Daniel Radcliffe Will Never Be The Boy Who Tweeted
USINFO | 2013-11-25 17:56

Want to share your every thought? That's what a Pensieve is for, or at least a diary…just not a possessed diary of a Dark Lord!

In a recent interview, Daniel Radlcliffe talked about the ways to avoid the limelight (aside from, you know, using the Polyjuice Potion everyday), and those ways include not enrolling in Twitter orFacebook:

"…I don't have Twitter and I don't have Facebook, and I think that makes things a lot easier because if you go on Twitter and tell everybody what you're doing moment to moment and then claim you want a private life, then no one is going to take that request seriously."

That's some wise, Dumbledore-like advice right there!

Want privacy? Practice Occlumency against people trying to read your mind, enchant your home to disappear when intruders come by, and, most importantly, stop tweeting!

One minute you're tweeting a twitpic from the Leaky Cauldron, and the next minute Rita Skeeter is outside the pub with a camera and a Quick-Quote Quill!

All in all, we kind of admire how off the grid DanRad is with social media, and how dedicated he is to his personal privacy!

Truth be told, we don't know how Harry Potter could have be written with less than 140 characters!


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