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美国布朗大学Brown University
时间:2013-11-18 14:20 来源:百度百科

    美国布朗大学(Brown University)是世界闻名的美国“常青藤联盟”中的一员,1764年刚创建之初叫罗得岛学院,其入学竞争极为激烈,本科生入学率为9.5%。布朗大学的学术强项有历史、地质、宗教、比较文学、古典文学、现代语言及英文写作,科学科目里比较热的领域包括工程和医学预科。布朗大学的著名校友有肯尼迪总统的儿子小约翰·肯尼迪,卡特总统的女儿艾美·卡特,美剧《英雄》中的男主角之一Masi Oka。
  所在州 北美洲
  所属国家 美国
  地区 罗德岛州
  城市 普罗威登斯市
  地址 Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA
  院校类型 综合大学
  院校性质 私立
  课程阶段 博士,本科,研究生
  创立时间 1764
  国内:美国新闻和世界报道 本科排名 15
  世界排名 :上海交通大学2011年 65名,泰晤士高等教育增刊55名
  资助体系 BRIO奖学金颁发超过$ 10000
  入学时间 每年9月
  Air Force Academy 美国空军学院
  Amherst College 阿穆赫斯特学院
  Berkeley (University of California)加州大学伯克利分校
  Brown University布朗大学
  Columbia University哥伦比亚大学
  Cornell University康奈尔大学
  Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院
  Duke University杜克大学
  Georgetown University乔治城大学
  Harvard University哈佛大学
  Johns Hopkins University约翰霍普金斯大学
  Naval Academy 美国海军学院
  Northwestern University(西北大学)
  Williams College(威廉姆斯学院)
  Princeton University(普林斯顿大学)
  Smith College (史密斯学院)
  Stanford University(斯坦福大学)
  University of Chicago(芝加哥大学)
  University of Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚大学)
  University of Virginia(弗吉尼亚大学)
  University of Washington(乔治华盛顿大学)
  Washington University in St. Louis(圣路易斯华盛顿大学)
  West Point (西点军校)
  William & Mary (威廉玛丽学院)
  Yale University(耶鲁大学)
  布朗大学 [1](Brown University)是世界闻名的美国“常青藤联盟”(联盟包含:哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学、布朗大学、哥伦比亚大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、达特茅斯学院和康奈尔大学)中的一员,是美国最早建立的高校之一,论年资排位"老七"。1764年刚创建之初,它并不叫布朗大学,而是叫罗得岛学院。那时, 它的校址建在罗得岛的沃伦市,并在1765年正式招收第一批男生入学。1770年,罗得岛学院搬迁到现在的罗得岛州府-─普罗维登斯市 (Providence)。由于罗得岛学院地处一座小山,所以,那里的地方又被称作"学院山",并沿袭到今。1804年,一个名叫尼古拉斯·布朗(Nicholas Brown)的人捐给罗得岛学院5000美元,以便在该学院设立一个教授席位。同年,为了纪念尼古拉斯·布朗对学院的慷慨捐赠,罗得岛学院正式改名为布朗大学。
  申请人数:28,742 录取人数:2,760
  每年与本科入学申请同时进行的还有本科学士加医学博士8年一贯制,Program of Liberal Medical Education ( PLME ), 的入学申请。 PLME 的录取率多年来一直在3%左右; 2011年的录取率为2.72%。
  布朗大学建于1764年,位于美国罗得岛州(Rhode lsland)的普罗维登斯,是美国东北部著名的“常春藤联盟”八所大学之一。
  普罗维登斯市是一个中等城市,居住人口16万左右。它是新英格兰地区第二大城市中心,也是罗得岛工农业和航运业各个发展阶段的枢纽。长期以来,普罗维 登斯市以历史悠久而闻名于美国。1636年,居住在马萨诸塞湾殖民地的罗杰o威廉斯及他的追随者于当年来到罗得岛,并在普罗维登斯市那片蛮荒之地建立了普罗维登斯镇。 普罗维登斯是英文Providence的音译,其原意是"上帝保佑之特例"。 罗杰o威廉斯取此名,旨在乞求上帝保佑,让他在此建立的小镇免受暴政的侵扰,使之成为各种宗教信仰共存、政教权力严格分离的开放社会。基于这一传统,罗得 岛的普罗维登斯一直是美国追求宗教容忍、反对暴政统治的精神象征。
