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University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill北卡罗来纳大学教堂
时间:2015-10-15 17:07 来源:Admin5


    北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,简写UNC),是一所男女同校的公立研究型大学,位于美国北卡罗来纳州教堂山。该大学是北卡罗来纳大学系统最古老的教育机构。虽然不是第一间被特许的公立大学,却是第一个在十八世纪对外招生的学校,也是唯一有研究生的公立学府。北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校是被列入公立常春藤的最初几所大学之一,且是北卡罗来纳州大学系统的旗舰机构。



  综合排名:全美综合排名第29 (US News 2012)
  校园面积:729(英亩)Princeton Review 2008年校园生活质量评分: 95/100
  校园内是否有打工机会: 是
  24小时校内巡逻 夜间交通/护送 24小时紧急电话 宿舍进入监控 道路照明 学生巡逻
  住宿 是否提供校内住宿: 是
  是否保证为新生提供住宿: 是
  混合宿舍 男生宿舍 女生宿舍 单身宿舍 已婚学生公寓 残疾人宿舍 健康宿舍
  新生住校比率: 82%
  本科生住校比率: 45%
  交通最近的机场:Raleigh-Durham Airport (达拉姆)20英里, Greensboro (格林斯博罗)60英里
  最近的火车站:Durham (达拉姆) 8英里
  校内是否有公共交通: 是




  大学成立时只有一栋单一建筑物, 叫做旧东方。如今仍然作住宅楼使用,它是最老的美国公立大学建筑物。它于1793年10月12日奠基,地方接近于一所英国圣公会小教堂并因此得名教堂山。今天,大学在每年10月12日庆祝校庆。第一位学生,Hinton James于1795年2月12日从威明顿走路到达这里。校园里的一个大住宅楼就依他命名。两个星期内,他是唯一的学生。
  教堂山分校在学术研究方面有着很强的实力,基于此,该校在2011《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News and World Report)所评选的全美最佳院校中名列第30位,公立学校中第4;其在2010《泰晤士报》世界大学排名中名列第30、QS世界大学排名第57。不仅如此,在取得如此优异的成绩的同时,她所花的代价是最小的。由《吉普林格个人财经》杂志(Kiplinger's Personal Finance)所评选的大学研究性价比排行榜中,连续6年名列第1。
  UNC广袤优美的校园由两大中心四方广场构成。广场之一叫Polk广场,以北卡罗来纳州人、北卡大学大学校友詹姆斯•诺克斯•波尔克(James Polk)总统的名字命名。学生们闲步于称为深坑的砖砌凹地(也时常戏称为传道者深坑)。座落于校园中心的Morehead-Patterson钟塔,鸣响时点。1999年,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校是“美国社会造园设计师Medallian奖”的16家获奖者之一,同时也是Gaines在他的《艺术品校园》一书中所认可的50个'艺术品'大学之一。 .


老井——北卡之公认标志                     秋天的Graham纪念堂

  整体而言,校园分为北部、中部和南部。北部校园包括连同深坑、 Frank Porter Graham 学生联盟、学生商店 以及戴维斯图书馆、豪斯图书馆和威尔逊图书馆。几乎所有的教室连同多数的本科住宅楼都位于北部校园。中部校园包括 Fetzer和Woolen健身房以及学生娱乐中心,Kenan体育场,body.html Irwin Belk户外跑道,艾迪史密斯运动场附属建筑和户内跑道,Cary C. Boshamer棒球场,Carmichael礼堂(女子篮球、女子排球、女子体操和男子摔角),Sonya Haynes Stone 黑人文化和历史中心,政治学院, 法学院,UNC医院, 乔治-瓦特希尔校友中心, Ram's Head(包括餐厅,停车车库,食品杂货商店,先进健身馆的综合楼); 以及Carmichael、 Parker Teague和Avery住宅楼。南部校园包括迪恩史密斯中心男子篮球馆, Kenan-Flagler商学院, Ram村庄 和Odum村庄公寓综合楼, Mason Farm路的Baity Hill学生家庭住房综合楼,以及Hinton James, George Moses Horton, Ehringhaus, Ehringhaus South,Morrison (现在大修中),Paul Hardin, Craige 和 Craige North 。
  一个新的卫星校园, 卡罗来纳之北, 最近已经被提议并且付诸计划中。这个新增的校区计画成为拥有二十一世纪新科学设施的研究园区, 同时也将增加住宅楼,以保证学生人口的继续生长。



  北卡罗来纳州大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)建有设施齐全的现代教学大楼,校舍配套设施齐全,拥有配备现代化器材的研究室、免费开放的体育馆及议员等,该校图书馆是北美最大的科研图书馆之一,藏书四百万册,使教师和学生能够获得非常庞大的学习资源。
  UNC提供71个学士, 110个硕士 和 7个博士学位课程。卡罗莱纳州招收来自北卡罗来纳州全部100个郡县, 其他49个州和47个其他国家的超过 26000位学生。州法律要求在每个一届新生中来自北卡罗来纳州的学生的比例达到或超过82%。
  UNC的图书馆系统有超过五百六十万册,association 研究图书馆协会。UNC 的北卡罗来纳馆藏是全国校园与“州”相关藏书中最大的,而且在威尔逊图书馆中收藏的南方和稀罕藏书是全国最好的。该大学是 ibiblio 的老家。ibiblio是世界上第三大WWW因特网站,也是收藏软体,音乐,文学,艺术,历史,科学,政治和文化研究 免费资料的世界最大收藏之一。
  在研究所专业中,医学院, 法学院, 信息及图书馆科学学院, 公共健康学院, 药学院, 新闻及大众传媒学院, 牙科学院, 护理学院, 那 教育学院, 政府学院, 和Kenan-Flagler商学院都享有很高的声誉。商学院的商业管理执行硕士,即EMBA,商业周刊排名全世界第五,一年二次的排名。Kenan-Flagler的MBA专业整体上而言在世界排第10,福布斯。其中,排名更靠前的仅有的国际学校为法国的INSEAD和瑞士的IMD。Kenan-Flagler的会计学硕士在2004“公共会计报告”中排名第 7,且以每年毕业生95% - 100% 雇用率为豪。另外,医学院 primary care排名第2,研究排名第20位,依照美国新闻&世界报告。
  2007年,在美国新闻&世界报告的排名中,信息与图书馆科学学院与伊利诺大学连续八次并列第一。美国新闻&世界报告将公共健康学院与[哈佛大学|哈佛并列第一。美国新闻&世界报告也将药学院排名全国第三。 教育学院, 北卡罗来纳大学法学院,和护理学院也在全国顶尖 30中。政府学院MPA专业是北卡罗来纳州唯一进入全国排名的MPA专业: 城市管理方面全国第6,公众事务和行政全国第10。UNC社会工作学院也提供研究所专业, 其排名连续在全国5强之列。


