Wedding Cake
USINFO | 2013-09-18 10:43

Wedding cakes are not just dessert to be served to guests during reception. The wedding cake is cut together by the couple during the wedding reception. Then the husband and wife exchange bites of the cake.  This is the first act the couple does together as husband and wife.

The sweet wedding cake symbolizes caring and nurturance between the couple.  Wedding cakes are also usually white, to symbolize purity.  In ancient Rome, the wedding cake is a loaf of bread.  This cake is broken over the bride's head.  The guests would then scramble for the crumbs.

There are also numerous superstitions about good luck for those who can bring home the crumbs of the wedding cake.  Putting crumbs of a wedding cake under one's pillow will make a guest dream of the future spouse. Crumbs are also believed to enhance fertility.  

Wedding cakes nowadays have a variety of designs, layers and flavors.  Besides choosing a cake in one's favorite flavor, couples also have to choose the cake according to practical reasons.  

  • Fruit cakes stand up better because of the volume added by the fruit.  Fruit cakes are especially great for multi-layered tiers as it can hold the weight of the tiers. 
  • Chocolate cakes can present a problem.  Couples are expected to exchange bites of the cake and smile for the photographer right after.  Brown smears on the teeth or face will not be flattering on pictures.
  • Fondant cakes also hold up better, even during warm weather.  
  • Three-tiered cakes can be practical.  Bottom layer can be eaten at the reception, middle layer can be distributed for give-aways, and the top layer can be saved and frozen for the next big occasion, such as the first wedding anniversary or the baptism of the couple's first child.  
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