Rachel Sterne Haot and Max Haot eat dinner together whenever
USINFO | 2013-08-22 10:33
Touted as the woman behind New York's digital vision, New York City's first Chief Digital Officer Rachel Haot has a lot on her plate. A typical day at work for Haot via The Verge:
"I live in Williamsburg and take the L or bike to work. Typically I start with a breakfast meeting before work hours to connect with someone from the tech sector — a startup we are trying to support or a smart person we might partner with. During the day, I am often moving between meetings, about 50 percent with City government colleagues and partners working on City tech projects, and 50 percent with startups, organizations, and individuals in the tech community.
"If I don’t have a lunch meeting, I usually eat lunch at my desk. I often have at least a public event or speaking engagement where I speak about Mayor Bloomberg’s digital roadmap or announce a new initiative. I try to cook dinner at home with my husband Max or friends whenever I don’t have an event in the evening. And of course, from morning to night I am responding to emails and on social media."
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