    总体上讲, 大学本科专业2006年全国排名27,依照 美国新闻 & 世界报告,与 南加州大学 和波士顿的 Tufts大学并列。UNC一向为公立大学 5 强之一,按照美国新闻&世界报告的调查,同列的还有UC柏克莱, 维吉尼亚大学, 加州大学洛杉矶, 和密西根大学。依照Kiplinger个人财政杂志, UNC 对于州内学生而言是最有价值的学校, 而纽约Binghamton的Binghamton大学在外州价值排名最高。2006 年,依照 美国新闻&世界报告,UNC在公立大学之中"好学校,好价格"排名第一, 而基于学术品质, 就学净开支和平均学生债务则排名第10。2004 年12月 佛罗里达大学Lombardi 衡量大学表现项目显示,UNC 在 "顶尖的美国研究大学" 中的公立大学排名第4。基于研究,捐赠资产,私人捐款,教员, 和专业训练等各项指标, 教堂山是100所最好的公立大学中排名第一的杰出学术与可承受学费兼得的大学(Kiplinger个人财政)。卡罗莱纳已经连续四年第一。UNC 在公立研究机构中大学生在海外学习的比例最高。 对于大学本科生,大学提供了全美最受称许的荣誉课程,3星评价(最高级)。

  在大学本科部,学生们在UNC最初两年完成 "远景的" 课程要求。英文,社会科学,历史,外国语言,数学, 以及自然科学课程是所有学生必修的, 以确定学生接受大范围的文理科教育。在二年级之后, 学生进入艺术与科学学院, 或选择医学院,商业,制药,信息与图书馆科学,公共健康,或新闻和大众传播的其他学位课程。
  卡罗莱纳数十年来一直提供大学部优异奖学金,包括仿效牛津Rhodes 奖学金 的Morehead-Cain奖学金。拿奖学金的学生接受四年的学费,食宿费,书籍以及夏天学习/研究的资助。创新的奖学金罗伯逊奖学金,允许受奖者同时在UNC-教堂山和附近的杜克大学上学。
  卡罗莱纳是公立大学中Rhodes 学者第二多的学校,1902以来总共有41位,仅在维吉尼亚大学之后。另外,许多学生赢得了杜鲁门,Goldwater,米契尔,邱吉尔和梅隆奖学金。
  2006-2007 学年 学生人口统计
  秋季,2006 - 申请 - 录取 - 入学




    19,736 申请
  6,734 录取 (34.1%)
  3,816 入学 (56.7%) 了
  秋季,2006 入学班级 - 人口统计
  81.5% 北卡罗来纳州居民
  18.5% 其他州的和国家居民
  12.32% 非洲后裔美国人/黑人
  7.52% 亚裔美国人/亚洲人
  5.37% 西班牙人/拉丁裔人/Latina
  0.84% 土著美国人/ 阿拉斯加人本国人
  69.97% 白人/高加索人
  0.16% 太平洋岛民
  2.02% 其他
  1.81% 选择不报告
  96.0% 美国籍公民
  2.6% 美国永久居民
  1.4% 外国国民
  78.5% 报告了中学班级排名
  76.3% 排名顶尖10%
  17.0% 排列在第二个10%
  6.3% 排名第一
  16.3% 排名第一, 第二, 或第三
  39.6% 排前十名
  92.1% 报告了中学GPA
  85.4% GPA 4.0 或更高
  平均 GPA 为 4.37< br>
  99.1% 至少报告一项SAT成绩
  52.0% 得分在1300之上
  中间 50% 得分在 1210 和 1380 之间得分
  23.4% 报告了ACT成绩
  中间 50% 得分在 25 和 30之间
  80.9% 送交了至少一项AP考试得分
  70.6% 送交了三或更多的得分
  46.8% 送交了五或更多的得分
  21.8% 送交了七或更多的得分
  95.0% 参与高中社区服务
  66.0% 成立一个组织, 统帅运动代表队,
  63.0% 参与音乐,戏剧或其他的艺术
  16,764 大学部本科学生
  10,512 研究生和第一专业的学生
  1,382 全职指导教师
  90% 教员有领域的博士或最高学历
  14:1 学生-教员比例
  这个学校无疑是价廉物美的,它连续8年被评为性价比最高的大学之一。学校的学费是低于$25,000,是前50的学校中,倒数第二学校低的学校。 美国顶尖公立大学本科学生SAT平均分数一览,其中UNC为北卡罗来纳州立教堂山分校
  Reading Math Writing Avgerage 阅读,数学,写作,平均分
  Cal 650 700 665 671.加州大学伯克利分校
  W&M 675 680 660 671威廉玛丽学院
  UVA 655 680 660 665 弗吉尼亚大学
  UM:AA 640 690 650 660密歇根大学安娜堡分校
  UNC 645 665 630 646.66北卡罗来纳州立大学教堂山分校
  UCLA 625 665 640 643.33加州大学洛杉矶分校
  UW:M 610 670 620 633.33 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校
  北卡罗来纳州大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)是一所综合性的大学,拥有理学、工学、商学、医学、法学、哲学、文学等各大学科的学位授予权,是北卡罗来纳大学系统中,门类最全、科目最多、实力最强的一所。其中最好的学科是古典文学、英文历史、政治学和社会学,投考人数最多的学科是商学和新文学。


