How to Save on Groceries Five Ways
USINFO | 2013-08-01 11:01

With just a few simple suggestions you can easily save hundreds of dollars a year on the groceries you purchase at the supermarket.

Avoid food waste. The average American household throws away at least $800.00 a year in meat, fruit, vegetables, and grain products alone. This is perfectly good food, food that has not reached the expiration date, and sometimes food that is still unopened.

If you are guilty of this wasteful practice, figure out ways to use up all the food you buy. If you can't eat something right away, then freeze it for later. Save all leftover vegetables in a freezer container that you keep adding to until you have enough for a pot of soup for example.
Have a grocery budget, plan out your shopping trips ahead of time, and then make your list and stick to it.

A grocery budget is worthwhile because it enables you to track your money, and make better use of your grocery dollars. If you currently spend $400.00 or $500.00 dollars a month on groceries, try to reduce that amount by 20%, meaning you could budget $320.00 per month instead of $400.00, or $400.00 per month instead of $500.00 on your groceries. Easy to do considering your desire to save money and your detailed grocery shopping list.

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Cut way down on grocery store trips. This tip alone will save you a lot of money every month. If you don't go to the store you're not spending money, plus you save on gas for the car and that's important too right now.

Plan to shop only every two weeks for example, or at least no more than once a week.
Save at the supermarket itself by shopping at the salvage grocery stores and bakery outlet stores near you, as well as making the best use of your regular grocery stores.

Buying generic and house brands more often will save you money.

Use coupons when you can, and check out the clearance bins and soon to be expired items in your grocery store.

Buy extra items that you commonly use, whenever they go on sale, especially canned goods or anything that has a long storage life.
Shop alone, and when not hungry, if possible.

Watch the cash register to make sure you are getting charged the right amount for all your purchases. Pay special attention to sale items.
Leave the store as soon as you have everything on your list.
Stretch your food to make it feed more people, especially high-cost items like meat, cheese, eggs, oil, coffee, and so forth.

Meat can be stretched with the addition of such things as bread crumbs, grated vegetables, beans, oatmeal, etc. when making hamburger patties and meat loaves. Or stretch your meat by making casseroles, stews, or soups.

To stretch cheese, use less cheese in everything from tacos to mac and cheese. Slice cheese thinner for sandwiches and burgers, or use only 1/2 a slice on your burger.

Drink less coffee, and use a little less coffee in every pot you make to stretch it.


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