球队的教练")是杜克大学的篮球队主教练,执教杜克大学多达30年,在2011年11月16日,他赢取了NCAA篮球历史上获胜场数最多的主教练(903场)。在”老K“教练时代,杜克共为NBA输入51名球员,有乔丹接班人格兰特希尔、原火箭队前锋巴蒂尔、姚明同级探花秀邓利维、芝加哥公牛队主力布泽尔、费城76人队的中锋埃尔顿•布兰德,以及2011被骑士队选中的状元埃文等。杜克的篮球理念是注重团队配合,球员篮球智商一般比较高。
  杜克大学是美国最优秀的大学之一,且为美国南部最好的私立大学。相比美国的常春藤盟校(IVY League)的佼佼者:哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿,杜克大学虽然历史较短,但无论是学术水准还是其他方面都能与常春藤名校相抗衡学,学生曾经一度戏称哈佛大学是北方的杜克。该校长期排名美国前十,并于2002年至2007年期间一度排名前5,其中杜克大学医学院,福库商学院(The Fuqua School of Business),和法学院是杜克大学最著名的三个学院。[1]

2011年 美国新闻与世界报道《U.S News & World Report》世界大学排名 14
2011年 QS世界大学排名 19
2011-2012年 英国泰晤士报《The Times》世界大学排名 22
2012年 美国大学表现评估中心大学排名 6
2011年 美国华尔街日报《Wall Street Journal》大学排名 6
2011年 美国《The Chronicle of Higher Education》大学排名 7
2012年 美国商务周刊 《BusinessWeek》大学排名 8
2012年 美国新闻与世界报道《U.S News & World Report》最具价值大学排名 9
2012年 美国新闻与世界报道《U.S News & World Report》美国大学综合排名 10

