As in other specialized fields, college admission has its own lingo. When you read college application instructions, you may find some of it puzzling. Let's look at some college application terminology.

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by 计阳 | 2013-12-13

Summer doesn't officially arrive until the third week of June. Start looking ahead now, though. There are many summer opportunities if you know where to look.For most of you, summertime is probably work time. If you're going to work, you most likely alrea

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

I hope you're aware of the vital importance of the essay as a component of the elite college application. To give you some further perspective, I'm including here some representative sample essays from my archives. I'll make some background comments abo

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

You're unique. Shouldn't your college be unique too? Yes, you are unique, but who are you really? If you're like most high schoolers (or even like most parents), you probably don't know. In fact, sometimes you may feel as though the life form inhabiting y

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

This article is mainly for parents but, if you're like most intrepid teens, you'll probably want to stick your nose in here at least a little bit. We're going to talk about children. You're one of those, you know. There'll be some "developmental" stuff th

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by 计阳 | 2013-09-23

This article is mainly for parents but, if you're like most intrepid teens, you'll probably want to stick your nose in here at least a little bit. We're going to talk about children. You're one of those, you know. There'll be some "developmental" stuff th

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