Wedding traditions vary among cultures. In the United States, many couples incorporate sev- eral basic traditions that have almost become syn- onymous with the wed- ding event. Each of these traditions has a fun origin story:

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by 计阳 | 2013-11-29

The introduction of the lighting of a Unity Candle into the marriage celebration is a new ritual being requested by couples for inclusion in their Catholic Weddings. Although this practice is a lovely expression of unity, it does not have its origin in th

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-15

The money dance, dollar dance, or apron dance is an event at some wedding receptions in various cultures. During a money dance, male guests pay to dance briefly with the bride, and sometimes female guests pay to dance with the groom. The custom originated

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-15

General American wedding has a program, is to let the bridegroom remove the bride’s silk stockings from her leg with his teeth, often put the party atmosphere to a climax.

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by 刘貂儿 | 2012-10-16

“Till death do us part” is a classic phrase in most wedding vows, but some people seem to be in a real hurry to reach that stage. At least, that seems to be the reasoning behind gothic weddings, which combine the joyous celebration of mar

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by 刘貂儿 | 2012-10-16

If you want something more than the same old traditional wedding in your hometown, or just want to expand your horizons and combine honeymoon and wedding into one, then you might consider a unique wedding location in the United States. Amer

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