  北卡罗来纳州大学教堂山分校University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill本科:力学、生物学、生物化学与生物物理学、生物统计学、化学、城市规划、公共关系学、计算机科学、经济学、环境工程科学、医学、法律、哲学、社会学、营养学、病理学、药理学、政治学、地理科学、工程学、心理学、国际关系学、欧洲关系学、亚洲关系学、语言学、外语、英国文学、古典文学等。
  北卡罗来纳州大学教堂山分校University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill研究生:毒理学、统计学、研究示范教育学、西班牙语言文学、社会学、政治学及政府相关、心理学、俄罗斯研究、植物遗传学、药剂医科管理、数学、产妇/儿童保健保护、材料科学、大众传播、商船智慧、语言学、图书馆科学、法律、运动科学、信息科学、会计、拉丁美洲研究、历史、德国语言文学、法国语言文学、英语语言文学及相关、英语语言文学、电器/电子/通讯、经济学、通讯研究、建筑学等。

  学校的运动队叫柏油脚跟, 而吉祥物是拉美西斯公羊。他们参与NCAA的I-A分区和大西洋沿岸大会的赛事。
  北卡罗来纳州大学赢得了五种运动,38个团队国家冠军, 9项记录保持, 和51个个人国家冠军。女子足球队自1981年来赢得了19个国家冠军; 男子足球队2001 年赢得了冠军; 1994 年女子篮球队冠军; 1924, 1957, 1982, 1993, 和 2005 年男子篮球冠军; 1982, 1986, 和 1991 年男子长曲棍球冠军; 1985, 1995, 1996, 和 1997 年女子field曲棍球冠军; 女子 小组手球队2004 年冠军; 而男子小组手球队在 2004, 2005, 和 2006 年赢得了最近三个国家冠军。男子划船队赢得了2004ECAC 国家大学赛舟邀请赛冠军。 北卡罗来纳男子棒球队也是长青力量, 2006 年拿到 大学世界系列冠军。
  从1961到1997年男子篮球队由迪恩 史密斯执教。史密斯教练赢得879胜,在NCAA 1区排名第二。他在1982年和1993年带领柏油脚跟赢得NCAA冠军。在UNC执教第二年,罗伊•威廉斯于2005 年带领他的队伍成为国家冠军并在2006年被美联社评委年度教练。2007年4月2日,威廉斯教练入选名人堂。
  在1994年,大学运动项目赢得了Sears指导者杯“全部运动国家冠军”──该项冠军由 NCAA 根据累积的竞赛表现颁发。
  运动方面知名毕业生包括迈克尔•乔丹、米亚•哈姆、戴维斯•爱 III、艾迪•波普、罗伊•威廉斯、B.J. Surhoff、Kristine Lilly、杰夫•里德、Tra Water、安德鲁•米勒、丹尼尔•巴德和马里恩•琼斯。就读UNC,但是没有毕业的著名运动员包括 劳伦斯•泰勒、犹利•佩珀斯、威利•帕克和Dre Bly。
  男子篮球著名的运动员包括迈克尔•乔丹、拉里•布朗、比利•古尼罕、马特•道赫蒂、文斯•卡特, 约瑟•福特、肖恩•梅、拉希德•麦肯茨、雷蒙德•费尔顿、杰里•斯塔克豪斯、马尔文•威廉姆斯、安托万•贾米森、布伦登•海伍德、鲍伯•麦卡杜、山姆•柏金斯、杰夫•麦金尼斯、乔治•林奇、瑞克•福克斯、 沃尔特•戴维斯、休伯特•戴维斯、肯尼•史密斯、詹姆斯•沃西、菲尔•福特、拉希德•华莱士和卡梅伦•哈利斯。
  在UNC,一般的学生组织 (排除希腊生活组织,运动组织和柏油脚跟日报)由大学的一个管理单位,即卡罗莱纳州联盟,认证和协助。学生组织的资金主要地源于 '学生活动费用'。该费用的使用由学生政府决定。
  学生政府包括一个有40个成员的大会, 一个学生组织主席带头的执行委员会和由学生运作的 荣誉制度。学生政府权利源于1946年因道格拉斯 亨特的建议写而草拟并采用的sc_documents/86_sc_student_code/code%202004/TitleI.pdf 学生章程。 在那次之前,Dialectic and Philanthropic社区及其他组织为支持学生权益而集会。
  UNC学生政府的历史已由艾伯特和 Gladys Hall Coates 编译成书,标题为 《教堂山北卡罗来纳州大学学生故事》。
  Alpha Phi Omega, 是一个为促进领导力,友谊和服务理想的男女共教育服务组织。该团体在 1930 年被大学特许,现在每个学期仍然非常积极地保持数百小时的社区服务。
  StemGroup, Carolina 学生生物科技网路, 辩证与博爱社会,黑人学生运动, 男女同性恋两性变性直率同盟, UNC 年轻民主党党员, 学院共和党员, 弹跳杂志,卡罗莱纳Bollywood俱乐部,卡罗莱纳公司, 罗蕾莱, Achordants, 卡罗莱纳州大学部ACLU, Chi Alpha基督徒团体 和Y校园, 以及超过400个其他认证的俱乐部和48个希腊组织共同构成了多姿多彩的学生生活。
  根据普林斯顿回顾,UNC学生运作的报纸《柏油脚跟日报》,即 DTH,是全国第三好的学校报纸,仅在霍华德大学和亚历桑那大学之后, 且获得了诸如联合学院社Peacemaker奖之类其他的奖项 。DTH早在1995年就提供它的网上报纸。 第一份网路校园报纸是1994年的《猎户星座》,加州州立大学Chico的校园报纸。
  最大的学生筹款会/活动,UNC跳舞马拉松, 有数以千计学生,全体教员和社区成员参与,以为北卡儿童医院筹款。该组织常年筹募资金和开展志愿活动,自1999年建立以来,已经捐赠以百万美金。
  UNC有一个称为津购会(The Order of Gimghoul)的“秘密社团”, 每年选一些崭露头角的三年级学生并且暗中在西教堂山的 Gimghoul城堡见面。这一个城堡1924-1926建造,是北卡罗来纳州唯一的真实城堡。许多荣誉社团,例如the Order of the Golden Fleece, the Order of the Grail-Valkyries, 以及 the Order of the Old Well, 是学生组织的一部分。


