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Wake Forest University維克森林大学
时间:2015-10-15 16:54 来源:ChinaZ

Wake Forest University維克森林大學


  维克森林大学( Wake Forest University)

  学校类别 国家研究型大学
提供学位 学士、硕士、博士
  拉丁语意为: 唤醒那片广袤的森林
  作为美国东海岸享有盛誉的贵族名门,威克弗里斯特大学在商法医三大学术领域稳居北美顶尖行列。商学院2002-2010年被美国商业周刊评选为北美20所顶尖商学院之一,入选金融时报世界顶尖商学院100强。法学院常年入选普林斯顿评论全美十大教师资源最好的法学院。医学院更拥有再生医学等领域最尖端的研究人才和创始性的科研成果。建于西元1834年,威克弗里斯特大学正如它的大学校名所表达的涵义一样, 用如森林般广阔的学术资源唤醒求知的心灵。在2012年US NEWS全美大学综合排名中,维克森林大学位列全美大学综合排名第25位。
  威克弗里斯特大学(Wake Forest University)以其精英教学、昂贵的校园资源和独立自由的学风独树一格。大学旗下有大学部、会计学院、法学院、医学院、商学院、神学院和三十个研究所部门。威克弗里斯特大学以其丰富高科技资源在全美颇受好评,所有大学部学生都在入学时获得一台IBM ThinkPad手提电脑以及彩色印表机,并在两年後将电脑设备升级,更在毕业後归学生私人资产。宿舍和教室也都充分备有网际网路,学生可以轻易使用于课业以及图书馆资讯查询,Around-the-clock(全天候电子管理系统)更随时支援提供学生科技应用上谘询。
  威克弗里斯特大学(Wake Forest University)位于卡罗来纳州历史名城温莎,坐落于美国大西洋海岸的派德


蒙特,离大西洋海岸仅三小时车程。名城温莎位于华盛顿和亚特兰大的中间,曾是北美第四大银行美联银行(Wachovia)的世界总部,盛极一时。现在仍是世界赫赫有名的大财团雷诺兹家族和北美排名前40的布兰奇金融集团的所在地。城市里许多文化活动都反映出早期的殖民历史和统治精英色彩。拥有冠军级专业高尔夫球课程以及休闲娱乐设施的Tanglewood Park,邻近学校不远之处。银行、科技、旅游、医疗保健、烟草和运输等产业现为温莎市主要的商业。附近由各学术机构共同孕育出闻名全球的三角研究科技园(Research Triangle Park),为美国东海岸主要学术研究中心。


大学的商学院提供总体管理教育,环境舒适而富有人情味,尤其重视给予学生personal attention。商学院在教育上着力于建立各方之间密切的关系。学生和老师之间、学生之间都很了解。和达特茅斯大学商学院一样,该校在两年的学习中大量采用小组和团队学习的方法。该校的文化多元化程度不高,在这一点上也和达特茅斯大学商学院有相似之处。第一年学校安排的是一系列衔接紧凑的必修课和整体化的练习。尽管该校55%的学生获得过商业或经济学位,威克弗里斯特大学并不允许任何人免修任何主课。达特茅斯大学和哈佛商学院也是如此。该校毕业生对学校课程设置中分析能力和人际关系能力培养的内容设置评价很高。第二年有四门必修课,包括一个以顾问身份到当地商务和非营利部门实习的项目;有13门各为期半学期的选修课可供选学。其教学水平高的领域是金融学、企业财务。每年夏季,学校都安排有三个到国外的学习考察旅行。5月中旬到6月初,学生们可以到日本参观那儿的公司。第二个旅行是去参观考察中国或香港的公司。第三个旅行则是到英国的牛津大学修为期两周关于business development in Europe的课程。威克弗里斯特大学的商学院还提供到英国、奥地利、法国或德国进修一个学期的学习机会和到国外公司实习的项目。每年该校学生可以到日本或欧洲,在Ford Motor Co. Ltd、theKellogg Co. of Great Britain和the London Kensington Hilton这样的公司实习工作。其在信息技术装备上的努力有口皆碑。学校给每位全日制学生提供一台IBM Think Pad Laptop电脑,学生不用另外付费。学校的各个学习场所,如教室、讲座大厅和图书馆等,到处都设有和大学的网址相连的电脑。学生们也可以在家里上网查阅电子邮件或某位教授的课堂笔记。该校还让附近愿意给学生提供建议和职业指导的职业人员与学生们结成辅教伙伴,这是毕业生们对学校在促成他们和成功商务人士接触中所做努力评价极高的原因之一。在这项调查中,威克弗里斯特大学的商学院高居美国名牌商学院的第二名,仅次于常春藤盟校达特茅斯大学商学院。

