Woman ices and serves cake on NYC subway
FOX NEWS | 2014-02-26 11:13

We know that public transport doesn’t lend itself to much more than sitting and reading a book.

But one woman recently managed to ice and serve a cake on the New York City subway.

Performance artist and culinary student Bettina Banayan was out to change how people interact on the subway –even for a short ride.  She entered the train with a vanilla cake, whipped out a container of frosting and then got to work.

When she was done, she announced to the bemused passengers, “Does anyone want cake?  I have plates, forks, everything.”

It’s not surprising that people were a bit skeptical.  Even the kids refused.

After a while, people started warming up and she began handing out slices on the packed carriage, while people shuffled on and off.

“We’re constantly in people’s private space, especially on the subway,” she explained to a fellow passenger. “I think it’s important to have some kind of community."

Now, that’s just having your cake and eating it too.

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