Do your due diligence As a buyer you need to do all the same things you would if the house were being sold through a real estate agent: • You still need to know if the asking price is fair (get comps!). • You still want to inspect the prope

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by Paris | 2013-12-23

3 to 20% of the purchase price for a down payment. The actual amount depends on what kind of loan you get and how good your credit is. Your bank might offer a zero-down loan, but if you can afford to make a down payment, you should do so, because you'll g

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

Are there specific states in which foreign buyers should look for properties? International buyers are attracted to different parts of the United States for different reasons. Some want to be close to business interests or family, while many others are d

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

Is there a type of property I can't purchase in the United States? Foreign buyers are eligible to buy single-family homes, condominiums, duplexes, triplexes, quadraplexes and townhomes.

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

Do I need to become a citizen to buy a home in the U.S.? No, you won't need your citizenship or a green card, but you will need an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

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by Paris | 2013-11-04

Qualified foreign buyers with a 30 to 40 percent down payment can often obtain financing for their U.S. real estate purchases. MANY BANKS REQUIRE FOREIGN BUYERS to have a specific amount ($100,000 or more) on deposit with the bank while others set loan li

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