American Corner | 2013-01-31 13:01
The word “icon” has religious roots. It originally referred to a picture of a sacred person, such as images of Christ in the Eastern Orthodox tradition. But the meaning has broadened to encompass any powerful symbol—for example, Newsweek magazine a few years ago published a list of the top “200 Pop Culture Icons.” 
We present the 32 American icons on these pages in the spirit of that Newsweek list. Some, like Elvis Presley or Marilyn Monroe, are worldwide emblems of America’s popular culture. Others have been this country’s great political or civil rights leaders, scientists, entrepreneurs, writers, and athletes. What our icons have in common is that they have all achieved a level of fame among their fellow Americans that merits the adjective “iconic.” 
That is, their lives symbolize for many people something large and important about this country and the values that Americans live by. When you look closely at these fi gures, patterns emerge. One is the familiar tale of immigration and steadily broadening diversity. Since we have arranged this section in chronological order, male fi gures of English descent, the generation of the Founding Fathers, preside over the fi rst years of our list. 
Over time, women, Native Americans, and African Americans begin to play a prominent role in the saga that is America. Then, gradually, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and other ethnic groups assume their place in American society. As we discussed which names to include on this list, we realized that any effort to compile American icons is likely to leave out as many important fi gures as it can include. In short, we could have fi lled books with icons from American history, but space limits us to these 32. 
We wonder whether you would like to suggest any American icons—advice to us for the next time we create such a list. If so, we’d like to hear from you at ust give us the name and tell us why, in a sentence or two, you think this person is an American icon.
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