Strange City Laws in Michigan
USINFO | 2013-09-25 10:27

There is a law that makes it legal for a farmer to sleepwith his pigs, cows, horses, goats, and chickens.

Apparently the good folks in Detroit did not quite know what ‘new’ meant.
Putt-putt golf courses must close by 1:00 AM.
Security guards at Joe Louis Arena will confiscate any item they feel might be thrown onto the ice.
Couples are banned from making love in anautomobile unless the act takes place while the vehicle is parked on the couple’s own property.
Willfully destroying your old radio is prohibited.
It is illegal for a man to scowl at his wife on Sunday.
It is illegal to let your pig run free in Detroit unless it has a ring in its nose.

Grand Haven
No person shall throw an abandoned hoop skirt into any street or on any sidewalk, under penalty of a five- dollar fine for each offense.
arper Woods
It is illegal to paint sparrows to sell them as parakeets.

It is against the law to serenade your girlfriend.

All bathing suits must have been inspected by the head of police.

Smoking while in bed is illegal.

Anyone can keep their cow on Main Street downtown at a cost of 3 cents per day.
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