  除了这种崇尚自由和容忍的传统精神之外,普罗维登斯还在物质文明方面留下了许多宝贵遗产。由于普罗维登斯建立早,开发早,且居住着来自不同国家的欧洲移民,它的建筑颇具特色,反映了欧洲不同国家、不同时期的建筑风格。本世纪下半叶,美国许多地方在城市复兴运动中大兴土木,拆毁了不少老建筑,但一向珍视 自己悠久历史的普罗维登斯人非但没有介入到城市复兴者们的拆毁活动中去,反而掀起了一场古迹建筑保护运动,从而使得普罗维登斯的建筑遗产得以比较完整的保 留下来。
  布朗大学就坐落在这样一所历史悠久、文化内涵深厚的城市里,吸吮着这座城市丰富的文化乳汁,同时又以自己的独特方式为这座城市增添光彩。以布朗大学的建筑 为例,它那占地142英亩的校园里就矗立着许多体现古典建筑风格的楼房。譬如,建于1771年的"大学楼"(University Hall),是全美仅存的建于独立战争前的七幢大学教学楼之一,典型的反映了英国乔治王时代的建筑艺术。1776至1780年期间,该大学楼曾用作美国和 法国士兵和兵营及医院。迄今为止,这座楼已修建过五次,并在1963年被定为具有历史意义的美国标志性建筑物。再譬如,布朗大学的第二幢大楼--"希望学 院 楼"(Hope College),建于1822年,其风格糅合了英国人的皇家建筑式样和美国人的共和主义思想。这是尼古拉斯布朗的姐姐赠送给布朗大学的一座房子,用作学 生的宿舍。经1959年彻底修建后,"希望学院楼"目前仍然作学生宿舍之用。此外,布朗大学还有许多建造于19世纪的著名楼房,如1828年造的麦道克校 友中心
  (Maddock Alumni Center)、1838年竣工的罗宾逊楼(Robison Hall)和1891年建成的威尔逊楼(WilsonHall)等。这些楼堂建筑古朴典雅,威严庄重,向人们无声地叙述着布朗大学的悠久历史,同时又以凝重的神态向人们展示布朗大学这一高等学府的神圣气势。如同殖民地时期建立的大多数大学一样,布朗大学建立之初也蒙上了一层较浓的宗教色彩,以训练和培养神职人员的主要任务,兼管培养人文、语言和逻辑学科方 面的人才。但由于布朗大学地处宗教思想比较开朗的地方,且那里的人传统上主张政教分离,所以,布朗大学相对而言没有完全受教会控制,而是较早地给世俗力量 以相当大的发言权。因此,布朗大学先于其他许多大学开设了自然科学方面的课程。
  正是由于布朗大学较早摆脱了教会的束缚,所以它得以在建校不久就确立自己世俗性的办学宗旨。概括地讲,布朗大学的办学宗旨包括两条原则:一是发现和利 用知识,二是借助教育手段把学生引进知识世界。具体而言,布朗大学的办学指导思想是:知识的发现和传授与教育过程有着必然的内在联系,两者相辅相成,互为 一体。第一条原则要求学校注重研究,通过坚持不懈、锲而不舍的研究来发现知识,发现真理,然后用这些知识和真理造福人类。第二条原则强调大学承担的社会使 命,即通过知识的传授,把学生引进知识和真理的殿堂,培养他们掌握人类知识的本领,并用这种知识服务于社会。把这两条原则抽象地看的话,就是研究和教学。 换句话说,布朗大学较早就为自己的办学方向作了研究与教学并举的定位。 在这种办学宗 旨和办学方向的思想指导下,布朗大学在1850年就尝试开办研究生层次的课程 ,并具体制订了授予硕士学位的有关细则。根据当时的规定,本科生完成学业之后,只要能够顺利读完一年的研究生课程,就可获取硕士学位。由于各方面的准备条 件不够充分全面,这一研究生教育计划于1857年暂停实施。之后,经过30年的精心准备,布朗大学于1887年重新开始研究生教育计划,并在此次计划中增 加了攻读博士学位的有关要求。现代意义上的硕士、博士研究生教育从此在布朗大学正式拉开序幕,这一新计划下的硕士生和博士生分别在1888年和1889年 获取他们各自的学位。进入20世纪之后,布朗大学的研究生教育项目日趋成熟和完善。布朗大学于1902年成立了研究生系;1927年,这个研究生系改名为研究生院,布朗大学也因此而正式确立自己作为研究型大学的地位。
  作为一所研究型大学,布朗大学在相当多的领域展开了积极、创新的研究,在美国学术界赢得了崇高的声誉。一般而言,布朗大学的所有学科在美国高校中都属 一流水平,这也是布朗大学经常被选入一年一度的全美二十大名校排行榜上的原因所在。但相对而言,布朗大学的人文学科特别出色,它在古典文学、英文、历史、 西班牙文和艺术史等方面的研究一直名列前茅,深受学界人士的赞誉。在这些学科领域,布朗大学的师资力量和研究条件在美国都是堪称一流的。此外,布朗大学的 心理学、数学、机械工程、土木工程、物理、计算机科学和地球科学也相当不错,在美国高校中享有较高知名度。从这些学科领域中毕业出来的高学历学生,后来大 多成为美国学术界和科技界的精英力量。
