Naval Hospital Lemoore
USINFO | 2013-10-16 10:34

Naval Hospital Lemoore’s new hospital was contracted with Soltek Construction Co. on 31 Jul 97. It is a 150,000 sq. ft. hospital that houses 16 inpatient beds and is staffed by 376 personnel . The hospital provides top quality care to over 32,000 patients and improves patient access to care by providing two exam rooms for each provider, extending in-house services, and utilizing the latest in technology.

The previous Naval Hospital Lemoore was commissioned 1 July 1968 as a 67-bed general hospital under the management and control of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington, D.C.  Since its establishment, Naval Hospital Lemoore has been in direct support of operations of Naval forces at home and on battlefields around the world. During operations in Southeast Asia, Naval Hospital Lemoore staff was involved in support of Marine infantry units and various ships.

Hospital personnel provided continuity of care to prisoners of war returning to the United States.Most recently, Naval Hospital Lemoore staff supported Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm by serving on USNS Mercy (TAH-19), augmenting Fleet Hospital FIVE, serving with ground units of the Fleet Marine Force and serving on amphibious ships.The hospital has been accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations since 1974, completing its most recent survey in April 1997 with a score of 95 out of a possible 100.Champus Reform Initiative, a Department of Defense program, was initiated in August 1988 to improve health care benefits and increase access to health care services. Champus PRIME was initiated in December 1991. In April 1996, Naval Hospital Lemoore implemented TRICARE in partnership with Lead Agent Region Ten and Foundation Health.
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