Do your due diligence As a buyer you need to do all the same things you would if the house were being sold through a real estate agent: • You still need to know if the asking price is fair (get comps!). • You still want to inspect the prope

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by Paris | 2013-12-23

3 to 20% of the purchase price for a down payment. The actual amount depends on what kind of loan you get and how good your credit is. Your bank might offer a zero-down loan, but if you can afford to make a down payment, you should do so, because you'll g

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

Radon is a radioactive element -containing gases are carcinogenic. Outdoor air radon concentration is 0.4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L). EPA (Environmental Protection Agency, EPA) regulations indoor radon levels can not exceed 4.0 picocuries.

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

Home Inspection is indispensable to offer additional contract terms (Contingency) one . When buyers and sellers in the purchase contract was signed into effect (Contract Ratified) , the purchaser first thing to do is to ask a licensed home inspection divi

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

If you need a loan to buy a house, the broker will be based on your financial situation I suggest you ask the loan lending company wants a pre- approval letter (Loan Pre-approval Letter).

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

In the process, we need to buy a house price negotiations , home repairs and other matters . A persuasive speech is not very difficult to do the job. Talking is not enough light , but also to write.

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