  如同美国其他一流大学一样,布朗大学在强调研究和注意发展研究生教育的同时,也从来没有放松对本科生教育的重视。无论是从布朗的办学宗旨来看,还是从 大学的基本功能来看,布朗大学的教学工作都是既重要又少不了。事实上,作为一所以人文学科为强项的布朗大学,从学校创立的第一天起,就十分重?quot; 授业解惑"的教学工作。在1887年正式开始研究生教育之前,布朗大学花了100多年的时间来摸索、提高和改进教学方法,以期收到最佳教学效果。譬如,布 朗大学较早就试行小课堂讨论式教学方法。即使有了研究生院之后,布朗大学也没有停止对本科生教育质量的改进。学分制、导师制和跨学科制在该校的推广,都在 不同程度上反映了布朗大学对教学工作的重视。就目前而言,布朗大学的学生总数为7700人,其中研究生人数只有1350人。可见,本科生教育在布朗大学仍 占有相当重要的地位。根据布朗大学的 传统做法,在布朗大学就读的本科生,第一和第二学年可以在本科生学院里根据有关规定自由地选修课程。为了帮助学生合理地选课,布朗大学设有专门的学术咨询 小组和个人咨询小组,就学生需要了解的学习和个人问题提供咨询。通常情况下,新生被录取后就安排一个教师或教学秘书担任该学生的学习顾问还负责解答有关课 程特点等方面的问题。大多数情况下,学校选派顾问时,往往根据学生入学申请表上的专业志愿选定,所以,顾问本人实际上就是新生的教师。如果发现学生对顾问 不满意或者两者的专业兴趣大相径庭,学校会设法为学生重新安排学习顾问。同样的道理,本科生们自己有了专业方向之后(一般情况下,专业方向必须在入学第四 个学期结束前确定下来),学校会为他们指定相关专业的教授作学习顾问,为学生们提供各专业方面的具体参考意见。总之,在本科生教育方面,布朗大学始终注意 尊重学生的意愿,同时又建设性地引导学生,使他们不走弯路,寻找到学生个人兴趣、职业目标和实际能力与学校所提供课程的最佳契合点。 CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United States
  布朗大学共由三个学院组成。除了上面介绍的研究生院和本科生院之外,它还有一个医学院。与美国其他大学里的医学院相比,布朗大学医学院在年资和规模上 都只能算是个"小弟弟"。1972年,布朗大学校务委员会批准在该大学设立一个医学教育项目。直至1991年,布朗大学校务委员会才决定把这个医学教育项目正式改名为医学院。2007年,医学院收到 Warren Alpert 先生1亿美元捐款。 为了感谢 Warren Alpert 先生, 医学院被命名为 The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University。在美国,布朗医学院是入学竞争最激烈的医学院之一。目前,新生的来源,40%左右由通常的方式录取;60%左右是PLME (Program of Liberal Medical Education, 本科学位加医学博士8年一贯制) 的学生。根据布朗大学的办学要求,该校的本科生教育是为了"提高学生的审美意识,开发他们的智力潜质,促进他们的道德成长和发展他们的思想 能力",以便使他们学有所用,为社会作贡献;该校的研究生教育是为了"培养学者,造就人才,使他们今后得以在各自的学科领域担当重要的学科带头人角色,为丰富人类的知识宝库添砖加瓦";而该校的医学院教育则是为了培养医学领域的工作者,如医生、临床工程师、医学教师和医学研究者等。为了使自己医学院毕业的学生知识全面,合格称职,布朗大学医学院为学生们制定了一套相当全面的学习计划,其中既有医学学科的各种课程,又有文科和理科方面的诸多课程。从这个意义上说,布朗大学医学院还是颇具特色的。
  布朗大学的图书资料 相当丰富,是美国新英格兰地区最大的大学图书馆之一,在全美109所服务于学术研究的大型 图书馆中排名第48位。整个大学图书系统共有6个图书馆,它们是小约翰洛克菲勒图书馆、科学图书馆、约翰o海图书馆、奥威葛音乐图书馆、艺术幻灯片 图书馆和人口研究图书馆。小约翰洛克菲勒图书馆主要收藏社会科学方面的书籍、杂志和政府文件;它同时设有报刊杂志室、阅览室。科学图书馆集中了物 理、生物和医学等方面的书籍,并藏有大量的地图。约翰海图书馆专门收藏善本、手稿和其他比较专门的档案材料,如美国作家和诗人的手稿等。音乐图书馆、艺 术幻灯片图书馆和人口研究图书馆,如同它们的名称所显示的,专门收藏音乐书刊、磁带、唱片、艺术幻灯片和人口流动、人口统计等方面的资料。除了这6个图书 馆之外,布朗大学还有一个不归其管辖,但坐落在其校园内的图书馆,名叫约翰卡特布朗图书馆。这座图书馆藏有4万多册书,其中大部分书涉及欧洲国家在美 洲新大陆的扩张及这种扩张对欧洲产生的影响。这座图书馆对研究美洲历史的学者极为有用。
  布朗大学的研究设施在美国大学中也是属于一流的。全校拥有许多设备齐全的现代科学实验室,其中比较著名的包括巴鲁斯-豪利实验楼(工程学和物理学)、 林肯费尔德实验楼(地质学)、普林斯工程实验室、麦特卡夫化学实验室、医学研究实验室、生物医学中心、享特心理实验室和植物环境实验室等。除了上述理工科领域的实验室之外,布朗大学还拥有两个用于社会科学研究的资料中心。它们分别为:海芬瑞福人类学博物馆和社会科学数据中心。海芬瑞福人类学博物馆是鲁道 夫o海芬瑞福捐赠给布朗大学的礼物,里面珍藏着从世界各地收来的人类遗骨和考古文物,件数高达10万之多,是人类学家和考古学家研究人类发展史的重要博物 馆之一。社会科学数据中心藏有丰富的人口研究资料和心理学研究资料,是布朗大学社会学系和心理学系师生们的学术活动中心。
