Stedy's Coffee
USINFO | 2013-12-06 17:18
Stedy's Coffee is a small family-run coffee roasting business, preparing organic and shade-grown coffee for home-brewing as well as for commercial food service. Stedfast Israel, roaster-owner has been micro-roasting for over 12 years.
Since it's origin, Stedy's Coffee has been distributed in a grassroots way, through natural food co-ops, espresso drive-thrus, bed & breakfasts, gift shops, and farmer's markets. You may have enjoyed a hot cup at a festival in the spring or summer in western or eastern Washington. Many people simply call them with their orders which we ship right to their door. Stedy roasts your orders as he gets them, so your coffee is always fresh. So far, the marketing approach has been "word of mouth", and that's how we get around ~ making friends and sharing our mutual passion for a great cup of coffee!
People these days want to know who and where their food is coming from, including their coffee beans. With our green coffee bean connections, you can be confident in the purity of their product. Because they care about common environment and the quality of life for friends and neighbors, they support the coffee farms that treat their employees fairly and practice healthy farming methods. They don't support the use of unhealthy fertilizers and pesticides which harm the birds in migration as well as people working the farms.
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