Do your due diligence As a buyer you need to do all the same things you would if the house were being sold through a real estate agent: • You still need to know if the asking price is fair (get comps!). • You still want to inspect the prope

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by Paris | 2013-12-23

3 to 20% of the purchase price for a down payment. The actual amount depends on what kind of loan you get and how good your credit is. Your bank might offer a zero-down loan, but if you can afford to make a down payment, you should do so, because you'll g

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by Paris | 2013-12-23

Do your due diligence As a buyer you need to do all the same things you would if the house were being sold through a real estate agent: • You still need to know if the asking price is fair (get comps!). • You still want to inspect the prope

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by Paris | 2013-12-23

Interested in buying a home for sale by the owner? The only thing to remember is that the people selling them are just like any other seller — only more so! What sellers want: To make the most they can For sale by owner (FSBO) sellers figure they can

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

PROS • Contemporary style • Some flexibility on design during construction phase • Cheaper to maintain (new appliances = fewer repairs) • Cheaper to operate (energy-efficient construction)

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

A foreign property owners' tax liability in his home country will vary depending upon where the purchaser is from and whether that country has a tax treaty with the United States.

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