WXYC89.3 FM,成立于1977年,是UNC 获奖的学生广播电台,其广播年中午休。虽然由学生DJ规划,但是 WXYC 通常播放鲜有耳闻的各种流派和时代的音乐作品。1994 年11月7日,它成为世界上第一个上网播放的电台。 另有一个由学生经营的电视台叫做STV。
  学生工人行动(SAW), 一个工人-学生的联合组织, 于 2003 年成立,以动员学生支持工人领导的活动。SAW支持所有UNC职员生活薪资(保障)和集体商讨的权利。
  在 居民顾问(RA) 和 住宅楼协会(RHA)之间, UNC 住宅楼的组织活动主要由学生主持。两个团体提供为校园学生的利益提供社会和教育规划, 并与大学官方沟通,仲裁学生冲突。
  校园中有很多兄弟会和 姐妹会,但只有 14.4% 的大学生属于这类希腊社区。UNC有许多商业和服务的兄弟会,他们没有楼房但是仍然被学校承认。虽然黑人兄弟姐妹会没有楼房, 但是这些组织享有相当声望且具有全国性的认知度。
  大学的运动队由行进的柏油脚跟,即大学的行进(乐)队, 所支持。这个全部由志愿者组成的乐团支持篮球,field曲棍球,足球,长曲棍球,足球,排球和摔角项目。行进的柏油脚跟, 绰号"ACC之骄傲", 现在大约有 275个成员。
  自从竞技部开始,学校的代表色就是卡罗莱纳蓝和白。这个颜色是多年以前被确立的。蓝色(类似天蓝或者哥伦比亚蓝的颜色)代表了辩论社(Dialectic Society),而白色代表了慈善社(Philanthropic Society)。起初学校要求每个学生必须参加其中一个。传统上说,“辩证派”学生来自北卡的教堂山以西,而“慈善派”学生来自北卡的教堂山以东(教堂山本地的学生和州外学生可以自愿选择加入哪一方)。在公开场合,两方都是平等出现。因此最终两种颜色都被选择了,意喻着两种势力作为校园的组成部分的有机结合。 近些年来,球队又选择了海军蓝作为第三种显着的颜色。球队的昵称是柏油脚跟,代表了美国南北战争时期为美利坚联盟国作战的志愿士兵,虽然还有一种传说追溯到美国独立战争时期。球队的吉祥物是一头存在的公羊名叫拉美西斯。这要追溯到1924年,那时球队的经理,受到了前橄榄球运动员Jack "The Battering Ram" Merrit(杰克 "斗争的公羊" 米雷特)的启发,把一头公羊带到了一年一度的和弗吉尼亚军事学院的球赛中。在主罚一个决胜的定位球前,踢球手摸了公羊的头,而最终赢得了比赛,因此这头公羊就被留了下来。现在每次比赛的时候都有一个拟人化的公羊出现在比赛现场。
  尽管南方最老的劲敌,UNC的第一个老对手,弗吉尼亚大学近些年来成绩已经严重下滑,她还是20世纪80年代UNC在篮球上最主要的竞争对手。这对老冤家最近刚刚见证了第111次橄榄球比赛。这竞争的激烈程度最近被另一些略微缺乏历史的竞争关系所淡化了。这些对手有:北卡罗来纳州立大学(NCSU)--一所校园更大、侧重工科和农学的大学,杜克大学(Duke)和威克森林大学(Wake Forest)--一家地处温莎的私立学校。传统是UNC和NCSU之间会相互攻击,包括每年大型赛事前将NCSU的"自由表达隧道"都涂上UNC的颜色,而作为报复行动,北卡州立大学的学生会到教堂山来高唱他们的战斗歌曲,有时会把饮水口染成红色。多年以来,每逢比赛前,威克森林的人会来偷UNC的活的吉祥物--拉美西斯公羊。



Joseph Caldwell (1804-1812)
  Robert Hett Chapman (1812-1816)
  Joseph Caldwell (1816-1835)
  David L. Swain (1835-1868)
  Solomon Pool (1869-1872)
  Vacan' (1872-1874)
  Charles Phillips (1875-1876)
  Kemp P. Battle (1876-1891)
  George Tayloe Winston (1891-1896)
  Edwin Anderson Alderman (1896-1900)
  Francis Preston Venable (1900-1913)
  Edward Kidder Graham (1913-1918)
  M.H. Stacy (1918-1919)
  Harry Woodburn Chase (1919-1930)
  Frank Porter Graham (1930-1932; 北卡罗来纳(联合)大学主席(校长' 1932-1949)
  Robert B. House (1934-1945行政院'; 1945-1957教堂山分校校')
  William Brantley Aycock(1957-1964)
  Paul F. Sharp (1964-1966)
  J. Carlyle Sitterson (1966-1972)
  N. Ferebee Taylor (1972-1980)
  Christopher C. Fordham (1980-1988)
  Paul Hardin (1988-1995)
  Michael Hooker (1995-1999)
  William O. McCoy (acting and interim chancellor, 1999-2000)
  James Moeser (2000-present)