2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》黑人历史学排名 1
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》医师助理学排名 1
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》文学批评与理论学排名 2
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》性别与文学排名 2
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》美国现代文学排名 3
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》环境政策及管理排名 3
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》市场学排名 3
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》生物医学工程排名 4
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》老年病理学排名 4
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》高级工商管理硕士排名(EMBA) 4
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》国际商务排名 4
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》内科医学排名 5
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》医学院排名 5
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》女性健康学排名 5
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》公共政策分析学 5
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》拉丁美历史学排名 5
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》社会心理学排名 6
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》医疗政策与管理学排名 6
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》政治理论学排名 6
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》疫苗学排名 7
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》护理院总排名 7
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》非盈利机构学排名 7
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》社会政策学 8
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》核能学排名 8
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》临床心理学排名 9
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》政治学排名 9
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》美国政治学排名 9
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》管理学排名 9
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》公共关系学院总排名 10
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》统计学排名 10
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》英语学排名 10
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》法学院总排名 11
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》麻醉护理学排名 11
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》商学院总排名 12
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》金融学排名 12
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》生物科学排名 13
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》理疗学排名 13
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》历史学排名 14
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》社会学排名 14
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》经济学排名 19
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》心理学排名 23
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》数学排名 24
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》计算机科学排名 27
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》物理学排名 30
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》工程学院总排名 31
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》化学排名 45
2012 《美国新闻与世界报道》地球科学排名 45
  宋嘉澍:杜克大学历史上第一位国际学生。1881年入学,后转入范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)攻读神学。1886年回到上海后为实业家及传教士,倾全力协助孙中山进行革命事业,几次濒临破产。夫人倪桂珍先后于1889年生下长女宋蔼龄、次女宋庆龄(1893)、长子宋子文(1894)、三女宋美龄(1897)、次子宋子良(1899)、三子宋子安(1906),并成就了中国近代史上出现了前所未有的“蒋宋王朝”。
    梅林达•盖茨:世界首富比尔盖茨的夫人,成立了拥有31.9亿美元的“比尔及梅林达 盖茨基金会”,是目前为止美国最大的慈善基金会。她还是杜克大学上届校董会主席。
  Gary L. Wilson:现任美国西北航空公司CEO。
  Karl von der Heyden:现任百事公司CEO。
  Gerald Hassell:现任美国纽约银行梅隆公司主席及CEO。
  William C. Styron:分别因1968年的小说《The Confessions of Nat Turner》和1979年的小说《苏菲的选择》两次获普利策奖。
  Anne Tyler:因小说《Breathing Lessons》获1988年普利策奖。
  “老K”教练:全名Michae.l Krzyzewski,是目前美国国家篮球队的教练。老K教练虽然不是毕业于杜克大学,但因执教杜克大学男子篮球队长达30年之久而闻名。在他执教时期杜克大学11次闯进最后的四强决战并有4次问鼎NCAA男子篮球冠军(1991,1992,2001,2010)。在2011年11月16日,他创造了NCAA篮球历史上获胜场数最多的主教练(903场)。 
  埃尔顿-布兰德(Ealton Brand):现役NBA球员,现于费城76人队。曾入选全明星和美国国家男篮“梦之队”。在两次梦之队之旅中分获奥运会铜牌和世锦赛第三名。
  1. 商学院(The Fuqua School of Business)
  2. 医学院(School of Medicine)
  3. 法学院(School of Law) 
  4. 公共政策学院(Sanford School of Public Policy) 
  5. 文理学院(Trinity College of Arts and Sciences) 
  6. 工程学院(Pratt School of Engineering) 
  7. 神学院(Divinity School) 
  8. 护理学院(School of Nursing) 
  9. 环境与地球学院(Nicholas School of the Environment)
  10.研究生院(The Graduate School)
  福库商学院(The Fuqua School of Business)成立于1969年,1970年才开始招生。相对于那些历史悠久的商学院来说,福库商学院在强手如
  整体上讲,杜克医学院(School of Medicine)是杜克大学的招牌学院,为仅次于哈佛和约翰霍普金斯大学的医学院,为美国排名前三的医疗机构。2012年美国新闻和世界报道中,杜克大学医学院名列在全美最佳的研究型医院第5位。杜克大学临床研究所是历史最为悠久,是全美的同类学校中规模最大的学术团体。[1]医学院在杜克校园内设有30个学术和实习中心,学生有大量的机会参与真正的医疗研究工作。
  法学院(School of Law)成立于1930年,一直以来是美国公认的最好的法学院之一,曾经培养出美国第37任总统尼克松和智利第33任总统里卡多•拉戈斯。法学院特色专业包括商务,比较法和国际法、环境法和知识产权。法学院的录取十分困难,和医学院、商学院并列为最难进入的学院。法学院还与杜克大学研究生院,神学院,商学院,医学院, 尼古拉斯环境与地球科学学院、公共政策学院开设联合学位。大约25%的法学院学生攻读联合学位。2012年的《美国新闻与世界报道》法学院排行中,杜克大学名列第11位及法律事务所雇主排名第8位。[1]其著名学术期刊有《杜克法律杂志》和《杜克法律与技术评论》。
  公共关系学院(The Sanford School of Public Policy)由杜克大学前校长Sanford先生于1970年创办,Sanford先生还曾先后北卡罗来纳州州长和美国议会议员。当初建院的目是为了研究和分析当今世界存在的问题。2009年,公共关系学院正式成为杜克大学的第十个学院,并搬进了新建的独立教学楼。经过近40年的发展,公共关系学院成为美国著名的现代政策研究和分析中心,2012年的《美国新闻与世界报道》公共关系学院排行中,杜克大学公共关系学院名列第10。
  工程学院(Pratt School of Engineering)的生物医学工程系一直以来是美国在这个领域最好的几个系,其研究方向广泛,研究力量强大。从研究方向来讲,可以分成器官工程学和成像两大方向。器官工程学方向主要包括分子,细胞,血管,心脏,骨骼,神经模拟和药物传输系统等等。成像方面主要包括生医成像,生医光电,超声等方向。杜克大学最顶尖的医院和医学院为生物医学工程系的项目提供了强有力的补充和支持。其与商学院在产品商业化和医疗健康管理等方面的合作更是独出一帜。 另外工程学院的电子与计算机工程系近几年来不断扩充师资力量,发展迅速,吸收了许多各方向顶尖学者。这些学者的到来不仅提升了原有专业的科研实力,同时也开辟了许多新的前沿研究领域。主要分为电子工程和计算机工程两大方向,前者包括光电子,微电子,电磁与微波,微系统和信号处理。后者包括检测与设计自动化,计算机结构,生物计算以及无线网络。电子工程方向教授较多,拥有许多国际顶尖实验组,如Metamaterial, Computationa lelectromagnetics, Signal processing 以及Microfluidic biochip等。计算机工程方向教授数量相对较少,但发展很快,拥有Wireless network,Soc testing等本领域领先研究组,电子系教授 Romit Roy Choudhury 的micro-blog 在其领域中引起了很大的反响,被英美多家媒体,网站报道;电子系教授David Smith 的隐形斗篷已经在在全世界范围引起了极大的关注,并被评选为美国2008十大科技发现之一。
  杜克大学的尼古拉斯环境与地球科学学院是全美最大的环境学院之一,与其并列的有耶鲁大学的森林与环境学院,密歇根大学的环境与资源学院,加州大学圣塔巴巴拉分校的Donald Bren环境科学与管理学院,以及纽约州立大学的环境科学与森林学院。环境学院成立于1991年,分为环境科学与政策、地球与海洋科学、海洋实验室(1938)。其中海洋实验室位于北卡东海岸美丽的Beaufort地区,距Beaufort海峡仅150码。新的统一的学院院址正在规划筹备中,将于不久的将来兴建。
  环境学院因校友Peter M. and Ginny Nicholas夫妇的慷慨资助而得以大力发展,1995年学院便是因接受他们的2千万美元资助而更为此名。2003年又接受了他们的7千万美元资助。这是当时杜克大学历史上收到的最大的单笔捐赠,也是美国环境教育史上收到的最大捐赠。这笔资助的很大一部用以成立环境政策研究所 ,作为沟通学术与政治的桥梁,用环境学院的科研成果影响美国环境政策的制定。环境学院的学科分布在全美环境学院中最广,交叉性极强。如环境科学与政策分部包括生态系统科学与管理,环境化学和毒理学,水力和大气科学,以及环境社会科学四大方向。地学分部包括海洋与气候,地表过程分析和固态地球过程分析三大方向。海洋实验室包括海洋生物、生态、生理、生化和政策等诸多方向。
  申请手续费: US$ 75
  *海外生学费: 约US$ 23104
  *出外租住: *生活费: 一年约US$ 10000
  奖学金(约13531美元)Robertson Scholars Program,University Scholars Program

