Bony Levy Necklace
usnook | 2013-05-31 14:46


An exclusive designer for Nordstrom with almost 14 years of experience in creating a handmade collection that represents traditional luxury with a contemporary twist.” Bony Levy's philosophy is to design simple, yet elegant jewelry that can be worn everyday using the finest materials.

Bony Levy is known for his attention to detail and his commitment to personal service. His personal connection with both Nordstrom employees and customers inspires his creativity in developing new styles. Of all the accessory Pt necklace is a must-have for bride-to-be. But how can you maintain your Pt necklace is what we care. Here are some tips. If you are going through the process of making sure your strands remain untangled, you may as well be sure you want to keep each piece.Separate fine from costume jewelry. You may not want to use the hanger method for your more expensive pieces or may want to store certain pieces separately.

Inspect each necklace or knots or damage. Make a clean start by checking each necklace for knots or missing pieces/stones. Go through each piece to see what can be salvaged and which pieces should be discarded.

Evaluate your current jewelry storage system. Do you use a jewelry box and does it have some sentimental significance? Do your necklaces constantly become tangled with the current system or is it working (somewhat) for you? You may want to continue using the same jewelry box after you get organized for rings or small earrings depending on the amount and type of jewelry.


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