Michelle Obama the First Lady Style
usinfo | 2013-05-23 09:09
She is wearing Maria Pinto!
The golden dress that made the headlines, when the Barack got sworn in.
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama was born the 17:th January in 1964.Overnight she became a star, a front face not just of the cover of a magazine, see Tracey Reese/Hot on Hot Cake but as the front of a whole nation and with that she has managed to create a classy first lady style with a whiff of 2009, a hardboiled combination not easily done, but she pulled it off, as well as making it in highly competitive schools and lawyer firms.

Maria Pinto Michelle Obamas favourite Designer!
She is now one of America's new Style Icons like the supporter and stylish wife Tamia Hill , she can be measured by the former first Lady Jackie Kennedy. It's like a phenomena and it has hit the Fashion Market like a storm, anythings she's wearing or is seen on her will and is guaranteed to sell like hot cakes! She is the wife of the 44:th President of America, the ever so handsome Barack Obama. He is the first African-American to rule as President of the united states of America, everything is revolutionary when it comes to the Obamas and to say the least, a new star in Fashion and Style is born.
A brief summon on Michelle, she was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago and later on went to Princeton and then Harvard Law School. When she had completed her formal education she went back to Chicago to work at a law firm called Sidley Austin, something that I'm sure the firm is benefiting of now. With that job she went on working as part of the staff of Chicago mayor Richard M.Daley and for the University of Chicago Medical center. During the year of 2007 and 2008 she helped the campaign for her husband Barack Obama.
So where and when did she meet Barack Obama? It was at the law firm Sidley Austin. She was assigned to mentor him when he came during a summer associate that he had there. They went on a business lunch and later on a first date watching the movie: Do the right thing, starring spike lee. After that it was marriage in 1992 and with that followed two pretty daughters, Malia Ann that was born -98 and Natasha, called Sasha in-01. They didn't want to move from South Chicago and is still living there even tough they have the White House and Washington as a luring alternative.

The Famous black and white dress from 'White House, Black Market'
One example on Mrs Obamas influence is: recently she got a question on one of the dresses she was wearing and she humbly replied that she gotten her dress from: "White House Black Market".The designer Donna Ricco got famous and probably rich over night and the stores sold out. It went under the affordable price of 150$ and it seem like a price anyone could afford to buy, not just for the rich and famous.
Here Michelle is seen wearing Thakoon
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