教授的归来,几乎一夜之间就成为新兴的纳米科技领域的主要参与者。威克弗里斯特大学物理系的纳米科技中心位于该大学校园附近的Deacon Boulevard,由十五个高薪水的局外专业人士操作。随着纳米科技从实验阶段向在纺织业、医药、电信通讯和航天上应用的发展,新兴公司在派德蒙特科技园的潜力将变得很明显。威克弗里斯特大学纳米科技中心将会加速温莎市向科技经济转变的速度。

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  全球教育商学院排名网国家商学院排名 第63名
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  费 用
  经济资助是否对国际学生提供经济资助: 是
  提供经济资助的种类: 根据需要发放的助学金-- 否;
  根据优秀程度发放的奖学金--- 是
  是否需要提交专门的申请: 否
  是否有最高额限制: 是 (全部就读费用+$1,500)
  是否可以延续: 否
  申请条件:SAT Math + Critical Reading>1500, 高中排名top1%
  发放名额: 6(个/年)
  Guy T. Carswell Scholarships
  是否需要提交专门的申请: 否
  是否有最高额限制: 是 (全部就读费用+$1,500)
  是否可以延续: 否
  申请条件:SAT Math + Critical Reading>1500, 高中排名top1%
  发放名额: 6(个/年)
  Joseph G. Gordon Scholarships
  是否需要提交专门的申请: 否
  是否有最高额限制: 是 (全部就读费用+$1,500)
  是否可以延续: 否
  申请条件:SAT Math + Critical Reading>1500, 高中排名top1%
  发放名额: 7(个/年)
  Graylyn Scholarship
  是否需要提交专门的申请: 否
  是否有最高额限制: 是 (全部就读费用+$1,500)
  是否可以延续: 否
  申请条件:SAT Math + Critical Reading>1500, 高中排名top1%

入学时间 9月份
本科:高中毕业,成绩优秀/A-level (AAA/AAB)
研究生:大学本科毕业,成绩优秀,个别专业要求工作经验;海外生须具有TOFEL SAT 成绩
本科生 TOEFL100.00 IELTS0.00 SAT0.00
 ACT0.00 A-LEVEL0.00 GPA3.50
研究生 TOEFL100.00 IELTS7.00 GRE0.00
 GMAT0.00 LSAT0.00 GPA3.50

Wake Forest University Introduction
Wake Forest is a rare find in higher education—a medium-sized university that consistently ranks in the top thirty undergraduate programs nationwide with an active and involved student body and a tight-knit community of professors, students, and administrators. With just 4,476 undergraduates, the university strikes the perfect balance in size. It’s impossible to walk across the campus without seeing the faces of your classmates and friends, but there’s still the opportunity to meet a new person each day. Only twenty-five percent of students hail from North Carolina, while the rest are transplants from all over the United States and abroad. All these factors combine to create a close, supportive community of students interested in pursuing a liberal arts degree.
