Different Styles Of Foreclosure Homes For Sale
USINFO | 2013-12-24 09:52

Foreclosure homes for sale come in various sizes and shapes. A buyer can choose from any of these styles depending on his or her preference and on how many people are going to live in the property. To make for a better buying decision, buyers should be aware what these different styles are.

Single Family Homes
Also known as single unit houses or detached houses, single family homes are the most common type of dwellings in foreclosure sales. Majority of homes in the U.S. are of this type so buyers will not have any problem finding one that would fit their requirements.

These dwellings have their own yard or lot and are not attached to any other property. Typically, single unit houses can have two to three bedrooms and one to two bathrooms. They are ideal for small families, retirees and even single people.

Semi-Detached Homes
This type is bigger and can accommodate more than one regular sized family. Although such residences have their own lot or yard, the home itself can be two separate dwellings that are attached side by side. This is commonly known as duplex. It can serve as home for two families or owners can knock down the wall that separates the two homes and create a single big house.

Semi detached foreclosure homes for sale can also be comprised of two floors. There are types that have an inner staircase that gives access to the second floor, while there are others that have the access staircase outside the house. These are sometimes called two-decker houses and are ideal for multifamily dwellers or those who plan on having a residence and having a rental property at the same time.

Multi-Unit Homes
Common examples of multi-unit dwellings are apartments and condominiums. These are self-contained residential units housed in a single building or lot. They are more commonly offered as for-rent properties, although individual units can also be sold. Most real estate investors prefer this over other styles.

Multi-unit foreclosure homes for sale usually offer common areas like recreation spots, playgrounds, garden and even pool areas. For people who purchased a unit, they should not expect the garden or any other common area to be part of the package. They can use these areas, but they cannot own them and would still need to share them with other owners and renters in the remaining units.

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