They are the gun-toting, scripture-spouting, government-hating Texan family who warn anyone daring enough to approach the fencing around their home: 'We fear no man. We believe in an eye for an eye and a bullet for a bullet.

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-19

Protesters sitting on the ground supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement on the campus of the University of California, DАVis took a face full of pepper spray at close range from an officer in riot gear in an incident that was captured on cellphone vid

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-14

Ernestina Mondragon understood she would have to pay a fine when a rookie Dallas police officer ticketed her for making an illegal U-turn.

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-14

In less positive news, a 6-year-old girl in Georgia was handcuffed by police and charged with assault after throwing a "tantrum" in her elementary school. Local tv affiliate 13WMAZ reports that Salecia Johnson, who is in kindergarten, was detained by poli

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-14

The family of a teenager armed with just a cell phone who was shot to death by Los Angeles Police officers at the end of a police pursuit have filed a $120 million claim against the city.

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-14

An Oregon burglar didn't wait to be caught by the cops after breaking into a house -- he called them himself.

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