As in other specialized fields, college admission has its own lingo. When you read college application instructions, you may find some of it puzzling. Let's look at some college application terminology.

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by 计阳 | 2013-12-13

Summer doesn't officially arrive until the third week of June. Start looking ahead now, though. There are many summer opportunities if you know where to look.For most of you, summertime is probably work time. If you're going to work, you most likely alrea

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

It’s hard to think back to my life eight months ago, when I started writing this blog, and really comprehend everything that’s happened to me. I think, in large part, that’s because if you had told the Will Walker from the summer of 2012 that his life was

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

My admissions process is over and done with. As this roller coaster that I’ve been riding for more than 10 months comes to its final stop, it appears that I’m only transferring rides. College — the bigger, faster, and even more exciting ride — is just abo

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

I am only weeks away from graduation and attending an international student orientation at Duke University. My intention is not to have a countdown but to look forward to a new chapter in my life. It would be rather sad if I spent it ticking away at a cal

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

Every year, as one cohort of incoming students is accepted and another crop starts filling out applications, colleges across the country calculate one last measurement of their admission season success: the yield.

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