Three basic principles govern the course we recommend. The first is the “flexible path” approach that the Augustine commission advocated and that President Obama and Congress accepted.

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by 刘貂儿 | 2013-07-17

MANY a youngster, Babbage included, has dreamed of going into space. But becoming an astronaut is a hard slog. Sandy Antunes suggests a less daunting proxy. An astrophysicist and programmer with decades of NASA experience, Dr Antunes is a proponent of pic

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by 逸文 | 2013-07-17

A huge storm developed in the northern hemisphere of Saturn late in 2010, just as the hemisphere was experiencing spring for the first time in 30 years.

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by 逸文 | 2013-07-17

As intergalactic smashes go, this is a big one - two galaxies crashing into each other in a huge spinning frenzy.

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by 逸文 | 2013-07-17

Saturn’s hazy Titan is now on the short list of moons that likely harbor a subsurface ocean of water, based on new findings from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft.

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by 逸文 | 2013-04-25

Scientists have finally cracked the famous astronomical image” pillars of creation” behind the secret.

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