  Frank Porter Graham (1932-1949) William D. Carmichael (acting president, 1949-1950) Gordon Gray (1950-1955) J. Harris Purks (acting president, 1955-1956) William C. Friday (acting president, 1956-1957; president, 1957-1972)
  William C. Friday (1972-1986) C. D. Spangler (1986-1997) Molly Corbett Broad (1997-2006) Erskine Boyce Bowles (2006-至今)
  Coker Arboretum
  North Carolina Botanical Garden
  Ackland Art Museum
  North Carolina Collection Gallery, Wilson Library
  USNews2008年美国大学综合排名(本科) 第28
  2009年美国大学图书管理及信息科学专业研究生排名 第1
  2009年美国大学分析化学专业研究生排名 第1
  2009年美国大学健康图书档案管理专业研究生排名 第2
  第78名2009 THE - QS 排名

    学生类型 入学轮次 申请批次 时间要素 截止时间
    新生 秋季入学 EA提前行动申请 申请开始时间 2011-08-15
    新生 秋季入学 EA提前行动申请 申请截止时间 2011-10-15
    新生 秋季入学 EA提前行动申请 语言成绩递交截止时间 2011-11-30
    新生 秋季入学 EA提前行动申请 SATI成绩递交截止时间 2011-11-30
    新生 秋季入学 EA提前行动申请 录取通知时间 2012-01-31
    新生 秋季入学 RD常规申请 申请开始时间 2011-08-15
    新生 秋季入学 RD常规申请 SATI成绩递交截止时间 2011-11-30
    新生 秋季入学 RD常规申请 申请截止时间 2012-01-05
    新生 秋季入学 RD常规申请 语言成绩递交截止时间 2012-01-05
    新生 秋季入学 RD常规申请 录取通知时间 2012-03-31

    入学时间  9月份
    本科生 TOEFL100.00 IELTS0.00 SAT642.00
     ACT0.00 A-LEVEL0.00 GPA0.00
    研究生 TOEFL80.00 IELTS7.00 GRE0.00
     GMAT0.00 LSAT0.00 GPA3.00

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Introduction

Carolina is a priceless gem, the birthplace of public higher education in America. World-renowned teaching and research, passionate student activism, first-rate athletics, all found at one of America’s most beautiful college campuses, has made Carolina a destination for some of the world’s best and brightest. In 1789, the same year George Washington became our nation’s founding president; the University of North Carolina was chartered. Only four years later, Carolina became the first public university in the United States to open its doors. Now in its third century, Carolina has evolved from the nation’s first public university to become a leading global university.
Carolina recently opened the FedEx Global Education Center, a hub for international studies, and in the fall of 2007 Carolina’s own Dr. Oliver Smithies demonstrated Carolina’s global reach in winning the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. In 2003 UNCbecame the first university to guarantee that its neediest students would graduate debtfree when it established the Carolina Covenant. More than eighty colleges and universities worldwide have followed suit and adopted similar initiatives.
While Carolina has earned a reputation as a global leader in higher education, the university is first and foremost an institution of the people. With programs such as the Carolina Covenant, UNC has strived to make a college education affordable and relevant to all worthy students regardless of socioeconomic status. The university’s commitment to the people of North Carolina and beyond is evident in not only the diversity of its student body but in Carolina’s efforts through ground-breaking research to overcome society’s most pressing challenges, from climate change to world hunger.

The Student Body

That commitment to solving the world’s most daunting problems originates with the chancellor and the faculty, and permeates throughout the lifeblood of the university, the student body. It is not uncommon at UNC for students to join their professors in patenting an invention or publishing in a peer-reviewed journal. The Carolina environment fosters scholarly breakthroughs that are both bold and entrepreneurial in spirit. UNC consistently ranks among the top universities in the United States and is home to both a world-renowned business school and journalism school. About eighty percent of Carolina students graduate within five years after being exposed to a broad-based liberal arts education, completing a rigorous study in their academic major, and often studying abroad for a semester or two. To say that Carolina students are engaged would be an understatement. Whether sleeping outside in the “Pit” to raise awareness of local homelessness or spending a summer in rural India redeveloping contaminated land, Carolina students serve both locally and globally to improve the lives of those less fortunate. When asked by former student body president Eve Carson to sum up in a phrase what makes Carolina so special, former Chancellor James Moeser replied, “Excellence with a heart.” This is the Carolina Way.

The Campus

When not in class, the Pit, or the athletic field, you are likely to find Carolina students enjoying one of the most beautiful college campuses in the nation. While walking the winding brick paths, sitting on the old stone walls, or relaxing in the grassy tree-lined quads it’s easy to understand why they call this place the “southern part of heaven.” Rested atop North Carolina’s rolling Piedmont hills in the college town of Chapel Hill, UNC students enjoy crisp October nights blanketed in the red, orange, and yellow colors of fall. A few light snowfalls are not unheard of during the winter, leaving a dusting of white across campus from the Bell Tower to the historic Old Well. It’s not long until the chill of winter gives way to the blossoming of spring and students can be found sunbathing, tossing a Frisbee, or studying in the lush, green quads at the center of campus.

For students at Carolina education has no boundaries and no limits. The college experience is less about prerequisites, blue books, and double-majors, and more about curiosity, engagement, and progress. For those of you looking to spend all of your college years in a dorm room, a lecture hall, or a library, Carolina may not be right for you. Carolina students, faculty, and administrators live life in the fast lane and are engaged around the world. In sum, Carolina is about breaking down old barriers, discovering new truths, and never settling for anything less than “excellence with a heart.”

Attending Carolina is not an experience; it’s an adventure. Each fall thousands of students from across the country begin their journey from admitted applicant to engaged and impassioned Tar Heel. Carolina students tackle some of the world’s most pressing problems through research and debate, service and engagement, leadership and compassion. Always pushing full-throttle, Carolina students are active inside and out, in the classroom and in the lab, on the athletic field, and in the community.