Wake Forest students often fondly and with some seriousness refer to their school as“Work Forest.” In its defense, they are also prone to say that at Wake, we “work hard and play hard.” The academic curriculum is not for the casual student. Core curriculum requirements are extensive, including at least thirty-three credit hours that usually dominate the first two years of the college tenure. Though the classes are hard, the typical Wake Forest student enjoys the challenge and the accompanying celebration that’s sure to follow. Students are also able to develop amazing relationships with their professors, all of whom will learn every student’s name, meet with students on a regular basis, and probably host a class dinner at their house at least once a semester. The student to professor ratio is small at 10:1. Lecture-style classes tend to top out at thirty students, while more discussion-based seminar classes are limited to between fifteen and twenty students. Larger lectures are virtually nonexistent. The largest classes are perhaps in intro level sciences and they rarely exceed forty-five students. Even with these intimate class sizes, students still experience the perks of a big-time national university in resources, technology, and athletics. The undergraduate school of arts and sciences offers thirty-seven majors, most with corresponding minors, and an additional twenty-seven interdisciplinary minors, which allow students to take a wide variety of courses toward concentrations in journalism, film, Middle Eastern studies, and more. There is also an undergraduate program in the Calloway School of Business and Accountancy, which has been consistently ranked in the top twenty-five programs nationwide by BusinessWeek.
Wake Forest is situated in the heart of Winston-Salem, the fourth-largest city in North Carolina. Though Winston-Salem is home to four colleges, including the University of North Carolina School of the Arts and Winston-Salem State University, the city does not have the feel of a typical college town. Rather, it is suburban with a bustling art scene downtown and the largest mall in North Carolina, Hanes Mall, just fifteen minutes from campus. Its most impressive attraction is perhaps the plethora of amazing regional restaurants that combine fresh seasonal ingredients with college-friendly budget pricing. There are also a good number of bars for the over-twenty-one crowd, including a nice downtown wine bar, a micro-brewery, and several bustling sports pubs. The city’s only social void is perhaps the current lack of dance clubs, which is mostly made up for by frequent on-campus events and open fraternity parties.
While Winston-Salem is home to the 340-acre campus today, it wasn’t the original site of the college. In fact, Wake Forest was established in 1834 by the N.C. Baptist Convention in the town from which the college takes its name, Wake Forest, N.C. However, the entire campus moved to Winston-Salem in 1956 with the help of a grant from the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. In the 1980s the university formally severed ties with the Baptist Convention and remains unaffiliated with any religious denomination. Today, the campus is one of the most beautiful in America, bursting with blossoming magnolia trees in the spring and colored with the gorgeous red and gold leaves of ash trees in the fall. The southern Georgian architecture is a repeated motif in each of the buildings, and the campus is compact enough that a brisk fifteen-minute walk will take you from end to end.
Who should apply to Wake Forest? The right match will be a serious student with the desire and willingness to dedicate himself or herself to academic pursuits. You can’t expect things to be easy; students who found high school easy may spend late nights in the library. The right applicant will also follow his or her passions outside of academics. Wake Forest students often dedicate as much time in groups and clubs as they do to school, whether in a fraternity or on the student newspaper. A successful Wake Forest student must also embrace Winston-Salem and the southern culture that’s a part of the experience. If you aren’t willing to welcome the occasional chicken biscuit or sundress, you may need to rethink your decision. Generally, the student body has a welcoming southern spirit, where everyone can come to appreciate the history and culture. To become a Deac, be prepared to loathe your archrivals at the nearest Carolina schools and come to think of yellow and black tie-dye as an appropriate fashion choice. Expect to sunbathe on the Quad beneath the magnolia trees in the spring and have snowball fights during the two or three snow days each winter.
What defines the Wake Forest experience? The small student body and the dedicated faculty form a tight-knit community and a bond that lasts well after graduation. Alumni feel a special camaraderie, as if Wake Forest is our own personal secret hidden in North Carolina.
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Wake Forest University Academics
At its core, Wake Forest is a liberal arts university. This commitment to educating the whole person is reflected in the extensive core curriculum, which is required for all undergraduate students. Most students complete the bulk of the core curriculum, which consists of several basic requirements and additional classes across five divisions, during their first two years. The basic requirements include a first-year seminar, a writing seminar, two courses in health and exercise, and advancing to the 200-level in one foreign language. First-year seminars are often the highlight of the freshman course load. These classes are limited to fifteen freshmen and are offered by senior faculty in their own area of expertise. In order to meet the foreign language requirement, students may take a placement exam to determine their level of mastery and be placed in a beginning, intermediate, or advanced class. Students with excellent language skills may test directly into the 200-level and take only one class to meet the requirement.