  2005年10月2日,Nasher艺术博物馆落成。这座现代博物馆投资 2,300万美元,占地面积6,120平米,在风格上传承了杜克校园的哥特式与乔治式建筑风格。该艺术博物馆意图建成杜克大学校园风格独到的地标性建筑,为杜克大学提供吸引学生、教员、校友和访客的强力磁石,并成为杜克大学与 Raleigh/Durham 社区的文化生活中心。其拥有1.3万件艺术品,其中包括Andy Warhol,Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec,和Pablo Picasso的作品。除此之外,它还有可以用作教室和展览厅的房间。
  Nasher艺术博物馆由 5 个功能各异的柏拉图式单体建筑组成,一个用作永久馆藏、两个用于临时展示、一个用作礼堂,还有一个用作教室、咖啡馆、行政处等配套设施。这5个独立的场馆围绕场地上一个缓坡的高点而建,呈舒缓的放射状,中间围合出一个不规则的五边形庭院,其上空以玻璃与钢架材质的轻型天蓬覆盖,形成整个博物馆的大厅,并被设计成雕刻艺术品展馆。场馆间开阔的空间为大厅带来了良好的视野。为了模糊内外部空间的界限,大厅的地面设计一直延伸到大厅外围,勾勒出入口门廊和一个独立的露台咖啡馆。5 个场馆以面积有限的门窗幕墙形式集合成一个建筑整体。建筑的主要建材“杜克石”赋予建筑优良的质感和温暖的大地色调,这种暖色调的本地石块被广泛运用于杜克校园中的其他老建筑身上,从而营造了互为呼应的和谐之感。
  杜克大学拥有包括7,200英亩(29 平方公里)的杜克森林在内之8,610英亩(34.8平方公里)土地,以及建于其上的220座建筑,校园中心的最高建筑物是杜克大教堂。在大西洋岸边的Beaufort,杜克大学拥有一座占地15英亩的海洋实验室。校内有免费的公交线路每天持续运行,连接着各个校园。
  学生常把西校区校园称为“哥特式的乐园”。这个绰号来自于校园西区里哥特式复兴运动(兴起于18世纪的英格兰)时期的建筑。这些建筑大部分由Julian Abele设计,她是美国第一批黑人建筑师。主体的方庭属于非常朴素和早期的建筑风格,与之相对的是,学院方庭的建筑显现出了晚期的法国和意大利建筑风格的影响。
 成立于1931年的杜克森林(Duke Forest)目前占地29平方公里,分六个片区坐落在杜克大学西校区西面。它是全美最大的持续保养森林之一,其所有的管理记录都被完好地保存了下来。直到今天,杜克森林仍然诠释着多种不同的森林形式及造林学上的意义。森林还被广泛地用于各类研究,现拥有水层研究装置,森林碳转移存储设备,两座用于微气象学研究的高塔,以及其它用于研究动物行为及生态的区域。长达数英里的步行小道绵延穿过森林,特别适合人们在此放松娱乐,排名全美前列的杜克男子和女子越野长跑队便时常在此训练。
    杜克花园(Sarah P Duke Garden)建于三十年代早期,占地223,000平方米,是杜克校园里主要的景点之一。分为三个主要部分:主梯田及其周边,H.L.Blomquist本地植物园,以及Culberson亚洲植物园。有长达8公里的林荫小径穿过Doris杜克中心及周围的花园。

