The Best Way to Save Money When You First Move Out
USINFO | 2013-08-01 11:02

When a person moves out of his parents' home, the shock of the real world can be overwhelming. It's hard to budget when you're not even really sure what to budget for and how much you're going to spend. The best way to save money when you first move out is to live a frugal lifestyle. If you can adapt that lifestyle from the start, you can avoid debt and live a life of financial freedom in the long run.

Learn the difference between wants and needs. Ask yourself prior to any purchase if the item is a need or a want. If you are not sure, make yourself wait 24 hours to buy it. If you discern that you need it, go back and purchase it.

Clip coupons and match coupons to items on sale for further savings. The most popular coupons are found in the Sunday newspaper; however, numerous websites exist that have printable coupons, including Red Plum, A Full Cup and Southern Savers. Search for coupons for the items you most often purchase on their companies' websites. Learn from the coupon experts online to save even more money at the checkout line.

Avoid purchasing cable and other unnecessary expenses. Television can be watched online for free on the Hulu and other websites. Instead of purchasing books and DVDs, visit your local library for free books and DVDs.

Tips & Warnings
• Host cookouts at your house instead of eating out in restaurants. Ask your friends to each bring an ingredient so you can cook together for nightly entertainment. If you do eat out, drink water instead of soda or alcoholic beverages. Watch for early-bird specials and coupons available through websites, such as

• Remember to only use coupons on products you will actually use. Do not use a coupon just because you have one. This is a great way to spend money unnecessarily.


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