In addition to these basic requirements, students take classes in five divisions: humanities, literature, fine arts, social sciences, and math and natural sciences.
Students are not asked to declare a major until the end of sophomore year. Wake Forest offers thirty-seven majors, the most popular being business, political science, psychology, biology, economics, history, communication, English, and health and exercise science. Students are free to declare any major without formal application with only one exception: the Calloway School of Business and Accountancy accepts applications for new majors in the spring of the sophomore year. The school offers majors in accounting, business and enterprise management, finance, and mathematical business. Accounting students can earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree in accounting in five years and the program’s graduates have ranked first in the nation for the highest passing rate on the CPA exam for the past four years. The Calloway School has consistently ranked in US News and World Report’s top thirty undergraduate business schools and in BusinessWeek’s Top 25.
Study Abroad
Study abroad is becoming an increasingly common part of the college experience and Wake Forest is no exception. In fact, Wake Forest has one of the highest percentages of students studying abroad. More than sixty percent of Wake Forest students choose to study abroad for at least one semester. Wake Forest has several of its own programs abroad. The university owns houses in London, England; Vienna, Austria; and on the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy. Groups of twelve to fifteen students live in these residences with a Wake Forest professor for a semester. Students take classes for four days a week and often use their long weekends to travel. Wake Forest also has two language emersion programs, one in Dijon, France, and one is Salamanca, Spain. Students in these programs live with native host families and take classes at local universities. These programs also organize a good deal of travel around Europe and Asia. Wake Forest also sponsors summer programs in Asia, South America, Africa, and Europe.
Wake Forest students may also choose to study through a program offered by another American university or enroll directly in a foreign university for a semester.
Wake Forest University Admissions
In 2008 Wake Forest became the first top thirty university to make standardized testing optional for admission. University officials made the decision based on research that suggested standardized tests are not the best predictors of success in college. There is “a compelling argument that reliance on the SAT and other standardized tests for admission is a major barrier to access for many worthy students,” said Jill Tiefenthaler, provost. “By taking this step at Wake Forest, we want to remove that barrier.” Students may still choose to submit SAT or ACT scores, but high school curriculum and classroom performance combined with writing abilities, extracurricular activities, and evidence of talent and character have become the most important factors in admission. In conjunction with this change, Martha Allman, director of admissions, now strongly encourages interviews either on campus or with a Wake Forest (alums or graduates) in your hometown. Interviews can be set up through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Using a webcam, a microphone, and the Internet, some students applying to Wake Forest can now sit in their living rooms at home and have a “face-to-face” conversation with an admissions counselor. Wake Forest began offering webcam interviews in 2008.
In 2008, about 9,000 students applied to Wake Forest and a little less than forty percent were admitted. Of those admitted, about 1,200 enroll each year. The university has recently explored increasing the size of the undergraduate student body by a few hundred students. However, maintaining the current student-teacher ratio and continuing to provide housing for undergraduates remain high priorities for the administration, so any growth will be slow. Eighty-five percent of entering freshmen rank in the top twenty percent of their high school class. The majority of enrolling freshmen come from southern and mid-Atlantic states, but students enroll from all over the United States and more than twenty foreign countries. A volunteer group of students offers campus tours every day. Prospective freshmen can also sign up to be hosted by a current student for a day. Students take prospectives to their classes and board them in the dorms for the evening. The university accepts the Common Application, which must be accompanied by a writing supplement. Early Decision applications are due November 15; Wake Forest must be the student’s first choice and only Early Decision application. Regular Decision applications are due January 15 and decisions are mailed by April 1.
Financial Aid
Wake Forest is one of a small group of private universities pledged to “need-blind”admissions, meaning that students will be admitted without consideration of their ability to pay and the university will meet 100 percent of demonstrated financial need. Around fifty-two percent of students receive some form of financial aid through scholarships, grants, student loans, or work-study programs. Funds are available through federal and state sources in addition to the university’s own financial resources. Students should apply for financial aid even before receiving their decision from the university in order to begin the long process. Applications for need-based financial aid are due March 1.