2012年本科入学申请数 31,600,录取率 11.9%既3,753名学生被录取,最后约1700名新生选择进入杜克大学就读。本科入学新生SAT以及ACT平均分数段:
 文理学院 工程学院
SAT阅读 680-780 690-770
SAT数学 690-790 760-800
SAT写作 690-790 710-790
ACT* 总分 31-34 33-35
平均SAT总分:(美国高考,满分2400,10分为一段) 2060~2360 (文理);2160~2360 (工程);
  平均ACT总分:(ACT为美国大学入学考试,满分36) 32~35;
    商学院 MBA
  平均GPA 3.5
  平均GMAT(商学院入学考试,满分800) 710
  2011年学费:72,629 美元
  平均GPA 3.62~3.84
  平均LSAT(法学院入学考试,满分180) 170
  2011年学费:72,621 美元
  平均GPA 3.8
  2011年学费:77,000 美元
2011年学费:39,150 美元


Duke University Introduction

If Duke University’s location in Durham, North Carolina, conjures up images of a staid institution in a lethargic southern town, a closer examination of Duke will change those impressions. Set in the middle of the state, this 8,000-acre campus exudes the energy and entrepreneurial spirit of the Research Triangle Park area, Duke’s home. Just as the region is a relatively recent hotbed for economic development and growth, Duke is a relatively young university that pulses with activity and enthusiasm.
Complemented by eight graduate and professional schools, Duke’s Trinity College of Arts and Sciences and the Pratt School of Engineering have climbed to the top tier of undergraduate programs.

Duke is an institution full of surprising and pleasant contrasts. The most dramatic and immediately apparent contrast is the widely divergent architecture of Duke’s West and East Campuses. West Campus features the soaring 210-foot-tall chapel framed by Gothic buildings, creating an inspiring picture of intense academic pursuit.
On the other hand, the Georgian architecture and long, lush lawns of the East Campus convey a sense of relaxation and peace. Weekends on East are often filled with outdoor concerts, Frisbee on the quad, and sunning students.

In the same way that the architectural styles of the campuses work together to create a magnificent place to grow academically, emotionally, and spiritually, the intense nature of Duke’s academic program is enhanced by a sense of balance and perspective as students engage in a wide array of interesting activities and events.
With eighty-six percent of the student body coming from outside North Carolina, and a significant international and minority presence, the university is a model of diversity. Student backgrounds vary from America’s top prep schools to large public schools in some of the country’s most impoverished areas. In the midst of this divergence of experiences, however, Duke has created a unique sense of “family” among its community members. This closeness is evident in the informal chatting of students crossing Duke’s pristine quads or in the chaos of the Cameron Crazies cheering for Duke’s revered basketball team.