Students at Carolina receive a world-class education, experience collegiate athletics at its finest, and form relationships with classmates who make up one of the most diverse student bodies in the country. As the nation’s first public university, Carolina remains committed to being the university “of the people” and therefore educates students from all walks of life at a rate affordable to all those who qualify for admission. Carolina provides not only an education but rich experiences, unforgettable memories, and life-long friendships. At Carolina expect not only a quintessential college experience but a wild ride full of late night study sessions and even later nights on Franklin Street. Expect to be not only a listener but a debater, not only a thinker but a doer, not only an activist but a leader paving the way for the millions of Tar Heels who have yet to reach the “shining light on the hill” we call Carolina.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Academics

Recognized as a “public ivy,” Carolina ensures that all of its students receive a wellrounded education exposing students to both the hard sciences and humanities. At Carolina it’s not unheard of for Physics majors to discover an appreciation for Bach and Handel while Business majors develop an understanding of evolutionary biology. The new general education curriculum, “Making Connections,” was implemented at Carolina in the fall of 2006. The curriculum strives to cultivate the range of skills, knowledge, values, and habits that will enable graduates to excel in the rapidly changing and increasingly interconnected world.

Carolina students do more than sit in lecture theaters and take notes. Undergraduate students are encouraged and even expected to participate in faculty research or projects of their own design. Fortunately, Carolina’s fourteen-to-one studentfaculty ratio overall means professors are readily available to mentor their students in research. Recently, with the assistance of leaders in student government the Office of Undergraduate Research created the Carolina Research Scholars Program (CRSP). Participants in CRSP who successfully meet the program’s requirements will be recognized for their contributions to UNC’s intellectual and cultural climate with a designation on their transcript appropriately termed “Carolina Research Scholar.”

First-Year Seminars

If you were expecting to spend your entire first year of college in large 300-person lecture halls you will be surprised to learn that Carolina provides students with the opportunity to connect with faculty by offering dozens of intimate, engaging courses called First-Year Seminars. The classes typically are limited to twenty students or fewer and are available to only first-year students, so you won’t have to compete with juniors and seniors for a spot. The seminars are taught by the university’s most distinguished researchers and most skillful teachers, and focus on advanced, emergent, and stimulating topics ranging from“Biologists as Entrepreneurs” to “The Economics of Sports.” You can check out more online at http://www.unc.edu/fys.

General College

Most first-year seminars fulfill course requirements in general education, which is composed of a host of courses students must take in the College of Arts and Sciences. All students spend their first two years in the General College where they must fulfill a number of requirements such as English Composition and Rhetoric, Foreign Language, Quantitative Reasoning, Lifetime Fitness, Physical and Life Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts, and a Connections requirement. The courses offered within each requirement are broad and diverse allowing each student the freedom to pursue his or her own unique path of study.
Students also can place out of some courses or use selected Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate tests to earn credit. General College credits typically are earned during students’ first two years, though some upper-level general education requirements are required during junior and senior years. To meet the requirements of the General College and complete their major on time, students typically carry a manageable course load of twelve to fifteen hours. Full-time students must obtain special permission to carry fewer than twelve hours or more than seventeen.


UNC offers seventy-one undergraduate majors in nine professional schools. Students typically declare a major heading into their junior year, though students who enter Carolina with college credit, place out of courses, or carry especially heavy loads may begin working on a major earlier. When declaring a major, undergraduates either remain in the College of Arts and Sciences or enter one of four professional schools (dentistry or medicine), as well as Kenan-Flagler Business School or the schools of education, information and library science, journalism and mass communication, nursing and public health. Students can double-major at Carolina or can pursue a major and two minors.
Top ten majors (in order of descending enrollment):
• Biology
• Business Administration
• Psychology
• Journalism and Mass Communication
• Political Science
• Communication Studies
• Economics
• Chemistry
• History
• International Studies

Going Global

Over the past few years Carolina has made efforts to be recognized around the world as a leading global university. Today, Carolina offers its students the chance to choose from fifty-two different languages and take classes ranging from Mandarin to Swahili. Also, more and more students are taking advantage of the increased opportunities to study abroad or earn joint degrees with highly regarded institutions around the world. The new FedEx Global Education Center has brought international studies, resources for study abroad, and international research centers all under one roof.

For many Carolina students learning about another country or culture in the classroom is not enough. Fortunately, UNC has a strong study abroad program that enables students to tailor foreign experience to their academic pursuits and personal interests.

Students can choose from more than 300 credit-bearing programs in seventy countries and can opt for a semester, a year, or a summer session abroad. UNC students have participated in programs all over the world, including China, Jordan, Spain, Cuba, South Africa, and New Zealand. Numerous programs provide internships and service learning opportunities abroad as well as specialized courses taught by UNC faculty or courses taught at a local university. Carolina has one of the highest percentages among all U.S. public universities of undergraduate students studying abroad before they graduate—thirty five percent. Many students who did not study abroad while at Carolina have pursued international careers and fellowships following graduation from UNC. For instance, a total of 1,054 Carolina alumni have served in the Peace Corps.


Ranked one of the eight best in the country, the Honors program enables all Carolina students to choose from more than 120 honors courses in 30 disciplines. Accepted applicants are automatically considered for Carolina’s Honors Program, which admits around two-hundred incoming freshmen each year. In choosing these students, the Honors Program considers performance on standardized tests (SAT or ACT) as well as high school course selection and grades. If not selected, there are opportunities during the first two years of college to apply to join the Honors Program. Also, students not in the Honors Program may enroll in Honors classes, and although students in the program get first shot at the classes, honors classes rarely fill up before they open to general enrollment. Students not in the program can still graduate with honors by maintaining a high grade point average, usually higher than a 3.2 but determined by individual departments, and by completing an Honors thesis senior year.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Admissions

Now that you are convinced you have Tar Heel fever and want to spend the next four years of your life in Chapel Hill, it’s time to send in your application. Carolina’s admissions process is competitive. Carolina receives freshman applications from roughly 20,000 wellqualified students every year from all parts of North Carolina, the nation, and the world. From this large group of applicants, Carolina chooses a small number of the most competitive students, aiming to enroll a class of roughly 3,900. For those of you who are not Tar Heel Born or Tar Heel Bred and are instead applying from outside North Carolina, admission to Carolina is even more competitive. Out-of-state enrollment is limited to eighteen percent of the undergraduate class, or about 650 of the freshman spots any given year. Out of the approximately 20,000 students who apply every year for freshman admission at Carolina, almost 11,000 of these students are considered out-ofstate for admission purposes. Approximately 2,400 of these students receive admission offers making an out-of-state offer to attend Carolina one of the toughest to come by in the country. Fortunately, Carolina has a large and experienced staff that pores over applications, reading each application one by one. The admissions staff seeks students who excel not only academically but also in the arts, in athletics, in leadership, service, citizenship, and character. Now that you have a better idea of what you’re up against, here’s a rough guide on what it takes to get one of those thick envelopes containing your acceptance materials.

