Northern California Rehabilitation Hospital
USINFO | 2013-07-18 17:48

Northern California Rehabilitation Hospital, located in Redding, California provides the following services: Nursing Home and Short Term Care: Rehabilitation. It accepts the following payment methods: Medicare. Northern California Rehabilitation Hospital has received 1 star from Medicare and an average user review rating of 2 stars. Northern California Rehabilitation Hospital has a very good hospital, Shasta Regional Medical Center, located nearby, which scored a 97 out of 100 in its most recent Medicare review. The Northern California Rehabilitation Hospital's nearest hospital is 0 miles away. The zipcode (00000) in California, where Northern California Rehabilitation Hospital is located, has an above average safety rating based on recent crime statistics.

Northern California Rehabilitation Hospital is a nursing home. It provides medical nursing service for seniors with serious illnesses or disabilities twenty-four hours a day, delivered by registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and certified nurse aids.
Nursing care facilities cater to several types of patients: some patients require short-term rehab while recovering from surgery; others require long-term nursing and medical supervision. In addition, some nursing homes offer specialized care programs for Alzheimer's or other illnesses, or short-term respite care for frail or disabled persons when a family member requires a rest from providing care in the home.



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