Foreclosure Lawyers
USINFO | 2013-11-01 15:48

How Can a Foreclosure Lawyer Help Me?
Whether someone is buying a home, or facing foreclosure, a lawyer can provide significant assistance throughout the entire process.

Dealing with the Mortgage
When somebody buys a house, they will probably have to take out a mortgage – a loan in which the lender gets to take possession of and sell the house if the homeowner defaults on their payments.

Given what’s at stake, it makes no sense to sign one of these agreements without having a lawyer review it, and explain exactly what you’re agreeing to. Of course, a lawyer can’t make the decision for you, but he or she can enable you to make an informed decision.

Seeking legal advice early and often might be the best way to avoid foreclosure in the long run. The fees that a lawyer charges for his or her time may seem steep, but if it helps a homeowner keep his or her home, it will be worth the money.

How a Lawyer Can Help
When facing foreclosure, a lawyer may not be able to stop the process, but they can often buy some time. In a worst case scenario, a foreclosure lawyer may suggest suing the lender. If a homeowner or lawyer thinks that a homeowner has been the victim of predatory lending – being pressured into a loan which the lender knew the buyer would not be able to pay off – the homeowner may have a cause of action to get the loan rescinded, and possibly collect damages. In any case, a lawsuit should be a last resort, and a homeowner should work closely with their attorney to figure out the pros and cons involved.

Many states offer legal protections for homeowners facing foreclosure, including judicial oversight of the sale. A lawyer can help a homeowner take full advantage of these protections.


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