Do your due diligence As a buyer you need to do all the same things you would if the house were being sold through a real estate agent: • You still need to know if the asking price is fair (get comps!). • You still want to inspect the prope

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by Paris | 2013-12-23

3 to 20% of the purchase price for a down payment. The actual amount depends on what kind of loan you get and how good your credit is. Your bank might offer a zero-down loan, but if you can afford to make a down payment, you should do so, because you'll g

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

If you can't commit to remaining in one place for at least a few years, then owning is probably not for you, at least not yet. With the transaction costs of buying and selling a home, you may end up losing money if you sell any sooner - even in a rising m

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

For cash-strapped hand housing buyers, experienced real estate brokers generally recommend his choice at the end of transaction. The aim is to reduce the buyer in the transaction to be immediately paid when the amount of prepaid interest.

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

If you're going home , we must have an experienced real estate agent to help , but do the following preparatory work can make you more comfortable in the home , confident.

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

ASP date specified on the housing transfer approaching, buyers need to be prepared before the transfer of work to ensure the successful completion of housing transactions .

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