Some students cite Duke’s friendly environment as the reason for such a close-knit community. Others believe that the students attracted to Duke represent multi-dimensional, engaged individuals with common desires to excel in every activity while they develop lasting relationships in the process.

This camaraderie often stops at the campus gates during athletic seasons, however, since Duke is in close proximity to two of its primary athletic rivals, North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Outside of sports, however, Duke utilizes its relationships with these schools to benefit its students.

An inter-library loan program allows the three schools to share resources, enhancing Duke’s impressive library collection of more than 4.8 million volumes. In addition, Duke students can cross-register at the other campuses, greatly expanding the number of available courses. These relationships have also translated into a large number of local internships available to students during the academic year or the summer.

The energy and electricity of the Duke experience is reflected in and, in many ways, created by the dynamic leadership of Duke’s most recent presidents. President Richard H. Brodhead came to Duke in July 2004 from Yale University, where he taught for thirty-two years and served as dean of the undergraduate college for eleven years. President Brodhead succeeded Dr. Nannerl O. Keohane, who served as president of Duke from 1993 to 2004. Both President Brodhead and former President Keohane have been actively involved in undergraduate affairs and have worked to improve the quality of the academic and co-curricular programs at Duke.

The active, inclusive climate at Duke has given the campus a feeling of constant change. Students are encouraged to share ideas and participate in the affairs of the university. There is a sense that Duke is not interested in resting on its laurels but constantly and creatively thinks about ways to grow and develop.

While Duke’s Trinity College traces its origins to 1838, Duke University was created in 1924. Because of its relative youth as a university, Duke does not boast graduating Revolu -tionary War heroes or America’s earliest presidents. However, alums like Judy Woodruff, Elizabeth Dole, Gary Wilson of Northwest Airlines, and Phil Lader, founder of the famed Renaissance Weekends and an ambassador to Great Britain, represent the current generation of political and corporate leadership. Duke is fast becoming a training ground for top participants in American and international affairs. The Terry Sanford Institute’s Hart Leadership Program is a special program that brings together classroom, extracurricular, and internship experiences to prepare students from different majors to think about lessons of ethics and leadership. This is just one way that Duke instills a sense of responsibility and challenge in its graduates as it continues to produce tomorrow’s leaders.

Duke is uniquely positioned to provide students who want the opportunity to develop and learn. No other school in the country has such a strong sense of possibility throughout its campus. Under the leadership of President Brodhead, it is certain to become the leader in higher education for the century. This aggressive positioning involves and excites students who are working to make Duke’s vision of excellence a reality. In this move to preeminence, however, Duke never loses sight of its commitment to develop and foster personal relationships among students, faculty, and the entire university community. It is common to find Duke grads congregating at parties or events around the country, watching Blue Devil basketball and sharing stories of their student days. Their loyalty to the university speaks volumes of the power of the Duke undergraduate experience.

In the end, Duke is transforming. Students who are fortunate enough to enter the“gothic wonderland” will find challenge and reward. On the road to gaining these rewards, however, students also build the kind of relationships that last and will encounter opportunities to actively lead in all settings—laboratories, classrooms, athletic fields, organizations, and living groups.

After four years, you will feel refreshed, renewed, and ready to excel in new settings with a cadre of “family” members to assist you on the way. I can hardly think of more precious experiences to gain from college.

Duke University Academics

Duke’s motto, Eruditio et Religio (Erudition and Religion), signifies the university’s commitment to infuse learning with moral responsibility, and to use the educational experience to enlighten others and help communities.

Students at Duke enter the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences or the Pratt School of Engineering. Both schools provide stimulating curricula that allow students to experience different courses across departments. In the first and second years, Duke’s Pre-Major Advising Center encourages students to explore areas of potential interest.


By the end of the second year, Duke students choose one or two concentrations from thirty-six arts and sciences majors or five engineering majors, or arts and sciences students can pursue one of their own devising with faculty guidance. The diversity of these offerings is complemented by a selection of minors and certificate programs ranging from neurosciences to markets and management studies. While most students take approximately eleven courses within the major, there is plenty of room to fulfill Duke’s requirement of courses in five areas of general knowledge (arts, literature and performance, civilizations, natural sciences, social sciences, and guidance studies) as well as requirements in a broad spectrum of focused areas, including writing and foreign language, ethical and cross-cultural inquiry, research and science, and technology and society.