Merit-based scholarships are available, but the competition for these scholarships is fierce. Several different scholarships, including the Presidential Scholarships, are based on demonstrated aptitudes in certain fields such as theater, dance, music, or community service. Students must apply for these scholarships in January. Recipients of the Reynolds- Cardwells scholarships receive funds to cover tuition costs, allowances for books and living expenses, and summer grants for individual study.
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Wake Forest University Students
The Wake Forest campus is the heart of the college community, where most of the action takes place. Seventy percent of Wake Forest students live on campus in residence halls. Freshmen mostly live together on South Campus. The majority of these freshman dorms are arranged in hall-style living with fifteen to twenty rooms on a hall. Halls share bathrooms and common rooms. Each room has air conditioning and comes equipped with beds, dressers, desks, and a micro-fridge. All dorms have communal kitchens and free laundry facilities. The residence halls are coed, but separated into male and female halls. Freshmen-year roommates are assigned using a compatibility survey.
After freshman year, students move to North Campus into upperclassman dorms. Upperclassmen choose their own roommates and have more diverse housing options. The majority of upperclassman housing is suite-style, meaning that six-to-eight people share a suite with three or four bedrooms and shared bathrooms. Upperclassmen can also move to Polo Residence Hall or student apartments, which offer apartments with private kitchenettes, bathrooms, and living rooms. These usually accommodate two to four people.
Groups of students who share a particular interest may also apply for Theme Housing. These programs are usually located in university-owned houses on the edges of campus or in blocks of rooms in university residence halls. Current theme housing includes the environmental house, foreign language houses, the technology house, and various sports-themed houses such as crew, lacrosse, and soccer. Students must live in university housing for their first two years. Upperclassmen who choose to move off campus often find apartments in one of several nearby complexes that cater to university students or rent homes in the surrounding neighborhood. These rental properties are a short drive from the university and a great option for students looking to save money or get a little more space.
All students who live on campus are required to have a meal plan. The number of meals required varies based on your type of university housing. Students who have their own kitchens are required to buy fewer meals than students who share communal kitchens. Commuter students are not required to purchase the meal plan. On-campus dining options include three food courts, a buffet-style dining room, a Subway on the Quad, and three coffee shops including a Starbucks in the library. The largest food court is a sunken dining room traditionally referred to as the Pit. The Pit serves three different meals a day, each including a salad bar, pasta station, deli sandwiches, home-cooking station, fresh waffles, world cuisine, and desserts. The dining room itself is spacious, clean, and bright with tons of seating for groups large and small and is fitted with flat screen televisions. There is a carry-out option that allows students to box meals for dining on the go. A favorite alternative option is the Magnolia Room, a buffet-style dining room that serves southern classics and home-style favorites. Students line up outside the room before its 10:30 A.M. opening and the room stays filled until closing time at 2 P.M. The Benson University Center is favored for quick meals. The recently remodeled dining hall includes a Chickfil-A, Panera bagels, Fresh Market smoothies, and more.
Subway, the latest open dining option, is the number one stop for late night meals. Students can use their meal plan to get a value meal until 2 A.M. Expect long lines when the fresh bread comes out of the oven. Since its opening in 2008, the Starbucks in the library has become a hot spot. The two-level space is comfy and warm; huge study rooms in the back are also a draw. The student-run coffeehouse Campus Grounds also attracts a loyal following for its warm atmosphere and cushy couches. Shorty’s in the Benson University Center is the only place to pick up beer on campus—try one of the local brews on tap and charge it to your Deacon cash card!
Clubs and Organizations
There are more than 150 student organizations from a cappella groups to religious study groups. Two of the largest groups are Student Government, which lobbies for student concerns and allocates funds to clubs, and Student Union, which organizes concerts, performances, movies, and other events. Student Union organizes Wake All Night at the beginning of each semester with free food and poker and other games all night in the Benson University Center. The group is also responsible for Springfest, a weeklong celebration that includes a carnival, the Shag on the Mag spring dance, and a concert. Past performers have included O.A.R, Ben Folds, Guster, and Lewis Black. Student media organizations include a newspaper, television station, radio station, literary journal, and entertainment Web site. The Old Gold & Black, the student newspaper, has been publishing weekly since 1916 and has won several national awards. The Student Web site is the premiere destination for a calendar of student events and local restaurant recommendations.
