Types of Buildings in the 21st Century
USINFO | 2013-08-01 09:36

The 21st century is full of unique designs and environmentally-friendly concepts geared towards the future of architecture. In addition to new constructs, older models are being adapted for modern use.

• Commercial buildings continue to be constructed in the 21st century as businesses expand. Major concerns that influence the architecture of these buildings include air quality, water preservation and energy efficiency.

• One of the major concerns for types of buildings in the 21st century is the concept of green facilities. As buildings are constructed, attention is paid to sustainability.

• Modular homes and structures are a prevalent feature in 21st century building. These homes are pre-engineered in factories with steel cores, eco-friendly attributes and long term durability.

• Classic architecture is also being adapted to modern needs. One example is the Institute of Notre Dame, an all-girls high school in Maryland, which installed wireless networks into its 1853 campus.

Fun Fact
• On September 26, 2006, GQ released a list of different buildings that its editors considered the most important since the turn of the century. Each of these buildings feature new styles of architecture said to represent the future of design.

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