Family Tradition Ideas
USINFO | 2013-07-31 15:39

Establishing traditions or rituals for your family can provide consistency, comfort and a reliable sense of solidity for your family. No matter what turbulence your family faces, you can rest assured that you will weather the storm as a cohesive unit if you strengthen your bond through creating family traditions. And, not only will your family gain in strength, you'll also be creating some great memories!

Create a Birthday Tradition
• Each member of your family probably celebrates his or her birthday on a different day. But why not create a birthday tradition that is meant to be observed by each family member on that special day? A birthday wand or crown (king or queen for a day!) that the birthday boy or girl must wear or carry for an entire day can provide lots of fun. Youngsters will probably love the idea of wearing a crown, but when Dad or the teens of the family do so, the effect can provide a few laughs. This tradition, as it is followed year in and year out, will create memories you'll treasure, especially as you watch your babies grow up!

Create an Everyday Tradition
• Declare Sunday a "no work" day and stick to it. No school, house or yard work, and definitely no jobs. Turn your phones and computers off and spend the morning as a family. Breakfast in bed can be a group event that each family member can take a turn planning and presenting. Institute a Sunday dinner, with everyone pitching in to create a special meal. Make the meal as casual or fancy as you want -- candles, cloth napkins and fancy china can make this weekly event feel like a true holiday. End your Sunday with some quiet family time -- weekly devotionals, contemplative conversation or family-created music can add to the special quality of the day.

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Create Holiday Traditions
• Holidays seem to lend themselves naturally to creating family traditions. The same Christmas rituals, the same Thanksgiving dishes and the same celebratory Fourth of July fireworks displays are usually revisited year after year. But rather than have these rituals reappear as unspoken traditions, go ahead and plan for it. Did you cut your own Christmas tree as a family last year? Do it every year. Is there one special family member brave enough to deep-fry your Thanksgiving turkey? Then have deep-fried turkey every year. Why not add to the fireworks extravaganza on the Fourth by bringing along a picnic supper? By identifying and repeating your holiday rituals, you can solidify memorable family traditions.

Create a Summer Tradition
• If your budget inclines itself more toward a "stay-cation" than vacation, why not declare it "Beach Week" at home? Choose a week when everyone can be together (taking vacation time off from other commitments) and inflate a wading pool, set up the sandbox, pull out the sprinkler and Slip-N-Slide, put some beach music on the boom box and enjoy the beach vibes right in your own backyard. You might also consider creating a "Family Camp" at home. Pitch a tent in the backyard and spend the week doing arts and crafts, playing camp sports like archery and roasting hot dogs over an open fire. You can create summer family traditions without leaving your own backyard.


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