Factors that may affect PERM Labor Certification
USINFO | 2013-10-23 15:05


The following factors may have an impact on the outcome of a PERM Labor Certification:
1.Employer sponsorship –even though the attorney takes care of most of the paperwork, it is necessary to have a cooperative employer, so that the attorney can obtain the right information;

2.The current U.S. economic climate might affect a PERM application because of the changes in the availability of U.S. workers

3.Shortage/surplus of job candidates within the local area;

4.It is important to have the right job qualification requirements – this is not something that can be amended after recruitment is complete, and can make a big difference in whether the PERM labor certification application is approved or denied;

5.Whether the employer has laid off employees within the past six months prior to the submission of PERM;

6.What the ratio of foreign workers to U.S. workers is for the employer’s workforce (note that U.S. worker simply means anyone with a green card or U.S. citizenship, or other permanent or semi-permanent status in the U.S.);

7.The wage being offered –this is not something that can be amended after recruitment is complete, and can make a big difference in whether the PERM labor certification application is approved or denied.

We highly recommend retaining legal representation because of the many nuances in filing a PERM labor certification application.

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