They are the gun-toting, scripture-spouting, government-hating Texan family who warn anyone daring enough to approach the fencing around their home: 'We fear no man. We believe in an eye for an eye and a bullet for a bullet.

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-19

Protesters sitting on the ground supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement on the campus of the University of California, DАVis took a face full of pepper spray at close range from an officer in riot gear in an incident that was captured on cellphone vid

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by 燕婷 | 2013-09-11

A Tennessee judge has ordered a baby's first name changed from "Messiah" to Martin, saying that the only true messiah is Jesus Christ, a ruling the boy's mother promises to appeal, a Tennessee television station has reported.

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by 燕婷 | 2013-09-11

Benjamin Kyle" awoke in the parking lot of a Burger King in 2004, naked, beaten and with no sense of who he was. To date, his real identity remains unknown.

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by 燕婷 | 2013-09-11

SOMERSET, New Jersey (Reuters) - An activist for the right of women to go topless who is serving a 16-day sentence related to an arrest for topless sunbathing is set to be released by the end of the week from a New Jersey jail, where she is currently on a

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by 燕婷 | 2013-09-11

VISALIA, Calif. (AP) — A California man is being praised for his honesty after he turned in $6,900 in cash he found near a Department of Motor Vehicles office in the Central Valley.

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