  2012年美国大学本科排名 第15
  建于1771年的“大学楼”是全美仅存的建于独立战争前的七幢大学教学楼之一。 布朗教纲的精神是:在布朗大学,不会有人告诉你该上什么课或怎样做;布朗教纲只要求学生在毕业前至少在30门课中拿高于C的成绩,并且有一定的写作能力就可以毕业。布朗的学生们没有必修课,成绩等级没有加减号,不及格的成绩也不会在成绩单上露脸,一个学期只需上四门课。
  相比之下,其他长春藤盟校的规定要严格得多。耶鲁大学的学生至少要拿够36门课的学分,并在四个学术领域要各选三门课;哥伦比亚的“核心教纲” 则对学生必修科目做出了非常严格的要求。其他名牌学府,或有必修课,或有课程分布规定,让学生们尽可能全面发展。布朗的少规少矩,使它赢得了至少两代本科生的热爱与忠心拥护。
  布朗大学还为学生们提供良好周到的咨询服务,这套系统把第一个学生跟一名教授、一个“同龄顾问”搭配起来。而学生宿舍的“住宅顾问”,也会在学生有需要的时候帮他一把。一位亚裔学生说:“我有一个亚裔顾问,一个女性同龄顾问,一个住宅顾问,一个少数族裔顾问及一个住在我宿舍同楼层的顾问组长。” 清贫而有朝气跟其
  toefl(网考) 100+
    gpa 3.00
  gre gmat
  sat math 700 sat verbal 690
  sat总分 1390
         act 28-32
  本科学费/年 $38848 硕士学费
  本科总费用/年 硕士总费用/年
  录取比 16.43%
专业方向 学制(年) 学费
公共行政管理 4.0 39928美元
医学及护理 4.0 39928美元
计算机与信息科学 4.0 39928美元
自然资源和环境保护 4.0 39928美元
心理学 4.0 39928美元
教育 4.0 39928美元
语言学及文学 4.0 39928美元
哲学及宗教研究 4.0 39928美元
自然科学 4.0 39928美元
艺术设计与建筑 4.0 39928美元
工程 4.0 39928美元
表演艺术 4.0 39928美元
生物和生物医学 4.0 39928美元
社会科学 4.0 39928美元
数学及统计 4.0 39928美元
历史与文化研究 4.0 39928美元
商业\管理\金融 4.0 39928美元
  1、学杂费: 3902美元
  2、食宿费: 10540美元
  1、是否向国际学生提供奖学金: 是
  2、人均获得财政帮助数额: 34452美元
  3、国际学生获得财政帮助比例: 32.0%
  4、符合财政资助条件申请者满足率: 94.0%
  布朗大学好像与总统的儿女特别有缘,最受他们欢迎:肯尼迪总统的儿子小约翰·肯尼迪,卡特总统的女儿艾美·卡特,哥伦比亚现任总统桑托斯的女儿,María Antonia Santos都在这里度过了他们的大学时光。就连克林顿总统唯一的女儿切尔西,也一度被媒体盛传要去布朗大学读书(切尔西在左挑右选之后,终于去了有“西部常春藤”之称的斯坦福大学)。这反映了布朗的知名度,也说明它在学术界的地位与其它常春藤大学不相上下。
    电影《哈利波特》中的女主角Emma Watson(饰演女主角赫敏)于2009年进入布朗大学学习,现在英国牛津大学学习英文,将在2012年秋季返回布朗继续学习。
    美剧《英雄》中的男主角之一Masi Oka(饰演Hiro Nakamura)
  杨卫, 浙江大学校长, 固体力学专家,中国科学院院士。
  王仁, 中国科学院学部委员,中国大陆力学与地质学和固体地球物理学相结合的先驱者。
美国银行(Bank Of America)主席兼CEO Brian Moynihan 1981从布朗大学历史系毕业。他的女儿现在也是布朗大学的一名大三学生。
  布朗大学所有课程,均让学生自主选择,这在全美正规大学中是绝无仅有的。这一制度从建校之初沿袭至今。据本科生院阿姆斯壮(Paul B. Armstrong)院长介绍:“布朗大学让学生自主选课,旨在培养他们在不断变化的世界中,尽快获得自己做出判断和决定的能力”。学生入学后,学校对之无课程方面的硬性要求,只是公布课程目录、简介,讲明选课办法。学校给学生两周的试听“认购期”(shopping period)。试听后,学生应确定本学期修习的课程。在自由选修的过程中,学生会逐步形成或明晰自己的兴趣,并于第二学年末,从学校提供的90多个专业方向(concentration)中,确立自己的专业方向。一俟专业方向确定,学生需要学习、掌握相关课程,一般有8至18门必修课。为奠立学生宽广的知识基础,布朗只授予本科毕业生文科学士或理科学士。若学生愿学习五年,达到相应要求,可拿文、理两个学士学位。
布朗大学提倡“以学生为本的科研”(student-centered research)。每个学生依据个人兴趣,提出研究计划,并通过动手试验、查阅资料、实地考察或反复讨论等环节,完成既定计划。在科研过程中,导师耐心指导,同学密切协作,学生的团队精神、创新意识和动手能力得到培养和锻炼。

