The unfinished, unused cellar in Megan and Casey Collins's 1920s Minneapolis bungalow was the stuff of horror movies. Slanted cement floors, exposed pipes, dangling wires, and slapdash wood paneling made the subterranean space "scary like a dungeon," says

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by 计阳 | 2013-08-09

Start by mixing one part water with one part vinegar in a bucket. If there is a lot of build up on the doors, use more vinegar. Straight vinegar can be used as well for really dirty doors.

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by 计阳 | 2013-07-31

Stay warm all year with this cozy chenille throw from Royal Velvet ($25, In a choice of many classic colors, it's sure to match any bedroom décor.

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by 计阳 | 2013-07-31

Steal designer Christian May’s idea and cover an old screen with wallpaper. Love the look but don't have a screen? Pick one up at a local flea market.

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by 计阳 | 2013-07-31

Avoid errant nail holes by putting frames on the ground in front of the wall to try different arrangements and spacing, or trace on paper and tape cutouts to the wall; adjust till you love the look.

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by 计阳 | 2013-07-31

Dare to decorate with an unexpected hue. Interior designer Tobi Fairley produced this lively, peach master bedroom; the space is packed with personality, thanks to its wide ceiling stripes and vibrant green toile headboard that serves as the single contra

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