The unfinished, unused cellar in Megan and Casey Collins's 1920s Minneapolis bungalow was the stuff of horror movies. Slanted cement floors, exposed pipes, dangling wires, and slapdash wood paneling made the subterranean space "scary like a dungeon," says

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-09

Start by mixing one part water with one part vinegar in a bucket. If there is a lot of build up on the doors, use more vinegar. Straight vinegar can be used as well for really dirty doors.

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by Eleanor | 2012-12-27

Place the metal bracket about 1/2 inch from the edge of the top of the window. Use a pencil to mark between the two holes in the bracket. Repeat this process on the other side of the window with the second bracket.

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by Eleanor | 2012-12-27

Screen fabric comes in rolls and is available in various types at any home center. Follow these easy instructions to replace the material in a damaged window or door screen.

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by Eleanor | 2012-12-27

There are several methods of keeping a crystal chandelier sparkling without that dreaded task of taking each crystal off the fitting and washing each droplet by hand. Here I will attempt to explain the options available to you.

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