Brown University Introduction

Brown University a unique member of the Ivy League, is a high-caliber institution that is low on pretension. With no core requirements, Brown’s innovative curriculum takes academic decisions out of the ivory tower and puts them in the hands of students. Each student becomes the architect of his or her own education. The result is a community of self-motivated learners who relish the chance to discover and explore their true passions.

On the whole, Brown students are more collaborative than cutthroat. The university attracts some of the highest achievers from the United States and abroad, but in the Brown environment, these students value learning from and working with their peers over vying for grades. Brown students can also be an eclectic, creative bunch. The typical Brown student is atypical. As one student puts it:

For some, the academic and social freedom can be intimidating, but Brown works hard to provide a system of advising to help students find their way. Students get the most support through one-on-one mentoring relationships with faculty members. Professors are easy to approach and devote considerable personal attention to undergrads. It is not uncommon for students to form close bonds with professors and stay in touch with them long after they graduate. And with University President Ruth J. Simmons’s plan to hire one hundred new fulltime faculty over the next five years, the level of meaningful interaction between students and faculty will only improve.

Students also tend to form close ties to Brown’s locale, Providence, Rhode Island. An artsy, midsized city, Providence has undergone a transformation over the past decade. The refurbished downtown area boasts a beautiful walkway along the Providence River, several small-scale concert venues and theaters, and the easily accessible Providence Place Mall, complete with a movie megaplex and a vast array of shops and restaurants. All of these entertainments are within walking distance or a short trolley ride from College Hill. Closer to campus, students frequent the coffee shops and eateries on Thayer Street and Wickenden Street and enjoy the brick sidewalks and large Colonial and Victorian houses that give this section of Providence, known as the East Side, a distinctly New England feel.

Many students first get to know Providence through community service projects. Nearly seventy percent of Brown students contribute time and skills to the local community. This community involvement is a hands-on form of student activism, as students work to effect change locally through grass roots organizing.
Large-scale political activism is rare or nonexistent on Brown’s campus. While Brown’s liberal curriculum attracts a predominantly liberal student body, both sides of the political spectrum are represented, and protests are few and small. Students are most vocal about issues directly affecting the Brown community. In recent years, students successfully campaigned for the adoption of need-blind admissions procedures.

Campus activities and clubs offer another outlet for students’ diverse interests. From musical groups and sports teams to campus newspapers and literary societies, Brown students make involvement in extracurricular activities a major part of their educational experience.

Freshmen and sophomores usually dabble in a variety of clubs. By junior year, many students have focused their involvement on one or two organizations where they take on leadership positions such as team captains or editors. Alternatively, many students add to the activities on campus by starting their own organizations.

Brown offers bright, self-directed students the freedom and support they need to realize their full academic potential. Students shape their own learning experience while enjoying collaborative working relationships with professors and peers alike. They also know how to balance rigorous academics and community involvement with a social life for a well-rounded collegiate experience. It’s no wonder then that ninety percent of respondents to a 2002 student life survey said they would choose Brown again.

Brown University provides bright, self-directed students with the freedom and resources to realize their full academic potential. By removing the confines of a core curriculum, Brown lets students, with the help of faculty advisors, select a course of study that best matches their interests and passions. From the beginning of their college careers, students learn how to discover and pursue their academic interests.

As students explore Brown’s offerings, they have access to the full resources of the university, most notably, the faculty. One hundred percent of Brown faculty members teach undergraduates, and students develop close mentoring relationships with their professors. There are even university grants designated for undergraduate research with professors, a benefit usually reserved for graduate students.

Although Brown students are high achievers who embrace academic rigor, they are more collaborative than cutthroat. Brown’s liberal curriculum and grading system help create an atmosphere where students value learning for learning’s sake and enjoy working with their peers rather than competing for grades.

