The unfinished, unused cellar in Megan and Casey Collins's 1920s Minneapolis bungalow was the stuff of horror movies. Slanted cement floors, exposed pipes, dangling wires, and slapdash wood paneling made the subterranean space "scary like a dungeon," says

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-09

Start by mixing one part water with one part vinegar in a bucket. If there is a lot of build up on the doors, use more vinegar. Straight vinegar can be used as well for really dirty doors.

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by 计阳 | 2013-07-31

"The way to stay happy when you're living on top of one another is to be ruthless — one thing in, one thing out." —David Kaihoi

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by 计阳 | 2013-07-31

For his 1,450-square-foot California cottage, designer Stephen Shubel created the feeling of more space by selecting a warm "French vanilla" color scheme. The walls and ceilings were originally dark redwood, and the floors were oak. "The first thing I did

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by 计阳 | 2013-07-31

Removing Burn marks on countertops can tricky. Whether they are caused from a hot pan or a curling iron, the likelihood of removal all depends on the severity. There are several methods for removing light scorch marks, all using items that are readily ava

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by 计阳 | 2013-07-31

Perhaps the most common kitchen flooring surface, vinyl is also very easy to clean and maintain. It’s especially important, however, to remove stains from vinyl as soon as possible, as allowing a stain to set or dry may make it impossible to remove.

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