To graduate, Duke students must fulfill thirty-four semester courses, which makes a normal semester load for undergraduates four courses and occasionally five. While this often seems like few courses to new students, the amount and difficulty of the reading and work quickly prove this to be a rigorous course of study.

Faculty and Programs

The faculty at Duke is made up of renowned scholars who are surprisingly accessible to students. Formal office hours and after-class question periods are supplemented by regular meals together and informal meetings. Some students complain that professors are sometimes burdened, but most faculty members are willing to connect with students if students make the effort to stop by and get to know them.

Some of the first-year courses are large introductory lectures, with discussion sections run by teaching assistants. Others, like those in Duke’s more than forty-five First-Year Seminars, are courses for no more than fifteen students taught by senior faculty in specialty fields. A former Duke president and the dean of the college are regular participants. Freshmen build lasting relationships with faculty members and are encouraged to begin specialty research projects early in their academic life.

Duke has made its freshman Focus Program an integral part of its offerings. A quarter of the first-year students participate in one of eleven to fourteen semester-long programs. For example, in the Game2Know Program, students take courses in virtual culture with an eye toward understanding the impact of computer gaming and modeling on real-world data manipulation. In the Exploring the Mind Program, students examine how the brain functions from the perspectives of philosophy, computer programming, and visual perception as a way to understand the brain’s contribution to the human experience.

A final, unique trait of Duke’s curriculum deals with its emphasis on experiential learning and independent study. Rather than simply studying under Duke’s faculty, students are encouraged to join with faculty members in independent research. The students are also given ample opportunities to take the ideas of the classroom into the Durham community and into the world. Community service, internships, and summer experiences are all used by the faculty to drive home lessons begun in the classroom. The vibrancy of the student body and faculty is demonstrated every day in the intense quest for learning, both in and out of Duke classrooms.


Duke University Admissions

It works to Duke’s advantage that the Admissions Office hosts its accepted students weekend in mid-April when the North Carolina spring is in full bloom. Flowers are everywhere, students are studying outside, and the sweet Southern air hovers at about seventy degrees. It is perfect weather, and the students who attend are appreciative because they have made it through a tough cut.

Each year, around 18,000 students from around the world apply to Duke for a class of 1,665. Applications come from every state in the country, with eighty-five foreign countries represented in the Duke student body.

While admitted students at Duke have impressive academic credentials, like most toptier institutions, grades and test scores are far from the only factors in the admissions process.
Applicants are evaluated on talent and active participation in learning. The Admissions Office focuses on six areas:

• quality and rigor of secondary school academic program
• academic record
• recommendations from teachers and counselors
• extracurricular activities and accomplishments
• standardized testing (SAT, ACT)
• application essays

To be admitted, most students must possess strengths in each of these areas. While these six areas are used to evaluate the candidates overall, Duke does a good job of assessing applicants in the context of their individual circumstances. Through school profiles and guidance counselor reports, Duke attempts to get a picture of the strengths of each high school to understand the differences in the rigors of secondary school programs. As one admissions officer has said, “We admit students, not schools.” Therefore, a student’s ability to excel in his or her own high school environment is of utmost relevance.

A group of undergrads helps provide visitor programs and tours of the campus. These students give wonderfully honest assessments of the univer sity and also complement daily group information sessions offered by the Admissions Office. Those sessions are consistently praised as friendly and helpful.
The Admissions Office can also arrange overnight stays with current students at certain times during the school year. This provides prospective students with a chance to stay in the dorms and get a clearer picture of the undergraduate experience.

Although the admissions process is extremely competitive, as in many other top-tier institutions, the university has done a good job of making the process as friendly and helpful as possible. Under the leadership of Admissions Dean Christoph Guttentag, Duke has been able to recruit a first-rate group of scholars and leaders, while ensuring an open and encouraging applications process.

