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iHome iDL100G Lightning Dock 动手玩
时间:2013-12-23 14:00 来源:美国资讯网

    一如我们的预计,iHome 这次在 CES 2013 上为它的旗舰产品 iDL100G 及 iDL45 推出支持 Lightning 接口的新版本,让一众 iPhone 5、iPad mini 及 iPod 的朋友也可以用到他们的产品。其中配备多个插头的 iDL100G 售价为 US$150,约人民币 930 元,并附送一个 iHome+ Sleep iOS App。我们可以看到它的上方有两个 Lightning 插头(跟机身相比真是小得可怜),而它的前面则是闹钟功能、音响功能的按键等等,另外它也拥有蓝牙及 iTunes 播放列表的能力。

iHome iDL100G Lightning Dock hands-on

iHome didn't waste any time getting word out about its suite of CES-ready wares last week and here at CES Unveiled 2013, we're getting our first look at the stars of its lineup. Hailed as a first for the company's product line, the iDL100G and the iDL45 are two docks that support Apple's new Lightning port, making them attractive options for owners of the iPhone 5 or refreshed iPad and iPod. The triple-charging dock -- iHome's highest-end model -- retails for $150 and is fairly attractive, though it doesn't match the luxury of the Jony Ive-crafted hardware it's made to service. Up top, there are two Lightning ports to accommodate compatible devices (one dedicated as iPad charging station) and an array of buttons for alarm settings, snooze as well as bedtime, which works with a free iHome+Sleep iOS app. The 3Wx2 speakers aren't the most robust -- we noticed distortion when volume was approaching max -- but it seems serviceable as a Bluetooth-enabled FM tuner or iTunes playlist outpost. It's not currently available, but you can look for it and the lower-end iDL45 dual charging dock to hit retail shelves later this March.

( 编辑:Lingli)
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