As in other specialized fields, college admission has its own lingo. When you read college application instructions, you may find some of it puzzling. Let's look at some college application terminology.

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by 计阳 | 2013-12-13

Summer doesn't officially arrive until the third week of June. Start looking ahead now, though. There are many summer opportunities if you know where to look.For most of you, summertime is probably work time. If you're going to work, you most likely alrea

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

The end of the school year a good time to take care of loose ends. If you're a high school senior who has plans for college, those plans are probably well developed by that time and the college admissions process is almost wrapped up. Nevertheless, take a

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

Some high school seniors are accepted at every college where they applied. If you're one of those with an embarrassment of riches, congratulations.

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

Deferrals are the purgatory of Early Decision and Early Action (ED/EA) college admissions. You're not in, but you're not out. You're just hanging there, waiting for the April decision-shoe to fall. It's exquisite anguish. Many applicants would much rather

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

Many college-bound-bound high school students and their parents misunderstand the SAT Subject Tests. Some think they are Advanced Placement tests. Others think they are just another version of the SAT. Some high schoolers have never even heard of them. Y

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