The unfinished, unused cellar in Megan and Casey Collins's 1920s Minneapolis bungalow was the stuff of horror movies. Slanted cement floors, exposed pipes, dangling wires, and slapdash wood paneling made the subterranean space "scary like a dungeon," says

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-09

Start by mixing one part water with one part vinegar in a bucket. If there is a lot of build up on the doors, use more vinegar. Straight vinegar can be used as well for really dirty doors.

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by Eleanor | 2012-12-27

You Will Need• A dust cloth or a vacuum with a brush-head attachment• Towels or a drop cloth• A sponge or cleaning brush• All-purpose cleaner or ammonia• Fabric-softener sheets

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by Eleanor | 2012-12-27

A drain that runs sluggishly or is completely stopped up is usually clogged with grease, soap, hair, or a solid object. The pipes themselves are usually all right.

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by Eleanor | 2012-12-27

TIP 1: Become an educated consumer so that you can make smart decisions about this major investment. You deserve the best value for your hard-earned dollars, and you want windows that you will never need to replace again.

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by Eleanor | 2012-12-27

Painting walls is a tedious task to begin with, so you probably want to finish the task with as few coats as possible, and you don't want to have to repaint any time soon. To keep from having to put on lots of coats of paint or repaint sooner than you wan

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