Academic Excellence

There is no single profile of an admitted Carolina student. However, if you want to earn an admissions offer from Carolina, a record of high academic achievement is a must.UNC requires that students complete specific high school course units as follows:• four units of English;• at least four units of college preparatory mathematics (two algebra, one geometry, and a higher level mathematics course for which algebra II is a prerequisite);*• at least two units of a single foreign language;• three units in science, including at least one unit in a life or biological science and at least one unit in a physical science, and including at least one laboratory course;• two units of social science, including United States history
In order to make yourself a competitive applicant, it is recommended that you enroll in course levels beyond these minimum requirements. To be considered for admission, the university also requires that students have pursued college-preparatory work in high school, and the Admissions Office recommends that students take as many Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate courses as possible. Carolina requires a high school diploma from an accredited institution and will not accept a GED or high school equivalency degree for freshman admissions.

In evaluating each applicant the Admissions Office also looks at test scores and class rank. Five students with perfect 1600s were among the 3,865 incoming freshmen in 2008. That class, on average, posted an SAT score of 1301, with out-of-state students averaging 1341 and in-state students averaging 1293. Students with an SAT under 1100 often are admitted because they have demonstrated outstanding ability in an area outside of testing.

While the average SAT scores and class rank of the admitted class have been consistently rising, it is important to remember that admissions officers at Carolina don’t base their decisions on test scores and grade point average alone. Carolina is unique from any other university in the country due to the energy, activism, and diversity of its student body. Leadership and public service exemplified in extracurricular activities, strong references, and a compelling essay will go a long way in convincing admissions officers you belong in Carolina blue.

Financial Aid

Carolina is consistently named a best bargain in national publications, meaning it offers an excellent education for a comparatively low price. While most Carolina students argue they get the best bang for their buck, a Carolina education would still be too costly for some students if financial aid and scholarships were not readily available. Fortunately,UNC is committed to meeting one hundred percent of students’ demonstrated financial need in order to ensure that every qualified student has a shot at a Carolina education, regardless of their finances. The university does so with a combination of scholarships, loans, and federal, state, and university grants, and private gifts.

Students who apply for admission are automatically considered for merit-based scholarships. If you wish, you may provide supplemental material for the Robertson Scholarship. UNC also sponsors National Merit Scholars; if you’re a National Merit Finalist, you’ll need to indicate UNC-Chapel Hill as your first choice in order to qualify. For more information on two of Carolina’s most prestigious privately funded merit scholarships, the Morehead-Cain and Robertson Scholarship, please visit http://www.robertsonscholars.org or http://www.moreheadfoundation.org. To apply for need-based aid, submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA), and the CSS/PROFILE no later than March 1. Both forms are available online on the FASFA and College Board Web sites. More information about aid at Carolina can be obtained on the Web site for the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid at http://studentaid.unc.edu/studentaid. You can also contact the student aid staff Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. at (919) 962-8396. The staff is eager to answer your questions and the office’s director, who was a first-generation college student, is a national leader in the effort to increase access for students with financial need.

Carolina Covenant

Carolina set the bar high for universities across the country aiming to provide qualified low-income students with a debt-free education with the establishment in 2003 of the Carolina Covenant. The Carolina Covenant is Carolina’s promise that its neediest students graduate without the heavy burden of loans. The Covenant funds the full financial need of each scholar for four years with a combination of scholarships, grants, and work-study jobs. Carolina graduated its first class of Covenant Scholars in May 2008. To be considered for the Covenant, fill out the standard financial aid forms. Students whose parents’ adjusted gross income does not exceed two-hundred percent of federal poverty guidelines (based on family size) will automatically qualify for the Covenant. You can find out more and view profiles of Covenant recipients online at http://www.unc.edu/carolinacovenant.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Students

Walk around Carolina’s campus on a warm April afternoon and you’re likely to see dozens of students reading while lounging in the soft grass of Polk Place. Walk a little further to the Pit, the heart of campus, and you will see hundreds of students recruiting members for their student organization, passing out fliers for upcoming events, raising money for world hunger, or just chatting with friends between classes. Located between the student union, the main dining hall, the campus bookstore, and two libraries, the Pit is an ideal place to take a break, chat with friends, publicize a campus event, or just see what’s going on at Carolina.

Once class has ended and the sun has set, students can be found walking along the sidewalks of Franklin Street, the main thoroughfare in Chapel Hill, which borders the campus on the north. While the Pit may be considered the center of campus society, Franklin Street is without a doubt the heart of town and campus social life. Whether it’s grabbing a bite to eat at one of the dozens of restaurants or taking in the sights while perched on the balcony of Top of the Hill restaurant and brewery, students come to Franklin Street to kick back and have a good time.

Student Organizations

At Carolina students often take their involvement in student organizations as seriously as they do their studies. Carolina has more than 600 officially recognized student organizations, and if you still can’t find one that fits your interests, it’s easy to start your own. Social and political organizations such as the Young Democrats, College Republicans, and the Black Student Movement are very active on campus and sponsor events and initiatives open to all students throughout the year.