Financial Aid

Duke’s president and Board of Trustees repeatedly stress their belief that the undergraduate admissions process should be “need-blind.” Your family’s ability to pay is not a factor in determining your admission to Duke. Therefore, when you apply to Duke, one form goes to the Financial Aid Office while the application goes to the Admissions Office.
Once accepted, the cost of attending is one of the factors students (and their families) take into account as they decide where to go to college. Students receive their financial aid analysis with their acceptance letters. Duke admits students on the basis of academic ability, then provides one-hundred percent of their demonstrated financial need for U.S. citizens and permanent residents. The university has also made need-based financial aid available for a limited number of foreign students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. It is important for accepted students and parents to remember that their perception of need may be different from the “demonstrated need,” which is calculated using federal and institutional guidelines. Fortunately, the Financial Aid Office at Duke works well to alleviate this shock by putting together manageable financial aid packages to make a Duke education accessible for most accepted students.

More than forty-two percent of Duke undergrads receive financial aid of some sort. Aid usually consists of a package combining:
• federal and university grants
• loans
• work-study funds
Students and parents have the ability to pick and choose from the funding options offered to them.
The process for applying for financial aid can be a cumbersome one. Parents and students will find themselves filling out many forms throughout the four years at Duke. (Aid is granted one year at a time, so students must reapply annually.) On the whole, though, the Financial Aid Office at Duke is friendly and easy to work with. If a family situation changes during the year, the Financial Aid Office tries to adjust packages. In addition, good counselors often explain packages and changes to students and are accessible to parents. In this challenging process, it is good to have helpful assistance.

Payment Plans

One of the recent developments in financial aid at Duke has been the increasing number of commercial payment plans available to parents and students. Rather than paying the bursar’s bill in large, semesterly chunks, Duke has contracted with vendors to allow parents or students to spread out their payments to the university over ten to twelve months. Duke’s bursar’s office has an extremely resourceful and diligent staff. Clerks as well as the bursar are willing to sit down with parents and students to help them in choosing options that work best with individual needs.

Merit Aid

Students often are curious about merit scholarships at Duke. While many of the students who are accepted to Duke are eligible for scholarships at other schools, they often are not offered a scholarship at Duke because of the quality of the student body and the relatively few scholarships available. All applicants are considered for each scholarship that is appropriate based on their qualifications. Full-tuition scholarships include the A. B. Duke Scholarship, B. N. Duke Scholarship, Reginaldo Howard Scholarship, University Scholars Program, and the Robertson Scholars Program.

Students at Duke are also very resourceful when it comes to finding further financial aid. Many look for outside scholarships from local organizations. Students will find that the Duke name brings much attention from local organizations that provide scholarships funds.

While figuring out the financing of a Duke education may be one of the more difficult parts of the four years, most students find the process bearable by tapping into the university’s many resources.

Duke University Students

After Duke students leave the classroom, day planners and tight schedules are the norm as students balance their wonderfully intense academic, extracurricular, and residential lives. In any week the pulse of Duke’s campus is energetic. Almost 400 clubs and organizations meet at different times during the week. A cappella singing groups and orchestras rehearse. Students work in hospital internships, and community service groups plan outings into the local community. Duke is a busy place, with something to match every interest.

Social Life

During basketball season, the famed tents that make up Krzyzewskiville pop up outside Cameron Indoor Stadium. Students camp out for the best seats in the house as Duke takes on the finest teams in the Atlantic Coast Conference and the country. Tickets are free, but there is heavy demand for those courtside seats.


Residential life at Duke is another draw for many of the students who choose to be a Blue Devil. Around eighty-five percent of the students elect to live on campus for all four years, and on-campus living is required for the first three years as long as space is available. So campus life is a crucial part of the undergraduate experience. All of the freshmen live together on Duke’s East Campus. Activities, meals, and special campus programs are tailored to build comfortable interaction for Duke’s newest community members. Many students cite class unity and quality of life as the best traits of the East Campus experience.

To help students become acclimated to Duke and Durham, upperclass FACs (Freshmen Advisory Counselors) are assigned to the first-year students to help them adjust. In addition, upperclass “quads” adopt freshmen houses as a way to introduce first-year students to the intricacies of campus life.

Most upper-class students, including all sophomores, live on Duke’s West Campus where they are assigned to sections of university housing. Most of the sections are randomly distributed through a lottery system. Extensive dining choices are available to replace the board plan of the first-year campus, and some students feel a letdown moving from the bonded first-year community to the larger, more individualized feel of West. As one way to counter this feeling of upperclass autonomy, Duke offers traditional fraternities (some of which are residential), sororities (which are not residential), and selective living opportunities (which are residential).

