Kim Kardashian poses on the June cover of Self in her favorite attire—the bikini!—even though she admits she wasn't always comfortable with her body.Given how much time our E! reality star spends in a skimpy suit (keep clicking to examine the body of evid

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-23

Joe Biden’s Wife: Jill Biden, Jill Biden nearly made a woman cry Sunday. Lancaster resident Katie Welsh was one of about 800 spectators at Rushville Middle School to see Vice President Joe Biden speak. After the event, Jill Biden, Joe’s wife, who introduc

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-21

Another Congressman, weeks from an election, is accused of untoward sexual behavior, contradicting his public stance as a moral crusader. He initially says as little as possible, offers opaque denials, vague apologies to his family for whatever he did or

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-21

Its been released by National Enquirer that Barack Obama had an affair with Vera Parker in Washington ,DC Hotel.Barack Obama Alleged Mistress picture - Vera Parker been hitting the web all around.

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-21

Rep, Tim Mahoney (D) Florida has a problem. It seems that he had a mistress whom he promised a fifty thousand dollar a year job at the ad agency that handles his campaign advertising to keep her from talking or perhaps even suing.

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-21

A television newsreader has unwittingly read out her own marriage proposal on a live broadcast.

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