Lyon Real Estate
USINFO | 2013-10-24 14:32

Lyon Pride is founded in 1946, and fostered in a rare and extraordinary working environment warmed by cooperation and respect; and fueled by innovation and a passion for excellence. Strong family values of trust, honesty, and integrity attract and retain a certain type of sales agent and employee, differentiating us from our industry peers.

Lyon leaders drive a culture of performance and education without losing sight of their role as mentor, coach, and motivator. Leadership provides ample opportunities for promoting fun and balance. We believe that true happiness is not possible without balance – meeting financial and career goals is only part of the equation. Our goal is to help sales agents and employees balance career and financial goals with personal and family goals so they can lead deeply satisfying lives.

Contact Information:
2801 J St Sacramento, CA
(916) 447-7878
2400 Del Paso Rd #195 Sacramento, CA
(916) 574-8800
3640 American River Dr. #100 Sacramento, CA
(916) 978-4200


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