While a majority of the students do not belong to Greek organizations, it is one outlet of community building at Duke. Most students feel at home in the various organizations, groups, and residence halls on campus. Social life at Duke is vigorous and open-ended as most campus groups encourage all students to attend their parties. Durham is booming with new restaurants, a revitalized Ninth Street, Satisfaction’s, and the Durham Bulls Athletic Park (home of the Durham Bulls AAA baseball team), but the city doesn’t provide a particularly active college social scene. Students have many options for on-campus activities, many of which are expressive of their cre ativity. Movies, Broadway at Duke, Springfest, and large quad events highlight the social calendars of Duke students each year.


Many students choose to participate in athletics, from fitness or recreational programs to intercollegiate sports. Although many of Duke’s athletic teams are of national-championship caliber (and students love to support them), other teams exist at the club and intramural levels. This array of opportunities gives students the chance both to stay physically fit and to be spectators of first-rate athletics. State-of-the-art athletic facilities are located on West Campus and East Campus.


Duke’s reputation has led to a demand for its graduates in the work force and at leading profes sional schools. As senior year approaches, most students don suits for job interviews or get ready to take graduate or professional school entrance exams. In the process, most find that the Duke name on their résumé can take them far.
All of the large management consulting, investment banking, and accounting firms flock to Duke each year hoping to pick up future grads. The students’ well-rounded background and personable style serves them well in interviews and most students have very little trouble finding jobs. One of the recent trends at Duke has been the increase of small, entrepreneurial companies recruiting at Duke. The nontraditional style of many of these start-up firms seems to be a good match for the energetic, motivated students at Duke.
Most students get word of job offers in late February or March, so a pleasant euphoria settles on the senior class for its final months in Durham. Seniors enjoy the peaceful spring months in North Carolina—after graduation, many will flock to Washington, D.C., New York, and Boston to begin careers in these large urban areas.

Graduate and Professional Schools

For those choosing to go to graduate or professional school, Duke offers exceptional counseling and preparation that allows the students to compete for spots at America’s top graduate schools. Duke boasts a ninety-nine percent acceptance rate for those applying to law school. Duke pre-law students are well advised under the tutelage of Dean Gerald Lee Wilson, the pre-law advisor. Dean Wilson gets to know these students well and is very effective at steering them to a law program best suited for them. He then becomes a grand advocate for helping the students gain acceptance. Once accepted, Dean Wilson aids students in choosing the school they should attend. The dean and his assistants are well known around the campus as being extremely helpful and comforting to stressed pre-law students trying to figure their way through the law school maze.

For pre-meds, the rate of acceptance is slightly lower—around eighty-five percent, or about double the national average. Due to fewer, more competitive spaces for medical schools, Dean Kay Singer, Duke’s health professions advisor, is extremely effective at assessing students’options, helping them choose schools by applying strategies to bolster their acceptance chances. Her organized and efficient style helps students stay on track in the process. Deans Wilson and Singer are excellent examples of effective advising of pre-professional students. Students desiring to go to business school have access to the Pre-Business Advising Office as well as resources at the Career Center.

Prominent Grads
• Shane Battier, NBA Star
• Elizabeth Hanford Dole, U.S. Senator for North Carolina
• John Mack, CEO of Morgan Stanley
• Charlie Rose, Talk Show Host
• William C. Styron, Author
• Judy Woodruff, Anchor, CNN


The rigor of Duke’s academic program is intense. The Duke faculty represents a demanding group of individuals who are known to expect incredible academic performance from students. In the midst of this push, however, Duke’s faculty is made up of a group of caring and interested scholars, many of whom are available for lunches with students so they can get to know the students personally.
A faculty associates program pairs top faculty with specific resident halls to encourage collaboration and student-faculty interaction. Most students also take on independent research with Duke’s faculty members to develop relationships and experiences.
With its natural beauty and eye-catching architecture, dedicated faculty, and friendly environment, Duke is an invigorating, friendly, competitive, challenging, and beautiful place to spend the undergraduate years.


( 编辑:Iris)
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