Several yearly events drive home the university’s commitment to service that is expressed in the school motto, Pro Humanitate, which means “for humanity.” Every year 1,500 children from community agencies trick-or-treat in the dorms and play games on the Quad during Project Pumpkin. The Brian Piccolo Cancer Fund Drive raises more than $50,000 annually with fun events such as dance-a-thons and silent auctions. Brian Piccolo’s football career with the Demon Deacons and the Chicago Bears and his subsequent battle with cancer are recorded in the film Brian’s Song. The Volunteer Service Corps and several religious organizations organize a wide variety of service projects both locally and around the world. These include yearly service trips to build homes, plant gardens, and teach English in South America, Asia, and Africa.
Greek System
In the tradition of many southern universities, Wake Forest does have a large Greek system. Approximately forty percent of the student body is involved—a little less than fifty percent of females join a sorority and a little over thirty percent of males join a fraternity. However, unlike most universities, Greek housing is not separated from regular university housing. There is no fraternity or sorority row. Rather, students who choose to live in Greek housing do so in residence halls with blocks of rooms dedicated to their respective fraternity or sorority. Members are normally not required to live in Greek housing. Each organization has its own on-campus lounge, in which there are often parties on weekends that are open to the entire student body. In general, the system is very open, partially due to the deferred rush system. Wake Forest’s Greek system differs from most others in that students do not rush during their first semester. Formal rush takes place in the spring semester.
The President’s Ball
In 2005 Wake Forest welcomed a new university president and in honor of his inauguration, an Inaugural Ball was held for all students, faculty, and staff. The entire Wake Forest community came dressed in cocktail dresses and suits and mingled in the basketball arena that had been transformed into a gorgeous ballroom. President Nathan O. Hatch rode into the arena with the school mascot, seated on the back of a motorcycle as confetti and balloons descended from the ceiling. There were chocolate fountains, ice sculptures, and two excellent local bands. The first event was such a success that a President’s Ball is now held every other year.
Each Wake Forest undergraduate receives a Lenovo Thinkpad and an HP inkjet printer/ scanner upon enrollment. Juniors trade in their Thinkpads at the beginning of the fall semester for the latest model, which they keep after graduation. The Thinkpads come fully loaded and include access to some expensive programs such as Photoshop. Resident Technology Advisors (RTAs) live in each residence hall and provide twenty-four-hour computer assistance for the technologically challenged. The entire campus has Wi-Fi accessibility that is so reliable you’ll be able to access the Web literally anywhere on campus, even in the middle of the Quad.
Wake Forest is the smallest school in the Atlantic Coast Conference and the third smallest school in the country to field a Division I football team, but its sports programs have enjoyed huge success. The school’s basketball team, which has cranked out NBA stars like Josh Howard, Tim Duncan, and Chris Paul, has often been ranked in the top twenty-five. The golf program has turned out stars like Arnold Palmer, Curtis Strange, and Jay Haas and has earned three national championships. The football team finished the 2006 season as ACC Champions, earning an appearance in the BCS Orange Bowl, which drew the largest gathering of alumni in Wake Forest history. The field hockey team won three consecutive national championships from 2002 to 2004 and played in the national championship title game in 2006. And both the men’s and women’s soccer teams finished their 2006 seasons in the top twenty-five. The university’s 2006 fall sports success even attracted national attention, with USA Todayrecently profiling the athletics program under the headline “Tiny Wake Forest turns its size into an asset.”
Students get free tickets to all home games. Fall brings tailgates and football at Groves Stadium, and winter brings the ACC basketball season, when fans clad in gold and black tie-dyes fill Lawrence Joel Memorial Coliseum to watch the Deacs take on the likes of Duke and UNC—Chapel Hill. Big athletic victories merit “Rolling the Quad,” as students—and sometimes a few professors—cover the ash trees of the university’s main lawn with long ribbons of white toilet paper. The university also prides itself on its high graduation rate for student athletes. Of Division I schools with football programs, Wake Forest has the best graduation rate in the nation at ninety-six percent.