Brown students also know how to balance their studies with extracurricular and social activities. Involvement in campus groups lets students try things they’ve never done before, such as hosting a radio show or organizing a political rally. Brown students are also willing to try new things socially. While many schools’ social scenes revolve around drinking and partying, Brown’s social options are as diverse and creative as the student body itself.
Brown is a school that nurtures the student as an individual. Students are encouraged to chart their own course, and the professors who help them along the way also get to know them as people. Students graduate from Brown with a stronger sense of who they are and the conviction and skills to go on to pursue their true passions.
Brown University Academics


Brown stands out from other competitive colleges in its emphasis on student choice. While most schools have distribution requirements that all students must take to graduate—usually a series of introductory-level courses in different fields of study—Brown has no core curriculum requirements. There are requirements only within a student’s concentration (Brown’s term for a major). To graduate, students need to pass thirty courses, demonstrate competency in writing, and complete the requirements for their concentration.

Some might fear that students would abuse this system and miss out on all that a liberal education has to offer. But Brown students are inherently motivated and the school provides academic advisors to help them consider their academic programs carefully. The thought students invest in this process gives them more ownership over their course of study. Even without requirements, most students choose a well-rounded selection of classes, and they are more eager to put time and energy into classes they’ve chosen.

At the end of the sophomore year, students begin to focus their studies on one field by declaring a concentration. Requirements for concentrations vary greatly. Some departments, such as history, have as few as eight required courses, while other programs may require as many as twenty courses. Students also have the option to double-concentrate or create their own concentration in collaboration with a faculty advisor.

Academic Advising and Support

While Brown students enjoy tremendous freedom in shaping their course of study, they do not have to go it alone. All incoming first-year students are assigned an academic advisor, a faculty member with whom they meet during orientation and throughout the year. Most academic advisors teach in the Curricular Advising Program (CAP). This program allows freshmen to take a class with a professor who will also serve as their advisor.

The CAP program has garnered mixed reviews from the student body. While CAP advisors are generally encouraging and supportive, they often know a lot about their department but are less helpful when giving advice about courses outside of their area of specialty. Also, since students take their CAP course during the first semester of their freshman year, sometimes the CAP advisor’s expertise and the student’s interests don’t mesh in the long run.
Fortunately, there are many other opportunities for students to receive guidance. Brown faculty members, on the whole, are accessible and eager to help students. Many advising relationships develop informally as students get to know their professors. Faculty Fellows, who host study breaks and social gatherings in their homes, can provide support and mentoring. Fellow students are also on hand to help. Resident Counselors, upperclassmen who live in freshman dorms, have already navigated through their first year of decisions, and they can be an invaluable resource to the freshmen they mentor. Sophomores get an added level of support through Randall Counselors, faculty members who work particularly with sophomores to review their educational goals. And once students declare a concentration, concentration advisors help students further hone their course of study.


Class size and format vary at Brown depending on the department and type of course. Most classes are small in size (about thirty to forty students) and are taught in a seminar style with an emphasis on student participation. Introductory lecture classes and lab classes for sciences tend to be larger (one hundred students or more) but usually include smaller section meetings during the week where students can get more individual attention.
A shopping period at the beginning of each semester allows students to check out a variety of classes before finalizing their schedule for the semester. Students often use the shopping period to compare different courses and see which professors they prefer.

As with concentrations, students also have the opportunity to design their own classes. Student-created classes develop as collaborations between a small group of students and a faculty advisor and are known as Group Independent Study Projects, or GISPs. GISPs are a perfect example of what happens when you give motivated students the freedom and resources to pursue their true passions. Many GISPs encompass several fields of study and result in innovative research or help extend Brown’s interdisciplinary course offerings.

Brown also offers cross-registration with RISD(pronounced Riz-dee), the Rhode Island School of Design, a top-level art school that is Brown’s neighbor on College Hill. Visual Arts concentrators make the most use of this option. In the past several year, both schools have committed to raising academic collabo-ration to a new level.

Recent Independent Concentrations at Brown

•Physics and Religion: The Search for Understanding

•New Media Publishing

•Immigration Studies

•The Culture of Medicine

•Computer Graphics and Film


Most Brown students are inherently motivated to take their studies seriously, but they are not overly concerned with grades. Overall, grading at Brown is fair. Students receive an A, B, or C for passing work and an NC, or No Credit, for failing work. Professors maintain high standards for A and B level work in all disciplines, though professors in the sciences may grade more harshly.

Pass / Fail Grades

The S/NC grade option at Brown, which stands for satisfactory/no credit, is intended to encourage academic risk taking. Since students can opt to take any course S/NC, they are more likely to venture outside of their comfort zones academically without fear of sullying their transcripts with a low grade. For example, a history concentrator may decide to take a competitive physics course S/NC or an economics concentrator might try art history without having to worry about grades. Most students view the S/NC system as a nice option but still take the majority of their courses for a grade. Very few students abuse the system.

Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME)

One final aspect of academic life at Brown is the Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME). This program provides a unique path to medical education. Students apply to PLME as high school seniors and, if accepted, are guaranteed spots in Brown’s medical school upon graduation, provided they maintain a certain GPA. As undergrads, PLME students are just like other members of the class. They are encouraged to take full advantage of Brown’s liberal arts offerings, and many end up concentrating in the humanities before continuing on to medical school. Ultimately, this eight-year continuum of liberal arts education and medical education encourages PLME students to develop into well-rounded scholars who view medicine as a humanitarian pursuit rather than a trade.

