Dr. Susan Smith McKinney Nursing and Rehabilitation Center&a
USINFO | 2013-07-19 10:51


Dr. Susan Smith McKinney Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (DSSM) opened its doors in 1997. Today, it provides medical, rehabilitation and skilled nursing services for residents, within a pristine, tranquil setting. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of our residents in a holistic manner, which includes their emotional, social and spiritual needs. Our spacious and tastefully decorated private and semi-private rooms are equipped with specially designed bathrooms to accommodate the elderly and disabled.

Dr Susan Smith Mckinney Nursing And Rehabilitation Center, located in Brooklyn, New York provides the following services: Nursing Home and Short Term Care: Rehabilitation. It accepts the following payment methods: Medicare and Medicaid. Dr Susan Smith Mckinney Nursing And Rehabilitation Center has received 4 stars from Medicare and an average user review rating of 4 stars. Dr Susan Smith Mckinney Nursing And Rehabilitation Center has a very good hospital, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, located nearby, which scored a 88 out of 100 in its most recent Medicare review. The Dr Susan Smith Mckinney Nursing And Rehabilitation Center's nearest hospital is 0 miles away. The zipcode (00000) in New York, where Dr Susan Smith Mckinney Nursing And Rehabilitation Center is located, has an above average safety rating based on recent crime statistics.

Dr Susan Smith Mckinney Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is a nursing home. It provides medical nursing service for seniors with serious illnesses or disabilities twenty-four hours a day, delivered by registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and certified nurse aids.

Nursing care facilities cater to several types of patients: some patients require short-term rehab while recovering from surgery; others require long-term nursing and medical supervision. In addition, some nursing homes offer specialized care programs for Alzheimer's or other illnesses, or short-term respite care for frail or disabled persons when a family member requires a rest from providing care in the home. Please note that you can help compare nursing homes by looking at the Medicare ratings of a given facility (Medicare has a 5-star rating system for comparing nursing homes). There are various ways for paying for care in a nursing home. Make sure you know your loved one's Medicare and Medicaid eligibility, and understand how you can use tools like long term care insurance to pay for nursing home care.




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