Student Press

Carolina’s politically active campus wouldn’t be what it is today if it were not for the vigorous student press, namely, The Daily Tar Heel, covering every action and reaction on campus. The campus’s award-winning, independent student newspaper, commonly referred to as the DTH, circulates 20,000 free copies each publishing day making it one of the largest college dailies in the country. It has produced storied alums such as author Thomas Wolfe and Charles Kuralt of CBS. Carolina also has several publications funded through student fees, including Blue and White magazine, The Carolina Review, and BOUNCE, Carolina’s satirical magazine. The journalism school also produces a mostly student-run, award-winning television broadcast program called Carolina Week.

Community Service

When students aren’t in class, chatting in the Pit, or eating on Franklin Street you may find them hammering nails with UNC’s Habitat for Humanity chapter or tutoring local children with one of the Campus Y’s many active committees. The APPLES Service-Learning and the Public Service Scholars programs provide students with the opportunity to take courses that require off-campus community service and integrate what they learn in the classroom with the experiences students have while serving the community. Carolina’s largest annual student fund-raiser, Dance Marathon, is a twenty-four-hour dance marathon. In 2008, 1,000 dancers raised $321,938 for the N.C. Children’s Hospital; both of these were records. The marathon involves hundreds of students from across campus, and many fund-raisers are held throughout the year by members of the Greek Community.

Greek Life

The Carolina Greek Community is active both socially and in the local community sponsoring fund-raisers, charity auctions, and other service projects each year. Fraternities and sororities also sponsor various 5Ks and are well known for hosting several large parties thrown on the last day of classes. The Greek system, composed of fifty-four different Greek organizations and 2,800 undergraduate students, draws about fourteen percent of Carolina students. From mixers to semiformals, fraternities and sororities provide students with a great way to socialize and meet new people. However, you don’t have to go Greek in order to maintain an active and exciting social life at Carolina.


Imagine running with a few thousand other Tar Heels from your Hinton James residence hall past Kenan stadium, through Polk Place, past the Old Well, and finally to Franklin Street. You are quickly joined by tens of thousands of other screaming Carolina fans in the singing of “Hark the Sound,” Carolina’s Alma Mater. Make it into Carolina and what you have just imagined is likely to become reality following a Carolina victory over Duke in men’s basketball. The Tar Heel Nation lives, breathes, and dreams basketball. Led by Hall of Fame Coach Roy Williams, the Tar Heels run an exciting up-tempo offense, which helps create an electric atmosphere while playing at home in the always intimidating Dean E. Smith Center, widely known as the Dean Dome.

With basketball season lasting only a few months out of the year students are fortunate to have a host of other sports to cheer for and play. UNC teams compete in the Atlantic Coast Conference in twenty-eight varsity sports. While the men’s soccer team recently competed for a National Championship and the football team has recently secured a top-ten recruiting class, it would be hard for these teams to match the success of the women’s soccer and field hockey teams. The women’s field hockey team has appeared in the NCAA tournament for twenty-five consecutive years while the women’s soccer team, led by Hall of Fame Coach Anson Dorrance, has won nineteen national titles and developed athletes such as soccer celebrity Mia Hamm. The program has one of the most devoted followings of any Tar Heel team, leading the nation in women’s soccer attendance five times since 1998. For those students itching to get out on the soccer field, track, or back into the swimming pool, but are not up to meeting the demands of a varsity team, you are in luck because Carolina has dozens of intramural and club sports teams, including the highly competitive men’s and women’s club rowing and soccer teams. For those athletes who played competitive sports in high school and enjoy traveling, UNC’s club teams offer a wealth of opportunities. Club teams typically have routine practice schedules and are relatively well funded through student fees and fund-raisers. However, for those students who aren’t big fans of practice, intramural sports provide additional options. The campus offers numerous wellmaintained intramural fields, tennis, volleyball, and basketball courts, ropes courses, a golf course, miles of paths and trails, two pools, and state-of-the-art workout facilities.

Local Community

Town and Gown
Centuries-old homes, family-run businesses, progressive politics, and a close-knit community of about 50,000 people form what has been deemed a quintessential college town, Chapel Hill. After class many students can be found heading west down Franklin Street to the small neighboring town of Carrboro to retreat to their apartments, lounge on the grass outside Weaver Street Market, or enjoy Carrboro’s thriving arts scene.

It’s also not uncommon to see students heading east on Franklin Street on their way to Interstate 40. I-40 runs through Chapel Hill and can be used to reach downtown Raleigh, the state capital, in about thirty minutes or in Durham, home of Duke University, in ten minutes. Chapel Hill-Carrboro, Durham, and Raleigh make up what is known as the Triangle region of North Carolina, home to more than one million people. As part of the Triangle, Chapel Hill is located only a short drive from Raleigh-Durham International Airport and the internationally renowned Research Triangle Park.


While the more than 250,000 living Carolina alumni are no longer students at UNC, they’re Tar Heels for a lifetime. After graduating from Carolina, Tar Heels often look for the next opportunity to learn and grow, whether it’s through graduate school at internationally acclaimed universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Yale, or Carolina’s own graduate programs. Other students choose to enter the working world and join world-renowned organizations such as SAS, Goldman Sachs, and the National Institute of Health. Fortythree Carolina graduates have gone on to win Rhodes Scholarships, and in 2007, thirtyseven graduates joined the ranks of Teach for America, making Carolina the sixth largest source of graduates chosen by the organization.

Prominent Grads

• Mia Hamm, 1994, World-Famous Women’s Soccer Player
• Charles Kuralt, 1965, Beloved CBSNews Broadcaster
• James K. Polk, 1818, Only Alumnus to Serve as U.S. President
• Hugh McColl, 1957, Retired Chairman and CEO of Bank of America
• Michael Jordan, 1986, Perhaps the Greatest Basketball Player Ever
• Thomas Wolfe, 1920, Author of “Look Homeward Angel”
• Andy Griffith, 1949, TV Actor, Comedian, Producer, and Grammywinning Musician
• David Brinkley, 1992, Distinguished TV Journalist m Marion Jones, 1997, Olympic Track Star
• Davis Love III, 1993, PGA Tour Member



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