Brown University Admissions

Each year Brown’s admissions process seems to get more selective. In a recent year, Brown accepted 2,555 of 18,316 applicants. Students seeking admission must meet high academic standards. Nearly half of the current freshmen were in the top ten percent of their high school classes, and SAT scores average 1400 (based on 1600).
But meeting these requirements alone does not ensure acceptance. There is no one formula for gaining admission to Brown. Admissions officers look at many different aspects of an applicant’s profile in addition to his or her academic record. Brown, like most competitive colleges, looks for students who have the whole package—exceptional academics, leadership in outside activities, commitment to the community, and a certain intangible spark that can come across in an applicant’s essay or recommendations.

Geographic and Ethnic Diversity

Brown’s admissions committee also tries to foster geographic and ethnic diversity in the student body. For this reason, students who come from underrepresented regions, such as the Midwest, may have an easier time getting in than students from the Northeast. The university also actively recruits international students and values the diverse perspectives they bring to the community. At present, Brown enrolls approximately 5,900 undergraduates from all fifty states and almost seventy countries.

The university has an equally strong commitment to promoting ethnic diversity. About thirty percent of undergraduates are people of color. Over the years, the university has established programs to provide a network of support for the minority community on campus. Minority Peer Counselors or MPCs are a group of Arab, Asian, Black, Latino, Multiracial, and Native American undergraduates who provide academic and personal counseling to first-year students of color. They also conduct workshops in freshman dorms throughout the year to promote understanding on campus.

Student groups based on cultural background are another source of support and community for minority students and are very popular. They provide a venue for students from similar backgrounds to hang out and get to know each other, and they also host events on campus, such as performances or panel discussions, that let students share their heritages and raise awareness about issues affecting their community.

Application Process

Brown’s application process is fairly standard. Applicants submit academic transcripts, recommendations, test scores for the SAT or ACT, two SAT Subject Test scores, and a personal essay.

Once students have assembled all of their materials, they can submit their applications to Brown by one of two deadlines: the Early Decision deadline or the Regular deadline. Students choosing the Early Decision option apply by November 1 and receive decisions by mid-December. This option is reserved for applicants who have selected Brown as their first-choice college and will attend Brown if admitted as an Early Decision candidate. The Regular admissions deadline is January 1.

Financial Aid

Beginning with the class of 2007, Brown implemented its new need-blind admissions policy. This means that an applicant’s financial need will not affect whether or not a student is selected for admission. Another recent policy change replaced the freshman work-study requirement with one-year scholarships. Now, freshmen who receive financial aid won’t have to work to contribute to their packages during their first year. Without the pressure of earning part of their aid, freshmen are free to fully explore and enjoy all that Brown has to offer.

Students receive financial support both through financial aid and scholarship grants. Nearly forty percent of Brown students receive some sort of aid. For the class of 2007, the average financial aid package totaled over $26,630.
Many students work part-time jobs as part of their work-study program or to make some extra spending money. Food service jobs are the most common, but there are also job opportunities in academic departments, libraries, or other campus facilities. On-campus jobs pay an hourly wage that typically increases as a student logs in a number of hours or rises to leadership. The average yearly earnings from campus employment is approximately $1,300. The deadline for submitting financial aid forms is November 1 for Early Decision applicants and February 1 for regular applicants, and financial aid awards must be renewed each year.

Brown University Students


The freshman unit marks the beginning of every Brown student’s social life. It comprises forty to sixty students who live together in the same freshman dorm. Brown intentionally tries to maximize diversity in these groups, so students from one unit represent many different ethnicities, geographic backgrounds, and interests.
People tend to bond quickly with their unit mates, and units often travel as a pack during the first few months of freshman year. Members of the same unit will eat together in the campus cafeterias or turn out in large numbers to support one of their unit mates at a performance or sporting event.

Many Brown students make lifelong friends in their freshman unit, and some even meet their future spouses. Overall, the unit setup provides first-years with a feeling of community and gives students a chance to make a diverse group of friends whom they might not otherwise encounter.

Fraternities and Sororities

Units are the first social group at Brown, but it isn’t long before students begin to find their way to other campus groups and activities, such as fraternities and sororities. Unlike many college campuses, Greek life plays a small role in Brown’s social scene. Ten percent of students belong to the ten fraternities and three sororities on campus. Of the fraternities, two are coed and tend to throw less traditional frat parties around themes such as swing dancing. The more traditional frats and sororities throw the majority of big public parties on campus. These parties can draw a crowd, but many students move on to other social options after their first year or two on campus.

Things to Try at Least Once Before Graduating

•Dress up for the midnight organ concert on Halloween.

•Undress for the annual “Naked Party” at Watermyn Coop.

•Rub the nose of the statue of John Hay for good luck.

•Sing your stress away at Karaoke Night in the cafeteria during finals period.