Wake Forest University Traditions
Rolling the Quad
After major athletic victories, students and sometimes faculty and staff send rolls of toilet paper flying over the ash trees of the university’s main quad. Billowing toilet paper never looked so beautiful.
Project Pumpkin
This annual volunteer event brings more than 1,500 children from community agencies to trick-or-treat in dorm rooms and play games set up in residence hall lounges and across the quad. Most undergraduate students dress up to join in the festivities.
This candle lit service in Wait Chapel honors the area’s Moravian heritage and tradition. Students and community members sing carols and partake in the traditional feast of sweet buns and coffee.
Brain Piccolo Cancer Fund Drive
Student groups raise money for the Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University in honor of Piccolo, a former Wake Forest football player and member of the Chicago Bears whose friendship with African-American teammate Gale Sayers and death from cancer at the age of twenty-six inspired the movie Brian’s Song. Through events like Dance-A-Thons, races, and silent auctions, Greek groups raise more than $50,000 annually for the fund.
Local Community
Winston-Salem’s Best
• Burke Street Pizza
• Best 24-Hour Dining: Jimmy the Greek
• Best Burger and Milkshake: Cookout Drive-Thru
• Best Frozen Yogurt: Zack’s Famous Frozen Yogurt
• Best for a Date: 6th and Vine Wine Bar and Cafe
• Best Brunch: Mary’s Of Course
• Best Sandwich Shop: Simply Yummy
• Best for Parent’s Weekend: Village Tavern
• Best Alternative to Village Tavern on Parent’s Weekend Because It Will Be Packed: Fourth Street Filling Station
Eighty percent of Wake Forest students graduate in four years. Within six months of graduation, approximately thirty-five percent of graduates enroll in graduate programs and sixty percent are employed. Wake Forest has five professional and graduate schools of its own—the School of Law, the School of Medicine, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Divinity School, and the Babcock Graduate School of Management. Students interested in pursuing degrees in medicine and law have historically had great success in enrolling in programs nationwide. Sixty-eight percent of those applying to medical school and about sixty percent of those applying to law school are accepted. With eleven Rhodes Scholars in the past twenty years, the university has a proud history of postgraduate achievement.
The Office of Career Services provides support for students seeking employment. The office hosts career fairs, conducts resume reviews and mock interviews, provides career counseling, and manages a job board and internship posting site. An extensive network of alumni connections is a helpful resource for graduates. The job fairs typically bring more than 170 companies to campus for recruiting. Career Services also offers free seminars and forums hosted by local professionals in which students can explore options in their fields of study.
Prominent Grads
• A. R. Ammons, Poet
• Rhoda Billings, Former Chief Justice of the NC Supreme Court
• Marc Blucas, Actor, First Daughter and The Alamo
• Richard Burr, U.S. Senator
• James Cain, U.S. Ambassador to Denmark
• W. J. Cash, Author
• Will D. Campbell, Author
• Tim Duncan, Professional Basketball Player
• Charles Ergen, Chairman, CEO, Echostar
• Evelyn “Pat” Foote, Retired Brigadier General, U.S. Army
• Maria Henson, Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist
• Al Hunt, Managing Editor for Government Reporting, Bloomberg News
• Gerald Johnson, Author
• Penelope Niven, Biographer
• Lee Norris, Actor, “One Tree Hill”
• Billy Packer, Sports Commentator
• Arnold Palmer, Professional Golfer
• Chris Paul, Professional Basketball Player
• Jim Perdue, Chairman, CEO, Perdue Farms
• Brian Piccolo, Professional Football Player
• Curtis Strange, Professional Golfer
The undergraduate experience at Wake Forest is characterized by small classes with devoted faculty. Wake Forest maintains a distinguished faculty in which eighty-six percent of the full-time professors hold the terminal degree in his or her field. With a studentteacher ratio of 10:1, students can expect to receive a good deal of individual attention. Classes are anything but impersonal; professors know their students, greet them in the hallways, and often host dinners in their homes for small classes. All professors keep office hours and many make an effort to individually meet with each student during the semester.


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