•Nap on the couches in the Absolute Quiet Room in the John D. Rockefeller Library, AKA “The Rock.”

•Star gaze at the Ladd Observatory.

Other Social Activities

The alternatives to frat parties are as diverse and creative as Brown’s student body. Cultural events are a particularly big draw. Students pack theater productions, dance performances, a cappella concerts, and improv comedy shows. There is also an on-campus bar and music venue called The Underground. Funk night at The Underground is popular among freshmen and sophomores, while upperclassmen frequent the Graduate Center Bar, known for its dungeonlike atmosphere, pool tables, and dart tournaments.


The dating scene at Brown is somewhat lacking; it seems that people are either in a serious relationship or they’re single. There’s not a lot of casual dating. Brown students tend to hang out in groups, and couples usually stay connected with their group of friends. But there’s always help for those who wish they were dating. Several years ago, one enterprising student created an on-campus matchmaking service called HUGS, Helping Undergraduates Socialize. Each year at Valentine’s Day students can fill out a questionnaire and, for a small fee, receive a list of their ten most compatible and five least compatible matches on campus. Then they wear out the pages of the class face books checking out the photos of their potential matches.


In addition to athletics, students can participate in a wide variety of activities. There are more than 200 student organizations at Brown including theater and dance ensembles, music groups, community service organizations, faith-based groups, student government, and much more. Involvement in campus groups is a major part of the Brown experience. Most clubs give students the option to get involved in a small or large way, and most students are actively involved in at least one club or volunteer activity. Students enjoy the opportunity to try new things, and they often find that campus groups provide their first introduction to a potential career path. For example, Andrew Barlow, class of 2000, served as a writer and editor for the campus humor magazine during his years as a student, and since graduation, he has published humor pieces in The New Yorker.


Brown offers a wide range of varsity sports (thirty-seven different teams) and has decent facilities for a school its size. In general, sports at Brown, like Greek life, are in the background. Attendance at games is low. Athletes tend to support other athletes and students support their friends who play sports, but rarely does the whole campus rally around a sporting event.

There is, however, a strong sense of community among athletes, and students who do attend games get caught up in the school spirit and cheer loudly. Many games are also attended by the very enthusiastic Brown band. The world’s first ice-skating band, the Brown band performs postgame ice shows that are a highlight of the hockey season.

Local Community

Off campus, students enjoy the cultural and culinary offerings of Providence. A near-perfect college town, Providence is small enough to feel homey but large enough so there’s always something going on. Recently, Providence has gone through a muchtouted cultural renaissance. There’s a thriving arts community that plays host to many quality theater productions and offbeat performance art. There are also several concert venues and jazz clubs and, for more mainstream entertainment, the massive Providence Place Mall has a megaplex movie theater as well as an Imax theater.

Providence is also home to some of the best restaurants in New England. Freshmen find that Parents Weekend is a perfect time to try some of the city’s pricier establishments, such as the famed Italian restaurant Al Forno, while seniors who are off meal plan frequent South Providence’s pan-Asian hangout, Apsara.


Over ninety-four percent of Brown students graduate, then they are faced with the anxiety of figuring out what to do next. Fortunately, Brown provides a support network to help seniors make postgraduation plans.

About a quarter of Brown graduates go directly to graduate or professional school after graduation. These students receive guidance from professors in the field and often attend the top schools in their discipline.


For students who pursue professional tracks in law or medicine, there are deans at Brown who specialize in counseling prelaw and premed students. They guide students through the process of deciding whether or not law school or medical school is the right next step for them, and if students decide to apply, they help them navigate the involved application and interview processes. There is also a dean who helps students apply for scholarships or fellowships. Historically, this support has helped Brown students fare very well in competitions for highly selective postgraduate awards, such as the Rhodes and Marshall scholarships.

Job Hunting

Career Services is the most valuable resource for students who look for employment directly after graduation. Each year, many finance and consulting firms recruit Brown seniors through interview sessions at the Career Development Center. Additionally, Brown provides excellent resources for the large number of students who wish to pursue noncorporate tracks with their “Careers in the Common Good” speaker series. And in recent years, Brown has assembled contact information for alumni who have agreed to talk with students about their jobs and how they got to where they are today. This vast alumni network gives Brown students an inside track to information about a wide variety of career options.

Prominent Grads

•Mary Chapin Carpenter, Country Singer-Songwriter

•Ira Glass, Host of National Public Radio’s “This American Life”

•John Hay, Personal Secretary to Lincoln and Secretary of State under Presidents McKinley and T. Roosevelt

•John Heisman, the Trophy’s Namesake

•Charles Evans Hughes, Chief Justice, Supreme Court

•John F. Kennedy, Jr., Publisher

•Laura Linney, Oscar-Nominated Actress

•Horace Mann, Educator

•Joe Paterno, Football Coach

•Tom Scott and Tom First, AKA “Tom & Tom,” Creators of Nantucket Nectars

•John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Philanthropist

•Ted Turner, Media Mogul

•Thomas Watson, Jr., Former IBM Head



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